Mother Mo didn't beat around the bush, "If I want to get rid of it, I have to know who did it. Even so, I can't guarantee that I can help you."

"Otherwise, there's nothing I can do. After all, girl, you have a very powerful technique that cannot be broken by ordinary people."

Zong Shaoyi was taken aback.She suddenly understood the struggle on those people's faces.

They are using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, but they are also doing things that kill people's lives!
If she really agreed with her father's proposal and married herself off quickly, wouldn't she become an accomplice and executioner?

Shu Anyang pursed her lips slightly. She tried her best to crack the jade pendant on Su Weiqi's chest, but failed to completely destroy it.

Now that jade pendant has absorbed half of Zong Shaoyi's luck.

Shu Anyang suddenly remembered that the hero's golden finger was first introduced in the novel, and then there was a setting, that is, after the jade pendant absorbs a certain amount of luck, it can hide in the host's body to protect itself.

If Yupei is really fused with Su Weiqi, how can she help Zong Shaoyi break it?

Shu Anyang looked at Mo's mother: "Mom, if you know who moved the hands and feet, what should you do?"

Mo's mother patiently explained: "For this person, talent, hard work and luck are all indispensable. Luck seems invisible, but it is hidden in all parts of our body, which cannot be perceived and detected."

"This luck is like the probability of tossing a coin. Most of them are five to five, and the lucky ones may be six to four, seven to three...the unlucky ones are four to six, three to three." Seven...people's mood, feng shui, the presence of villains, etc., will all affect..."

"Of course, some people like to use crooked ideas to achieve their goals, such as absorbing other people's luck to improve their own luck... But what they absorb is only one-time use, and their own luck remains unchanged... "

"It's very easy to get rid of it. You only need to be casted by the person who has benefited from the spell. As long as it takes a long time, it can be reversed... This is called success, Xiao He, defeat, Xiao He in our industry..."

Shu Anyang was stunned, "Mom, you mean it's like a blood transfusion, it can be transfused frontally or backward?"

Mother Mo nodded with a smile: "That's what it means. The premise is that we have to find the right person, otherwise we will only strengthen the opponent's strength during the test!"

Shu Anyang snapped his fingers, "Then let's try one by one, we can't find Zong Shaoyi for no reason, right?"

That jade pendant can detect people with great luck, but Su Weiqi needs to know Zong Shaoyi's birth date.Besides Zong Shaoyi's family, outsiders don't know about this matter, right?
Therefore, the Zong family really had to have someone who didn't like Zong Shaoyi.

Zong Shaoyi responded after hearing this: "Yes, for such a bad thing, someone must hate me for not being able to do it, so they used dirty tricks."

"He'd better pray that I don't catch me, or I'm sure to kill him!"

After saying this, Zong Shaoyi was in a much better mood, stood up with Shu Anyang's arm, hopped into the house with one foot, "You all go back, in the village you will be regarded as hooligan leaders and gang-beaten. "

"Whenever I want to go back, I'll call you again!"

The bodyguards looked at each other, but none of them moved.

The young lady is now so sad that she is stepping on dog shit, wiping tears and crying. They don't pay more attention to it, and clean up the place where she walks in advance. The young lady will thoroughly understand the excrement of livestock and poultry in the countryside!

Zong Shaoyi stared at them: "You also heard what Auntie said just now, if you don't want to be unlucky ghosts, then I will touch you..."

The bodyguards shuddered, and for some reason, a sentence flashed in their minds, it's also romantic to be a ghost under a pomegranate skirt!

Speaking of this, Zong Shaoyi quickly let go of Shu Anyang's arm, and said angrily: "I was careless, I forgot about it, and I can't have physical contact with people."

Shu Anyang shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, I was unlucky enough before, whether I'm lucky now."

"It's not short of these few steps."

Zong Shaoyi turned around and jumped up and down to catch the bodyguards.

Sure enough, they couldn't help but retreat, "Miss, men and women can't kiss each other...and Boss Zong pays us wages. We have to listen to his orders..."

Zong Shaoyi frowned, "Then you all should live in the town and wait for my call."

Only then did the bodyguards come down and drove away.

At this time, Mother Mo had already found a pair of old cloth shoes, "Girl, I see that your feet are similar to my daughter-in-law's... I made two pairs in total, you can try one pair..."

Zong Shaoyi was not polite either, she smiled and thanked her for wearing shoes while sitting on the saddle.

As a result, the Mazar broke with a click, and Zong Shaoyi sat on the ground blankly with a thud.

Shu Anyang found a stool helplessly, checked it, and handed it to her.

Zong Shaoyi was a little embarrassed, turned her head to look at the yard, and couldn't help but give them a vaccination in advance: "Well, aunt, Anyang, my luck is not very good recently, and there is a possibility that the house will be demolished."

"Take it easy, but don't worry, we will make up for what we lost in the future, and we will definitely not let the aunt and Anyang suffer."

The old lady of the Mo family also understood what happened, and smiled and waved her hands: "It's okay, we are building a new house, this is called the old ones don't go, the good ones don't come!"

"Little girl, you don't have to be polite even if you live at home."

Zong Shaoyi thanked gratefully.

Mother Mo has already brought a plate of lo mei.

Shu Anyang brought a bowl of rice with a spoonful of meat and broth poured into it.

Zong Shaoyi didn't eat at noon, her stomach was already growling with hunger!
She held onto the bowl tightly and ate the food in small bites, for fear that she would choke if she ate too fast.

After eating everything, Zong Shaoyi sighed contentedly: "It's delicious, even better than the food I ate in restaurants."

"Auntie, your family should rent a shop in the city to sell food, and I will be the first one to join in!"

Mo's mother smiled and said: "It's all thanks to Anyang. She is clever and can cook a lot of meals. She taught me this."

"Besides, girl, you've confirmed that we made it for sale..."

Shu Anyang told Zong Shaoyi about the construction of the provincial road at the east end of the village, and told her about his life in these years.

Zong Shaoyi was very angry when she heard this, "Anyang, do you think that after being at the same table with me for half a year, we are still ordinary classmates and friends?"

"There are so many things happening in your family, why don't you say anything and let the Su family bully you?"

"Fortunately, you are rewarded for being a good person, otherwise, Su Xiangdi's family wouldn't torture you to death?"

"Usually you are quite a clever person, why are you so confused about such a thing?"

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