The big guys are all interested, and the voice of urging Huzi is even more urgent: "Hurry up, Huzi, tell us about it? Why is the boss of this business still recruiting a son-in-law with his daughter?"

"Wouldn't recruiting a son-in-law be the same as recruiting, our unmarried young people can participate in the election?"

It stands to reason that the Zongjia Furniture City is very big, and the boss is looking for a suitable partner for his daughter, and he will not recruit a husband with great fanfare.

"The daughter of the clan doesn't worry about getting married?"

Huzi said in a low voice: "I heard that it's because the daughter of the Zong family has been unlucky recently. She can fall flat when she walks, chokes herself if she doesn't pay attention to drinking water, and even if she takes an elevator, she will encounter breakdowns. Are you worried about it all day long?" There must be more than a dozen."

"Businessmen are more feudal and superstitious, so Boss Zong specially asked someone to take a look... Who knows if that person has real skills, so he said that the daughter of the Zong family had better marry herself within a month, otherwise her luck would be bad." It's getting worse and worse! There may even be life-threatening..."

The big guys looked at each other and laughed: "It's not scary to be uneducated, what I'm afraid of is being fooled by others without knowing it."

"Organizations all promote science to break feudal superstition, why does Boss Zong stubbornly attribute unlucky things to luck?"

"It can't be that expert who wants to sell his nephew?"

Hu Zi shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know about that... Anyway, everyone is discussing, saying that Miss Zong's family is such a good girl, she is beautiful, and she graduated from a prestigious university. She is really a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting She is proficient in everything, like a lady in ancient times, and I can't blame Zong Boss for treating her as the apple of his eye."

"But..." He lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Some people also say that Boss Zong has several children, just Zong Shaoyi has five older brothers with the same father and mother, and each of them has a family and works as an employee in the company. Position."

"Boss Zong also has many lovers outside, and many illegitimate children, just this girl."

"It seems that Ms. Zong is favored, but her brothers and sisters-in-law are on guard against her, especially since she just graduated from university and joined the company. Everyone is afraid that Boss Zong will get confused and pass the company to Ms. Zong, or secretly distribute it to her. Less stuff."

"So, these brothers and sisters-in-law, and even her little girl invited someone to take her luck..."

The eldest lady of the Zongjia Furniture City in Jishi?
Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly.This Su Weiqi runs a clothing store, mainly selling women's clothing, I don't know if there is any connection between this.

Thinking of this, she approached Mo Haoran with a light smile, and whispered: "Brother Haoran, when shall we go to the city?"

Mo Haoran squeezed her hand, said with a smile: "Okay, our town is small after all, there is no place to play."

"But there are still many places to go in the city. Let's watch movies, go to the zoo, go boating... and go to the mall by the way, and buy some food and clothing."

Shu Anyang hummed.

After dinner, Mo Haoran went to work, while she wandered around the mine.

After walking a few steps, she saw Huzi waiting for the bus.

Shu Anyang rolled his eyes and walked over, "Hi, comrade, I heard you just said, Zong Shaoyi? Which Zong, which Shao, and which Yi?"

Huzi froze for a moment, turned his head and saw the petite and beautiful woman, his eyes didn't know where to look for a moment.

Before he could turn his head, his mouth was bald honestly: "It's the ancestor's Zong, the Shaohua's Shao, and the Fenglaiyi's Yi...not comrades, you, why are you asking this?"

Shu Anyang smiled and said, "Because, I used to be classmates with her!"

Not to mention, this is true, or this is the mission world, where there are coincidences everywhere.

"Before I was in high school in Zhenyi Middle School, and she just transferred to another school. We were deskmates for half a year."

"When you go back, if you have a chance, you can ask her if she recognizes Shu Anyang, the very beautiful and smiling deskmate who dropped out of school."

"If she remembers me, we can make an appointment to meet, and then we have to ask comrades to go to Xingfu Noodle Restaurant to deliver the letter for me, or tell my partner is Mo Haoran from the transportation team..."

Huzi memorized it carefully, afraid that he would forget, so he took out the pen and paper in his bag and asked her to write down the name.

Hearing her mentioning Mo Haoran, Huzi smiled and said, "I know Comrade Mo Haoran!"

"I heard that he married a beautiful wife before, and it is true... Well, if I meet Miss Zong, I will send a message for my sister-in-law."

Shu Anyang nodded, "I'm basically free at any time, by the way, you can whisper something to her, just say that I have relatives who have studied Feng Shui."

"Maybe I can help her, but the premise is that she must keep this secret!"

Huzi nodded solemnly, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely bring the message for you."

Just when the bus came, Huzi got on the bus and waved to leave.

Shu Anyang stood there for a while.She faintly felt that there was a connection between Zong Shaoyi and Su Weiqi, which was an intuition.

But in the end, she had to see Zong Shaoyi to ask.

Hao Xuemin went to the cafeteria to get dinner first after get off work.

Before he divorced Jiang Xiaofang and used a knife, there was a lot of trouble.

The big guy looked at the hideous blood scab on his neck, which was indeed quite close to the carotid artery.

They were all thankful for him, as expected, good people are rewarded with good rewards, it was because of his great fortune that he was able to escape from hell.

Every time he goes to the cafeteria to cook, the chefs always serve him a lot, and there is also a lot of meat.

Today, a cafeteria made sweet and sour pork ribs, and Hao Xuemin ordered two servings, and another serving of ground three delicacies, and a serving of stir-fried bean sprouts, plus two large slices of steaming steamed buns.

Just as Hao Xuemin opened the door, he saw in surprise that his daughter was already standing at the door.

He is usually busy with work, thinking that the child will be watched by his mother, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Who knew that Jiang Xiaofang was so cruel to her own child, as if she wasn't her own. If there was anything delicious, she secretly gave it to her younger brother, not to mention saving a mouthful for her daughter.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaofang also regards her daughter as a punching bag, whether it is from her mother's family or her husband's family, whenever she is wronged, no matter how much she looks at her daughter, she will definitely secretly punish the child for not eating, or pinch her a few times.

The child also becomes introverted and not talkative, let alone take the initiative to get close to him.

Hao Xuemin felt guilty that he only cared about his work and ignored his family, but if he could devote more energy to his children, he couldn't let her bear so much.

It was Hao Zhiyang who heard that his parents were divorced, so he secretly drank some red wine that was not put away at home, and saw his father come back hugging and crying, and told these grievances, but Hao Xuemin didn't hurt badly.

Especially when the child was tired and fell asleep, they all yelled not to let him find a vicious stepmother for her, and didn't want to be a cabbage.

From then on, he decided to train the child to become a talent by himself!

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