Shu Anyang sneered: "Aunt Qian, don't think that Jiang Xiaofang is the source, you are not wrong to expand your influence."

"That's because we haven't had time to pursue it. It seems that you don't know how to repent. Then I have to report to the comrades in the institute, and I have to arrest you and give you a key education. Set a model, so that the family members will not follow suit. , Distorted the atmosphere in the mine."

"Men work hard outside, and you also work hard at home with children and housework. We can be more positive and don't base our happiness on the pain of others."

"You are responsible for every word you say!"

After finishing speaking, she jumped up suddenly, spun around, and kicked a branch as thick as a wrist off a tree, "Brother Haoran and I have just been married for two months, and we only came to the mine once, and it was only at the mine. After eating in a noodle restaurant, I was picked up by disgusting things."

"I thought that the pure will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. I didn't expect you to spread gossip without discerning the truth."

"I don't care, but the mother and son of the noodle shop owner, and the father and daughter of deputy mine manager Hao, have a bad reputation. It's really hard to find a partner in the future..."

"Are you responsible? Are you qualified to be responsible?"

The family members kept their mouths tightly shut by what she said.They are not children, even if they have no education, they also understand that gossip is all false rumors, and the words that reach their ears have been distorted and processed countless times.

But they not only listened to it, kept it in their hearts, but also added their own exaggeration and passed it down.

Shu Anyang didn't expect that there was no one in the family courtyard who could fight with him for a while, so he concluded: "To put it bluntly, whether it's deputy mine manager Hao or the proprietress of the noodle shop, why are they bothering you?"

"They are now unmarried men and women, and they don't spend your money, and they don't beat your children. Did they climb the wall of your house, or smashed your house? What's the matter with you?"

"One by one, they treat themselves as onions, adding drama... Don't you remember what kind of contribution Deputy Mine Manager Hao made to the mining area, and how the noodle shop owner's wife became a widow and you poked her back?"

"You are picking up the bowl and calling your mother, put down the bowl and scolding your mother! Your own heart is ugly, and you are accusing others of being immoral... Bah, because of you, they have a bad reputation, maybe they really hug each other to keep warm..."

"If deputy factory manager Hao and the proprietress of the noodle shop are really married, I, as a witness to this oolong, will definitely give a big red envelope, and you are all matchmakers who are helping the flames, so you must be there to send substantial blessings Nah..."

Shu Anyang first gave Hao Xuemin and Ye Fangjuan a vaccination for the masses.

When the two of them really get together, it will be persecuted by gossip!
After finishing speaking, Shu Anyang walked up to Hao Zhiyang, and pointed at the brats who were bullying the little girl with his hands.

"How did your adults educate them?"

"You listen to what you believe and don't say it, and you stab people with knives and salt... Children, you have to be kind, otherwise when you grow up, you will be the group of people who don't respect your elders, don't know how to be respectful, and drag society down... ..."

"When others are in trouble and danger, as neighbors, classmates, friends or alumni, you don't talk about comforting Hao Zhiyang, and you feel sorry for her temporary lack of maternal love, but you keep pushing aside and ridiculing."

"Touch your conscience, doesn't it hurt?"

"Why are people living in groups? That is when everyone is in crisis and needs help from others, so we have to reach out in advance when others are in trouble, otherwise when we need help, who will come? I am afraid that everyone People who are selfish and useless to themselves are avoided..."

After all, the children were not very knowledgeable. After she said a few words, they all lowered their heads in shame and apologized to Hao Zhiyang.

Hao Zhiyang didn't cry when she knew her parents were divorcing, she didn't cry when she knew her mother Jiang Xiaofang didn't want her, and she didn't cry when others insulted and excluded her.

But listening to the beautiful aunt's words of defense for her, everyone who bullied her was reprimanded and dared not open their mouths.

Hao Zhiyang's tears couldn't hold back anymore, they fell to the ground like beads with a broken string.

Shu Anyang sighed slightly, touched the little girl's head, "Why are you still crying?"

"Cry, let's cry loudly and happily. Don't take it to your heart what other people say later, just treat it as if they farted indecently and smoked you."

"Let's cover our noses, plug our ears, close our eyes, and turn on the blocking mode for them."

Hao Zhiyang was amused by her, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, if other people say bad things, I will treat them as if they farted!"

"Not only do you have to remind me, don't let it go in front of you next time..." Shu Anyang added. "When others play with each other, don't pass the smell to you..."

Everyone... They think they are from the countryside, and they are already vulgar enough. Why do these lesbians eat one by one...

But I have to say that Shu Anyang's method is not elegant, but it is very effective.

To deal with people like them, you can only be more ruthless than them and more understandable, so that they can completely turn this matter over!

Hao Zhiyang was taught by Professor Shu Anyang, pinching his waist and confidently staring everyone away one by one.

Shu Anyang then smiled and patted Hao Zhiyang on the head, "That's right, people are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden by others. You have to behave fiercely, so that others dare not bully you."

"What do we have to be afraid of? If something happens, you can go to your father, teacher, or the uncles in the institute. Those people will not continue to base their happiness on the pain of others until they are in pain or afraid. .”

Hao Zhiyang nodded appreciatively, his dark eyes were full of seriousness and admiration.

"I'm going to learn Kung Fu, I'm as good as Auntie!"

"I heard from my grandma that if my aunt hadn't pinched the bad guy's arm in time, I would really be a poor child without a mother and a father."

"Thank you auntie!"

As she spoke, she solemnly bowed three ninety degrees to Shu Anyang.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Although I said that I saved your father, I would say that I would draw my sword to help when the road is injustice, but you can't show your prestige until you have the ability to protect yourself."

"Those who drown are those who know how to swim, and those who are killed are those who are stubborn... If you want to learn Kung Fu, you can do it, but you must know that the original intention of learning Kung Fu is to protect yourself first, then protect your family, and then protect your family. Help others within your ability. Understand?"

She doesn't want the little fan girl she harvested to do stupid things in the future because of blind worship.

Hao Zhiyang nodded again and again, "I will. If you sacrifice yourself to help others, then other people's lives are important, and mine are not important?"

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