Shu Anyang said earnestly: "Besides, your father gave birth to a child with your stepmother, and this relationship and marriage are stronger...Xiao Zhiyang, you should trust your father..."

"Even if he finds a wife, he still wants a good woman who can treat you well and treat you as his own."

"All you have to do is to help your father investigate the other party..."

The little guy has been brainwashed by Jiang Xiaofang for a long time, and he is afraid that he is extremely resistant to his stepmother in his heart.

Shu Anyang had to talk to her clearly so that she could distinguish good from bad.Ten-year-old children already have their own thinking logic.

Speaking of this, Shu Anyang didn't say any more, and let the little girl figure it out by herself.

Seeing Shu Anyang coming back and leading Hao Zhiyang, the proprietress Ye Fangjuan was stunned for a moment, then she welcomed the two of them in with a warm smile, "Have you not had breakfast yet, kid?"

"What do you want to eat, tell auntie!"

Hao Zhiyang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Auntie, how do you know I didn't have breakfast?"

Ye Fangjuan smiled and said, "It's very simple. Your shirt is tucked into your trousers, and your belly is flat. And you walk weakly, so Auntie guesses that you haven't eaten breakfast."

The problem is that after breakfast, Shu Anyang will not bring this girl here at this point.

"Auntie has just marinated a lot of delicious food, can I get you a plate?"

Hao Zhiyang glanced at Shu Anyang, and under the latter's encouraging gaze, he pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "Auntie, give us two bowls of rice noodles, and another plate of stewed vegetables."

"how much is it?"

Ye Fangjuan waved her hand: "What money do you want, isn't this burying me?"

Shu Anyang propped his chin and said, "You want to pay, Sister Juan, you want us to come once, and you won't come anymore?"

"Feelings belong to feelings, business belongs to business, and brothers are still clear about it, we have to break it up, otherwise it will affect the relationship..."

Ye Fangjuan said with a helpless smile: "All right, all right, anyway, I can't say no to my sister."

"Since I took your money, it's okay to add two spoonfuls of meat, right?"

Shu Anyang nodded, "Of course, we are all thinking about the meatballs made by Sister Juan."

The rice noodles made by Ye Fangjuan are very classic Yunnan rice noodles. The big bone soup is served with sour radish, thin kelp and meat sauce. Stir with the rice noodles evenly, and the taste buds are all pleasing after one bite.

Knowing that Shu Anyang has a big appetite, she specially used a big bowl.

However, she didn't know that Shu Anyang had already eaten five meat buns as big as her face in the morning.

At this moment, Shu Anyang is happily holding a pot, and it is mixed with braised noodles!
"Sister Juan's craftsmanship is really good. No wonder there are several noodle restaurants on the street that are not as lively as Sister Juan's."

Ye Fangjuan said with a smile: "I like to be the best in everything I do. I was like this when I was studying, but my brain is stupid and I can't turn fast enough. I only took a specialist exam..."

"Later, I got married and resigned to become a housewife at home, so I started to delve into cooking and sewing clothes."

"I have been cooking for more than ten years, and I was lucky enough to learn Sichuan-style noodles and Yunnan rice noodles, so I can open a shop."

As a businessman, Ye Fangjuan has long been used to putting on a three-pointed smile when meeting people, which leaves a good impression on people, and coupled with her excellent craftsmanship, noodle shops have a good business.

Hao Zhiyang buried her head in eating, but she also listened with her ears up, making little comments in her heart.

After dinner, Shu Anyang sent Hao Zhiyang home first.

When they were about to leave, Hao Zhiyang suddenly said, "Does Aunt Mo want the proprietress of Happy Noodle Restaurant to be my stepmother?"

Shu Anyang was a little surprised at her sensitivity, and smiled without denying it: "I don't know Xiao Zhiyang, what is your impression of Aunt Juan?"

Hao Zhiyang looked at Shu Anyang, hesitant, but she answered honestly: "It's good to look at her now, but, the stepmother of Snow White in the fairy tale, she was also good to her at first."

Shu Anyang rubbed her hair: "Silly boy, not only you are worried, adults are also worried about each other."

"The so-called Lu Yao knows people's hearts for a long time. Marriage is a big gamble. I wonder if you would like to take a gamble with your father?"

Hao Zhiyang opened his mouth in surprise.She thinks about it too, she always looks for anyone, and she has never lived together, so who knows if the person opposite is a ghost?

"Then," her head was about to catch fire today, "then I'll just listen to my dad. Everyone says my dad is amazing, so he will definitely help me choose a good stepmother."

"Aunt Mo is right, I can't be influenced by the outside voices, there are still many good people in this world!"

Shu Anyang smiled and said, "Young children can be taught."

The news about her came from the North District. Shu Anyang went to other family districts for a while, but didn't hear anything.

After all, the mining area's family courtyard is very large, and there will be news every day, so they won't stay on one thing for too long.

And sometimes the best way to deal with gossip is to deal with it coldly.

As soon as she came out of the East District, she saw Mo Haoran who had borrowed a bicycle and was looking for her everywhere.

Mo Haoran subconsciously looked at her from top to bottom, and saw that her clothes were clean without many creases, so he slowly let go of his grip.

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry? I'll take you to the canteen for dinner... The food in the canteen in our mine is not bad... The workers in our mine come from several places, and [-]% of them are from Zishi ..."

"People in Zishi are better at cooking, you have to try it later..."

They went to the second floor of the cafeteria, a half-open private room, and ordered three small stir-fries.

"Huzi, why don't you stay in our mine honestly, why are you running to the city so hard? Have you made a name for yourself?"

In the private room next door is a group of young men, eating food, drinking beer, talking and laughing.

The young man called Huzi laughed and said, "I'm in our mine. I don't have any strong connections to work on the ground, and I don't have any qualifications to enter the office..."

"When I went down the well last time, a place collapsed and crushed my worker's leg...I was frightened, so I went to the city to find a job regardless of my family's opposition...We have no education or skills, just in a The company acts as a security guard..."

The big guy asked him curiously what company he was in, did he see the boss, and what kind of benefits he received.

Huzi knows everything about his friends, and he can answer whatever he is asked.

"I was lucky. Because of a small matter, I got a relationship with the boss, so I was able to enter the Zongjia Furniture City as a security guard."

Hearing the Zongjia Furniture City, everyone gasped and praised Huzi for his luck.

The owner of Zongjia Furniture City is the richest man in Ji City, and the company is also the number one taxpayer in the city!And the company has good employee benefits.

The big guy urged Huzi to talk more about work and the boss's family.

Huzi picked up a few things that were not too important and shared them with the big guys, but he changed his voice and said in a low voice, "Don't Boss Zong have a daughter that he loves very much?"

"Boss Zong wants to find a husband for her daughter!"

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