Mo Haoran looked at his own woman reluctantly before riding a motorcycle into the mining area.

Ye Fangjuan dragged Shu Anyang to sit in the store, and it happened that a group of people who had eaten in the morning passed by, and it was not very busy at the moment.

"Did my brother and sister hear about the rumors in the mining area?" Ye Fangjuan asked in a low voice.

Shu Anyang nodded: "Yes, so I came here to see what those people said, don't they know that what they say is a spoonful of dirty water thrown at me?"

"They know, but they feel that chewing people's tongue can bring joy to their hearts... Contribute to smearing others, so that their jealous hearts can be balanced..."

Ye Fangjuan nodded in agreement, her brows were full of worry, "Why can they pour dirty water on us? Especially me... I took my son to open a shop alone to make ends meet... Others thought we made more money, but they didn't see it. I lean here all day and night...especially in summer when the days are long and the nights are short, many people like to come after work to eat, drink and order stir-fried vegetables, and they can eat until midnight, and some people get drunk and make a fool of themselves..."

"I'm always worried, but luckily my eldest son can scare people when he's grown up, and the comrades on patrol are pretty good, they often walk towards me..."

"It's just that there is a lot of gossip in front of the widow's house. Look at what Jiang Xiaofang said? The deputy mine manager is such a good person, he shouldn't be dragged down by me."

Shu Anyang blinked his eyes and smiled lightly: "I see that sister Juan is pretty good. She is beautiful, cooks delicious food, works quickly, and is open-minded."

"And I heard from my partner, sister Juan is still a college student? Because your brother-in-law is too busy with work, you have to suspend your salary and stay at home as a housewife in order to take care of your children."

Ye Fangjuan is the last light in the original owner's heart, presumably the original owner also hopes that the mother and son can be happy and have something to rely on.

In the original world, Hao Xuemin should have had his carotid artery cut and lost blood to death.His departure caused many employees and family members in the mining area to hold candles and pray for him in the middle of the night, which shows the excellence of his character and work ability.

Shu Anyang, who was born again, has met the two of them and thinks they are a good match, especially now that they are both divorced.

In fact, the relationship between husband and wife is important, and personal qualities and conditions are also very important.They are all people who live seriously, why not give it a try?

Ye Fangjuan didn't know what she meant, sighed slightly, and said regretfully: "The deputy mine manager is indeed a rare good person. Whoever can be his partner should be very happy."

"Originally, when I heard that his partner was going to divorce him that day, I was really happy in my heart, because as long as he is single, then the joy I hide in my heart can be released openly."

"But...if such rumors come out, if I walk with the deputy mine manager, wouldn't it confirm what Jiang Xiaofang said?"

"No one else would think that the two of us got together after the deputy mine manager got divorced, but that we were already involved before that... I don't care, but I don't want him to bear that kind of infamy!"

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and shook his head: "Sister Juan, maybe you haven't experienced the passing of life, and you really want to leave the world. At that time, all worries were just a joke on the surface."

"You can't be bound by gossip, why did Jiang Xiaofang release such words?"

"Because she felt the crisis, from an excellent woman like you, what kind of man wouldn't like it?"

"She, even if she wants to talk about divorce, she doesn't want Deputy Mine Manager Hao to live a good life and find a better woman than her. Otherwise, how can she be reconciled?"

"If you feel suitable and have a good impression of each other, it will be a lifetime of regret if you miss the person in front of you because of her disgusting backhand move!"

Ye Fangjuan froze for a moment, thinking about the gentle and quiet man who came to the restaurant every time.

He was also a soldier, and he was quite familiar with equipment. He was taller and more powerful than ordinary people, and he was restrained and calm, exuding a different kind of attractiveness.

But in the past, he was a married man, Ye Fangjuan didn't dare to think about it, she only hoped that she could also find a husband who would live a stable life.

It's just that Hao Xuemin and Jiang Xiaofang were discussing divorce at the noodle restaurant that day, and Ye Fangjuan's suppressed emotions suddenly rushed out.

She doesn't want to miss him!

Ye Fangjuan smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, I'm not firm enough in the first place, and you're persuading me like this..."

Shu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "You can't know if it fits until you get in touch with it."

"Sister Juan has to know what she wants when she starts her second marriage, and whether the other party can get it."

Ye Fangjuan nodded, remembering that when Mo Haoran sent Anyang to Anyang just now, the young couple didn't have many words or actions, but she could clearly feel their deep affection.

How long has it been, she doesn't remember being held in the palm of her hand and pampered.

She really gritted her teeth and struggled to open this noodle restaurant, many times with the help of comrades in the mine.

Hao Xuemin, who is the deputy mine manager, also often participates in the work of condolences to family members.

Ye Fangjuan remembered his kindness to her family.

She didn't know where she was thinking, she suddenly laughed twice, took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "My sister is right, there are many unsatisfactory things in life, it's already hard enough, why can't I take a brave step forward?" ?”

"I like Hao Xuemin, but he may not be satisfied with me. There is nothing wrong with me. Why am I still worried now?"

"As long as Hao Xuemin nods to be my date and gets to know me better, I don't care how the outside world spreads it. Anyway, my reputation has already been ruined, and she won't let me be with Hao Xuemin, so I still want to fight for it!"

Shu Anyang smiled and said: "Then if Sister Juan and Deputy Mine Manager Hao are really married, my partner and I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

Ye Fangjuan also followed her words and said: "That's right, you are my sister, even if you don't pay, I will have the cheek to ask for it."

Shu Anyang talked to her for a while, and when he saw someone coming to eat, he smiled and stood up: "Sister Juan, you go ahead, I'll go to the family courtyard. I'll be back later."

Ye Fangjuan was a little anxious: "Sister, here, many of the family members in this mining area are brought out from the village by workers...they don't speak well, and sometimes they may even do things..."

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "Sister Juan, I'm a bit skilled, and the gangsters brought by brother Jiang Xiaofang can't do anything to me, let alone the women in the family courtyard?"

"I'm afraid they won't cause trouble, otherwise how can I show my strength and prove the water in Jiang Xiaofang's words with my strength!"

Ye Fangjuan patted her forehead, "Look at me, I really forgot how brave my sister was at that time."

The main reason is that Shu Anyang is so beautiful, tall and slender, giving people a soft and cute feeling, and it is too late for people to protect her. Who would have thought that she has good kung fu!

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