Huzi can reach Zongjia Furniture City directly by bus.

This furniture city is very large, covering an area of ​​about three acres, with a total of three floors. It mainly sells various furniture, office supplies and fabrics, etc., with complete and novel styles, reasonable prices, and excellent services. It is well-known in the whole city. .When almost every household moves, they have to go here for a walk.

Those who have money can buy the whole set, and those who are short of money can even buy a chair cover and curtains.

Whenever customers who come to buy things spend more than 50 yuan, the furniture city will present a set of moving gift boxes.

The business of the Zongjia Furniture City is booming. Boss Zong came up with ideas one after another, allowing the company's business to expand to the entire province and city.Even at the national furniture exchange meeting, they also received a solemn invitation.

The boss of Naihe Zong started working hard in his 40s, and now he is in his [-]s, and the grown-up sons have already competed openly and secretly, making the company a mess.

Not only the sons, but also the mothers of the sons also quarreled with Boss Zong, for fear that their sons would suffer.

Boss Zong hides everywhere except for work every day. It is troublesome to have too many women and sons!

It was his only daughter, Zong Shaoyi, who loved painting wholeheartedly, and was sent to the Kyoto Academy of Fine Arts to study for a few years.

She just came back not long ago.Originally, he wanted to open a gallery for his daughter, but he just started, and the whole family was making noise.

They all felt that the property of the Zong family belonged to the son, and it was already very good that Zong Shaoyi could be favored by him, that he had everything from snacks to clothing, and that he went to the capital to study.

Now she can earn her living by herself, just go to any newspaper office or the propaganda department of her work unit, and even open a gallery, whose money will she use?
Boss Zong was so angry, he wasn't dead yet, why couldn't he even protect his daughter?
Therefore, he desperately tried to open a studio for his daughter.

However, he had just selected a land with Zong Shaoyi, and hadn't discussed the purchase yet.Zong Shaoyi suddenly had bad luck, and there were at least a dozen major and minor troubles a day.

This matter has been dragged on until now!

Boss Zong was very afraid that his only daughter would encounter unexpected disasters while walking on the street, so he hired several bodyguards to protect her.

Huzi went to work normally, and after two or three days, he saw Zong Shaoyi who was summoned by the boss to the office for a blind date.

He bravely stepped forward and bowed to say hello: "Ms. Zong, hello, your high school classmate Shu Anyang, let me give you a word."

"Said she wanted to meet you if you remembered her."

Zong Shaoyi paused and turned around, the heel of her high heels got stuck on the iron railing of the sewer!

Now she has faced such a small accident without changing her face.She broke free directly and pulled the heel off.

She also knocked off the heel of another shoe.

Zong Shaoyi now had some joy on her face, "Anyang? Where is Anyang now? Is she willing to show up to see me?"

Huzi didn't quite understand the relationship between them, so he nodded with a smile: "If you want, then I'll send a message to Comrade Shu Anyang."

Zong Shaoyi thought for a while, "I'm worried about how to deal with my father. Where is she, I'll go and stay with her for a few days!"

Huzi then told about how he was accosted while waiting for the car.

Zong Shaoyi turned around and walked out.

The bodyguards hurriedly followed, "Miss, the boss is calling you to go on a blind date."

Zong Shaoyi glanced at the person who spoke, "I want to go to you, my dad asked him to deal with it himself. I can't just marry myself just because of luck!"

As she said that, she got into the car and told the driver to go to the happy noodle shop on the mine.

When Zong Shaoyi inquired about Yandian Village along the way, Shu Anyang was making lo mei with Mo's mother.

Shu Anyang has already helped the people in other rooms to choose suitable craftsmanship for opening. When they arrived at Mo's mother, they discussed it and made it into a fast food model.

There are meat and vegetables, and the price range is very wide, and people of any family status can afford it!

Zong Shaoyi sniffed the smell, "Wow, it smells so good...ah..."

Before the last "na" could be said, she stepped on the poop pulled by some dog at the door, and her whole foot sank into it, almost burying it and sticking to her foot.

A sharp cry made Shu Anyang and Mo's mother drop the things in their hands and rush out.

Zong Shaoyi had already taken off her shoes and wiped away tears, "It's too bullying, how could you treat me like this..."

That is, she can feel the law of bad luck, because she lives in a regular way, and there are only so many bad luck that can be encountered over and over again.

Her heart is strong enough to face those difficult problems without changing face.

But she was planning to go to Shu Anyang, and wanted to stay in the countryside for a few more days to relax.

Unexpectedly, she passed on bad luck to everyone, causing them to take a detour for more than an hour.

The driver also understands that the eldest lady has been possessed by bad luck recently, so she should drive extra cautiously.

It's all at the door of the house, and Zong Shaoyi has been recruited!

The problem is that getting hit once is just the beginning of this kind of bad luck. In the future, she can completely imagine the misery of feeling all kinds of poop on her feet...

She just started crying, and the discomfort of so many days came out all of a sudden.

Shu Anyang looked at Zong Shaoyi wearing a white lace dress and a goose yellow sun hat, squatting on the big rock in front of their house, wiping her tears with her feet up.

She smiled and shook her head, but before she could make a sound, Mo's mother beside her gave a gasp.

Zong Shaoyi suddenly raised her head, "Auntie, did you see anything?"

Mo's mother frowned and looked at her, and said twice, "Girl, your luck has been low recently, and the lower your luck is, the more bad things will happen... When it reaches a certain level, your life may be in danger. "

Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, it was true.

Su Weiqi's jade pendant was able to detect the luckiest person nearby, like a blood-sucking bug crawling on it, sucking it greedily.

If a person's fortune is low to a certain level, he can be choked to death by drinking saliva!

Anyone who is smart and restrained knows that wool cannot catch a sheep.

But this jade pendant can steal people's luck, so it's not a good thing. It's something that bites people and won't give up. If you don't suck up the luck of the target mission, you won't give up.

I'm afraid Su Weiqi went back to his hometown, or maybe he provoked some powerful people there.

Zong Shaoyi asked nervously: "Ma'am, my dad has found many people, and they all said the same thing about me. Then do you have any way to crack it?"

Mother Mo didn't answer, but instead asked: "Then what did they suggest to you?"

Zong Shaoyi answered honestly: "Let me get married within a month!"

Mother Mo snorted coldly after hearing this: "Confused. Girl, your fortune really can't last for a month, and those people's suggestion is to let your partner's fortune pass to you and continue to be consumed."

"When your future partner's fortune is exhausted, he will go to Huangquan Road first... And besides continuing to marry and taking luck for the villain, you have only one dead end..."

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