Shu Anyang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he would provoke these things in order to repay the noodle shop proprietress for taking her in.

Mo Haoran said coldly: "If we hadn't taken care of the children in Brother Xuemin's family, we would have sent Jiang Xiaofang to prison for three to five years!"

"Now it's just letting her be locked up for a month and a half, which makes her wanton."

Shu Anyang understands that people's words are scary, once a woman's reputation is ruined, it is difficult to reverse her image in people's minds.

Fortunately, she was indeed at home, and the whole Mo family was watching.She didn't step out of the door, and she could still be picked up. It can only be said that the other party has a vicious mind, deliberately diverted attention, and grabbed others casually in order to achieve her goal.

"Brother Haoran, I'll go to work with you tomorrow. The proprietress and I have made a sister-in-law before. She has been busy with business recently, so she hasn't had time to see me... It just so happens that you brought a lot of good things from Shanghai, so I'll give her some... ..."

Mo Haoran nodded, and looked at her apologetically: "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, you obviously did something good, but someone threw dirty water on me because of me."

"Although we have asked Jiang Xiaofang to clarify in public, the impact has already taken place, and the big guys are more willing to believe that the matter is groundless."

"What's more, the news that we bought stocks and made a lot of money has spread. While they are jealous, they naturally don't want us to live a comfortable life."

Mo's mother was confused: "What stock, what makes a lot of money?"

Mo Haoran smiled, and told his mother what he said to the outside world.It was also because they were afraid that their husband and wife would make too much money, which would scare the old man.

Even so, Mo's mother was surprised and happy for her son.I didn't expect him to save so much money by himself.

She couldn't even imagine that stocks are so powerful, 91 yuan can be turned into 800 yuan in one day!
But Mother Mo understands better that the higher the return, the greater the risk, so she naturally wants to tell them a few words, just play with the stocks within the range of their own tolerance occasionally, and don't get lost in their minds.

She believed that the two children knew what was going on, so she just mentioned a few words.

Mo's mother took Shu Anyang's hand, "Anyang, don't be fooled by outside words."

"You are a good daughter-in-law of our Mo family. We all recognize you. How can we believe what others say without thinking?"

"Those people just can't see us well. If you are really angry, take it to your heart. On the contrary, you will break up with your family and have conflicts with Haoran. This is taking advantage of their hearts!"

"Let's go tomorrow and see who dares to talk about you, just put your hips on your hips and curse back, we will take care of everything..."

Shu Anyang smiled and nodded, and said in a low voice: "This Jiang Xiaofang is locked up, otherwise I will definitely beat her with a sack when I meet her."

Mother Mo smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not too late to beat her up after she comes out."

After saying a few words, Mother Mo left.

Mo Haoran is really guilty, if not for himself, his wife would not be implicated.

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and nestled in his arms, "Brother Haoran, this matter is not up to you. I was the one who wanted to wander around your unit, and I happened to be hungry and eat noodles at the noodle shop."

"When encountering injustice, I will definitely take care of it... Don't worry, I'm actually a bit skilled, and I've worked in the Su family these years, and my strength has grown a lot, and your deputy mine manager is not weak."

"Otherwise, I have finally managed to live a comfortable and happy life, so how could I dare to go forward and give away the head foolishly?"

"Everyone doesn't believe that a weak woman like me has kung fu, that's why it's spread that I and the deputy mine manager teamed up with the noodle shop owner's wife to frame Jiang's family."

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the mine for a walk, and I'll use my strength to stop the big guy's gossip!"

Mo Haoran only thought she was comforting himself, "Daughter-in-law, no matter what the situation is, I don't want you to suffer any harm."

"Is that an ordinary occasion? Someone is carrying a wine bottle and using a knife!"

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you try my skills? If you hit me before, I will obediently do what you want tonight, otherwise, you can sleep alone..."

Mo Haoran sneered: "I think you still haven't realized how powerful you are as a man. Before, I was afraid that your body hadn't recovered well, so I held back my strength."

"I have been a soldier for several years. Even if I am demobilized and transferred to another job, I still keep exercising and maintain my physical fitness...Since my daughter-in-law has requested it, the man will naturally deal with you severely..."

The couple silently came and went back and forth in the room, Mo Haoran was amazed that the little woman had such skills.

Shu Anyang's explanation is that he and his mother depend on each other for life. The mother and daughter are good-looking and easy to be bullied, so they both learned some kung fu.

Not to mention how powerful they are, but when they are in danger, they have the ability to escape and save their lives.

But she couldn't act too fiercely, struggling for ten minutes, under his teasing, she could only resign herself to her fate and let the man show off his prestige.

Early the next morning, the two of them didn't have dinner at home, so Mo Haoran took her to a restaurant in the city to eat meat buns on a motorcycle.

The freshly baked buns are still steaming, the skin is thin and filled with fillings, and the fat and thin diced meat is really enjoyable to eat!
Mo Haoran ate five, Shu Anyang also ate five...

There are not many shops in the town, but the private shops open earlier, Mo Haoran bought some snacks for Shu Anyang, and took her to the mine.

"Brother Haoran, you can just put me in the noodle shop at the door. I...Although I am not as good as you, I am more than enough to protect myself against other people, right?"

"Besides, there are people everywhere in the mine. If I yell casually, the comrades on patrol will come here... The Jiang family sister and brother have just been punished and become a model. No one dares to commit crimes against the wind, right?"

After last night's test, the woman is indeed a bit capable, Mo Haoran nodded with a smile, "Okay, if you need something, you can come to me. Or you can call me, do you remember the phone number?"

Shu Anyang blushed, last night he personally performed the numbers one by one, she naturally remembered it very clearly!
She dared to say that she didn't remember, and he was willing to review it for her a hundred and eighty times at night.

Shu Anyang nodded quickly to express that he remembered, and even recited it obediently, proving that he remembered it firmly.

The man laughed lowly: "Sure enough, my memory method is effective, right? Let's use this memory tool more in the future."

Shu Anyang pinched his waist in embarrassment.

The man's flesh is like iron, he doesn't feel anything, but her hands are already sore.

"Sister Juan, my daughter-in-law will be kept with you first, and I'll pick it up after get off work," Mo Haoran didn't even get out of the car, and said to the proprietress with a smile.

Ye Fangjuan saw Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang nodded happily, wiped their hands and walked out: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat my siblings well!"

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