Zhaoyang Coal Mine is a large coal mine, because Zhouyan Town has been a very important transportation hub in history, and the train tracks in the town are densely packed. Even if the city people want to go anywhere by car, they must first come to Zhouyan Town to buy a ticket ride.You can see the influence of Zhaoyang Coal Mine!

There are also a lot of workers in the mine. The family area alone has four areas, southeast, north, and north. There are also many family buildings in each area. For example, there are hundreds of buildings connecting the southern area and the western area...

Shu Anyang is wearing a red shirt, a black skirt, big silver earrings, and white sandals. She has a high ponytail swaying around as she walks. Her youthful and beautiful air is just like this early summer. The gentle breeze can always blow people's itching.

As long as she walked into the family courtyard, some young people couldn't help whistling when they saw her.

Some people even came forward with a smile, "Comrade, whose relative are you? I know the North District of our mine very well!"

The people behind stepped forward and hooked the young man's neck, "Hey, you are so fast... Brothers haven't even reacted yet, so you came to be a guide for this lesbian?"

"Comrade, I'm Cheng Xinyuan from our security department. I'm 21 years old. I take one day off work every day. I can take care of my family when I'm free at work. There are two older sisters, one younger brother and one younger sister at home... My parents are dual-employed, and the two older sisters are married... There are three rooms in the family. A big house with two halls, no burden..."

When he said this in a babble, his mouth was immediately covered by the others!

"Cheng Xinyuan, you are so unkind, aren't you? Don't scare the lesbians away... Besides, whoever is in our security department has a poor family and no contacts in the mine?"

"Comrade, none of us have a date..."

Shu Anyang smiled faintly and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I have a date."

The big guy is a little disappointed, but it is also reasonable.Such a beautiful girl, it's no surprise that she doesn't have a partner.

However, although they are employees of the security department, they still participate in various trainings and meetings from time to time. They still have a bottom line, so they can only watch from a distance, regretting that there is no such beautiful girl around them.

Shu Anyang continued to walk to the family courtyard, and the place she went was the place where Hao Xuemin and Jiang Xiaofang lived.

Today is the weekend, and there are quite a lot of children downstairs. Before she got close, she heard them chasing and fighting.

"Hao Zhiyang, you are not allowed to touch the horizontal bar, this is our base, you go away... your uncle is a murderer, your mother is full of lies, we don't play with bad boys..." A little girl's sharp voice came.

"That's right, you are an unwanted child... Your father is going to find you a stepmother soon, and from now on you will be a poor little cabbage..." Another little boy also laughed.

Then the big guys started to sing with their voices squeezed: "Little cabbage...the ground is yellow...seven or eight years old, I left my mother...live well with my father, and I am afraid that my father will marry a stepmother, and raise a brother stronger than me..."

Hao Zhiyang blushed with anger, and shouted loudly: "That's not the case, you guys are talking nonsense, my dad loves me the most, no, he won't marry me a stepmother!"

The children are already bad enough, and the old lady who was passing by now also pouted and said:

"Why not? Your father is not very old, how can he not have a wife? There is no woman in this family, so it is not called family!"

"Your mother said that your father and the proprietress of the noodle shop at the door met each other...he has a son...after marrying in, he will give birth to a younger brother for you...you will become Xiaobai..."

Before she could say that dish, she was thrown into her mouth a rotten apple core that was covered in dust by whoever threw it on the ground!
"Ah bah," the aunt jumped up and down from the sour smell, vomited vigorously, and ran to the faucet to drink water to rinse her mouth.

When she finally calmed down, she turned her head viciously, "Which unconscionable bastard, who has no sense of public morality, throws garbage into people's mouths #$%$%^$% son of a bitch..."

In the end, she saw Shu Anyang standing pretty in the same spot, clapping his hands and raising his eyebrows with a smile on her face, as if he was watching a monkey.And the monkey is her!
The aunt became even more angry, "Who am I? I don't know where the vixen came from. This is because I heard that the deputy mine manager Hao got divorced, so I came here to show my courtesy and stand up for your future stepdaughter..."

As a result, this time, I don't know what Shu Anyang threw over again.

As soon as the aunt stretched her neck, she felt a dark thing slip into her throat, and the stench made her retch while leaning on the tree.

"What did you feed me?"

Shu Anyang smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm from the country, and what we have the most is the sheep dung on the side of the road... This old lady kept spitting out dirty words, I thought it was a trash can, so I put it on my foot. The sticky sheep dung was thrown in."

"There are no side effects. Fertilizing the crops can still yield a bumper harvest in the coming year. Auntie ate sheep dung eggs, and they will grow two taels of meat in the coming year!"

When she heard that it was such a disgusting thing, the aunt felt that her mouth was so stinky that she really had to spit it out this time.

"Hey, ma'am, you have no sense of public morality, right? If you want to solve your physical problems, you go to the toilet. How can you do this anywhere..."

The aunt's stomach churned tightly, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

There were quite a few family members watching the excitement around, and they were so disturbed by Shu Anyang's operation that they dared not make a sound, for fear that this girl who looked beautiful and glamorous, but in fact was vulgar and rude would also throw sheep shit into her mouth.

"Who are you! How dare you run wild in our Zhaoyang Coal Mine!" the aunt asked out of breath, rinsing her mouth again.

Shu Anyang chuckled: "As for me, I am the target of Mo Haoran who you have been talking about many times recently!"

"I don't know how accurately I can throw apple cores and sheep dung eggs. Can I save the son of the noodle shop owner's wife under the wine bottle, and can I avoid the danger of deputy director Hao's throat being cut?"

"Otherwise," she moved her wrists and stepped forward step by step, "Madam Qian, who was used by Jiang Xiaofang, has no brains and a big mouth, can I help you beat the water out of her brain?"

Aunt Qian was stunned, and while stepping back, she asked warily, "You, how do you know me?"

Shu Anyang chuckled and continued to approach, "Ah, it's very simple, who has a curly black hair on the tip of his nose? I suddenly understood a sentence, ugly people do more mischief, tsk tsk, maybe God knows you are a troublesome person , to mark you specially."

"Look at you doing something bad, so I'm going to find you now?"

"Jiang Xiaofang has already been detained for spreading rumors about others. If she wasn't Hao Zhiyang's real mother, I'm afraid she would have to stay for a year or two longer. But Aunt Qian is different. You have no relatives or reasons with the Hao family. How can you be Jiang Xiaofang's frontrunner? Warrior, you don't know how to restrain yourself right now, and are you still trying to spread rumors?"

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