Chapter 169 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (63)

Hao Xuemin was a little flattered by his daughter standing at the door to greet him, and asked with a tentative smile, "Yangyang is going out?"

Hao Zhiyang shook his head, and said in a low voice, "I, I just want to see what delicious food Dad bought."

Knowing that the little girl was shy, Hao Xuemin didn't continue to ask, "I have your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, ground three delicacies..." He reported them one by one.

"The aunt who cooks rice knows that I made rice for you and gave you a lot of meat. Go wash your hands and eat!"

Hao Zhiyang stepped forward to take Hao Xuemin's briefcase and hung it on the clothes rack behind the door.

"Dad, today I was chased by the children and called a child without a mother. Aunt Mo helped me."

Hao Xuemin frowned, "Yangyang, who yelled? Dad went door to door to seek justice for you."

"Our family, Yangyang, is so well-behaved and obedient, why is he isolated by them? So what if he doesn't have a mother, and Yangyang's father is still the deputy mine manager!"

In fact, Hao Xuemin didn't care too much about his appointment as deputy mine manager.The efforts he has made are nothing but to realize his personal value.

Personal value has been realized in stages, and his rewards are naturally generous.

He doesn't like to use his status to overwhelm others, nor does he like to be complacent and superior, and he even prefers others to treat him as an ordinary employee.

But facing his daughter being bullied, Hao Xuemin is willing to use his identity as the deputy mine manager to warn everyone.

He contributed to the big guys, but he didn't expect his family to suffer such aggrieved!

Hao Zhiyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Aunt Mo has already pissed me off, talking so much that the big guy doesn't say a word."

Hao Xuemin rubbed her head, "Then I have to treat Uncle Mo and Aunt Mo to dinner later, they have helped us a lot."

Hao Zhiyang nodded again and again, "I'll eat at the Laozi restaurant opposite, order more food..."

Hao Xuemin responded with a smile: "Okay, just listen to our little housekeeper."

During the meal, Hao Zhiyang even picked up spare ribs and meat for Hao Xuemin several times.

Hao Xuemin always felt that his daughter was going to make a big move and was frightened, especially Hao Zhiyang didn't even let him wash the dishes!

"Girl, if you have anything to say, just tell Dad, let's stop being so formalistic."

"Dad usually doesn't do much housework at home. It's fine if he doesn't cook for you. How can he let you wash the dishes?"

Hao Zhiyang just had a heart-to-heart talk with Shu Anyang and felt that his father was pretty good, but he was busy, so he didn't take good care of her.

She is willing to slowly open her heart to him.

"Father, I won't stop you from finding a stepmother for me, but I hope you can find a stepmother who likes me, is willing to treat me as a daughter, is kind, loves my father, and can live a good life!"

Hao Xuemin was startled by the girl's words and coughed, "It's not a girl, you, why do you think so?"

"Father doesn't care... You don't need to wrong yourself to accept stepmother because of what other people said... Dad is enough to have you now. There is no need to add another person to disrupt our peaceful and happy life."

Hao Zhiyang looked at his father with his chin tilted and his head tilted.

Although Hao Xuemin has a 20-year-old nephew, in fact he is only 33 years old. He is in the best period of a man, capable, responsible and successful.

It is not an exaggeration to describe him as young.His figure is in place, and he has not passed the [-]th threshold, but he has developed horizontally or has signs of baldness.

Such a man has to work hard while taking care of her.

She was tired and worried for him. "But only my father and my house are always deserted, not lively or warm at all."

"A home is not complete without its mistress."

"Father, I'm not angry, I'm expressing my thoughts to you seriously."

"I can't be unwilling to take risks and accept new family members because I want more love from my father. This is my fault. Dad has to have his own life."

"I don't want to be a drag on my father. You can marry another daughter-in-law, but she has to really like me, and I really like her..."

Hao Xuemin understood that it must be Shu Anyang who counseled the child.

Stepmother in this era is not such a nice word, there are only so many family supplies, even a few biological children can't keep a bowl of water, let alone not relatives.

If the other party also has a child, the closeness and distance can be understood at a glance, this is human nature!

After Hao Xuemin experienced Jiang Xiaofang, he was not sensitive to women for the time being, and he felt that he owed his child, so he never thought of finding a stepmother for the child.

Now, every word of Hao Zhiyang's words is printed in his mind.

Yes, without a woman, a family cannot be established, and a child's life is incomplete without the love of his mother.

It's just that it's not easy to find a stepmother who can treat her stepdaughter as her own daughter.

Hao Xuemin smiled and rubbed Hao Zhiyang's head, "Okay, then Dad will try his best to help you find a qualified stepmother!"

Hao Zhiyang blinked, "Then Dad, what do you think of Aunt Ye?"

Hao Xuemin was stunned for a moment, "Which Auntie Ye?"

Hao Zhiyang stared at him and said seriously: "It's the proprietress of the Happy Noodle Restaurant at the gate of our mining area."

"The big guys are telling her that it's because Dad and Auntie Ye filed for divorce."

Hao Xuemin laughed a little, "What do children want to do so much? You just need to eat, drink, have fun, and keep up with your studies."

Hao Zhiyang took his hand, shook it and asked, "Dad, what do you say, what do you say..."

Hao Xuemin thought for a while and said, "Your Auntie Ye has good personal conditions. You can also see that there is almost nothing to be picky about her appearance, education and behavior."

"For so many years, she has raised the child by herself. Others say that widows have a lot of gossip, but she rarely has similar rumors."

"Except for your mother's random grabbing and biting... Speaking of which, I have hurt her reputation... However, I don't have much contact with her, and it's hard to make a deep evaluation of her."

Hao Zhiyang nodded, "Dad, anyway, if someone introduces you, don't rush to refuse, at least do some research, what if there is a suitable one?"

"I don't want to be a drag on you. You have to have your own life."

Hao Xuemin hugged her emotionally, "Silly boy, Dad knows it well. Wait, Dad will find you a good mother!"

Hao Zhiyang responded with a smile, and she didn't know why, she was particularly resistant to her stepmother before, but today she had a conversation with Aunt Mo, and felt that she was narrow-minded before.

It was as if the door in front of her was opened, and the world suddenly opened up. No matter how powerful the stepmother is, she can't compare with her own mother, right?

She only hoped that her father would be happy and not be fooled by her own mother for the rest of her life.

Life is long, and to Dad, her biological mother is just a ridiculous episode.He has to keep moving forward!
(End of this chapter)

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