After climbing up, Su Weiqi looked at his horrible car gloomily, and took a deep breath: "Dad, what should I do with my car?"

He was willing to pay to build a house for his family, and the Su family was full of energy, so naturally they had to act quickly now.

Su Boss, Su Weishu patted his chest: "Xiaoqi, we have nothing in our house, except that we don't lack labor."

"Isn't the car stuck in a ditch? Let's lift it out for you!"

A dozen or so men from the Su family picked up shovels and shoveled away the soil that was stuck on the car. The car sank slowly with a thump and fell into the ditch, splashing mud all over the Su family.

The men wiped their faces and lifted the car together without hesitation. It took a lot of effort to fish out the car.

Su Weiqi was touched by the help of his brothers and nephews, and at the same time felt sorry for his car worth more than 2 yuan.

Grandpa Su ordered a boy to find a tractor and drag the car to the town for repairs.

Today's cars not only have a lot of scratched paint on the outside, but the front and body of the car are bumpy and tattered, and now the inside of the car is full of dirt.Not sure what the repairs could turn out to be like.

After the car was settled, Su Weiqi returned home with a gloomy face.

The big guy talked with him, and turned to Mo's house after a few words, especially since Shu Anyang was a broom star. When Su Xiangdi met someone before, the couple entered the ditch with their bicycles.

Who would have thought that Su Weiqi and the car would be dragged into the ditch this time!

Su Weiqi said coldly: "She's just a flirtatious slut, she pretends to be so noble in our house, and she won't let me touch her in order to guard herself like jade... Otherwise, I can't leave home angrily and go to the south..."

"As a result, people looked down on me as a rural person. I was busy doing business before, but I also heard some bad things... saying that the deputy mine manager in our town secretly saved a lot of money and married two lovers. Divorce the yellow-faced woman, and then buy stocks to make a lot of money... Can you guess who these two lovers are?"

The big guys shook their heads, but their fire of gossip was burning brightly.

Su Weiqi laughed again, "One of them is Shu Anyang! Heh, I heard that Mo Haoran also went to the bank to withdraw 23 yuan and bought stocks in Shanghai... No matter how much money he makes as a driver, he can't save so much Bar?"

"Where did the money come from? He's not at home driving all day, and Shu Anyang is unattended, so he can stay at home safely?"

The Su family all began to scold Shu Anyang. "This little girl is dishonest in our house, she pretends to be wronged all day long, who is she hooking up with?"

"It is estimated that she is putting on airs to prevent the youngest from getting her way. She just wants to negotiate some terms. How could she think that the youngest has a temper and is not used to her... The man ran away, so she is envious of us having a man who loves us?"

"She can't live without a man? She was kicked out by us, and immediately entered Mo's house. I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup I gave to that family. Everyone protected her tightly... I heard someone say something bad about her." , the old lady of the Mo family put her hips on her hips and scolded from the beginning of the village to the end of the village..."

"I must have hooked up before..."

"No, we can't let the people in the village be deceived by her charming appearance...I want to go out and talk to his aunt..."

The Su family had just eaten such a refreshing melon, and they were so excited that they didn't even bother to eat. They just ran out with their bowls, chewing their tongues with others.

There are all kinds of people in the village. The Mo family has good character and enthusiasm, and their life is prosperous. There are many people who are jealous of their family.

In particular, the Mo family also robbed the homestead near the provincial road, which means that they can make money by opening the door.

On the surface, the big guys flattered the Mo family and came to help the Mo family build a house. In fact, many of them hoped that the Mo family would have trouble.

But in one night, rumors about Shu Anyang blew up half the village!
When it was almost nine o'clock, the Mo family who were talking in the yard began to tidy up, washed up and went to bed.

Knock, knock, someone knocked on the door.

Mo Haoshun, who was closest to the door, asked and opened the door.

"Where's your second grandma?" The person who came was Aunt Zhu who lived in the front. She had a good relationship with Mo's mother.

The only grandson in her family was so frightened that he had a high fever, and it didn't help when he was sent to the hospital. He still begged to Mo's mother, and he was called out of his wits before he recovered from the fever.

The old Zhu's family kept this kindness in their hearts.

After hearing the words about Shu Anyang, Aunt Zhu thought about it, but she still thought it would be better to mention it to Mo's mother.

Mo Haoshun smiled and said, "Grandma Zhu, my second grandma is in the yard, come in and talk."

Aunt Zhu nodded with a smile, and pulled Mo's mother aside to mutter after entering the yard. "...I asked. It was passed down by the Su family. It is said that the fifth son of the Su family heard it when he came back from the city. He said it with a nose and eyes..."

"A lot of people believe it... I don't think it's very good, so I'll tell you, my sister... The Su family is too deceitful. Anyang is such a good girl, they've tortured her so badly, and they're still ruining her right now." reputation……"

"If I didn't know that this kid behaved decently, I would have been fooled by them..."

Mother Mo's face turned ugly when she heard that, thanked Aunt Zhu, and stuffed a few more eggs.

"This is a double-yolk egg raised at sister-in-law took it to try..."

Aunt Zhu was surprised when she heard this, "Double yolk eggs? This, this is so precious!"

She took a look at the eggs, and they were indeed very big, comparable to duck eggs, so they were probably double-yolk eggs.

Mo's mother smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law gave me the method. In the future, this pair of yolk eggs will be known as Mo's double yolk eggs in Yandian Village."

"Anyang is a blessed person. Just look at it. Those who treat her badly or treat her maliciously will always reap the consequences...and those who treat her sincerely and kindly can also receive real benefits!"

Aunt Zhu nodded again and again: "That's right, Anyang is a good boy, good people get rewarded."

After sending Aunt Zhu away, Mother Mo knocked on the doors of Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang.

"Mom, why are you here?" Mo Haoran was about to rush at his daughter-in-law, when he got excited, he was interrupted by his own mother!

Mo's mother glared at him angrily: "Why, you slept right after entering the room, so I can't find you?"

She felt it was funny in her heart, she used to think that her son didn't like women, otherwise the family would do everything possible to give him a blind date and let the girl go to see him.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the ring is fat, the swallow is thin, there are all kinds of women, but he doesn't look the same.

She thought that she would never be able to hug her grandson in this life, but how could she have thought that her son had someone in his heart, and this anxious look, he was calm and calm outside, like a completely different person.

Mo Haoran frowned at his young daughter-in-law, and rubbed his nose embarrassingly.

Mother Mo cut straight to the point, and asked Mo Haoran in a low voice: "Why do you people in the mine still speak ill of Anyang? It was passed on to the village by that little bastard Su Weiqi."

Shu Anyang looked at Mo Haoran with some doubts.

The latter looked cold, held Shu Anyang's hand, and told the previous things helplessly.

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