Chapter 172 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (66)

Shu Anyang was also quite helpless, "I lost my mother at the time, and I was in a daze. Many things were handled by the Su family. When I realized it, I had no other choice but to marry into the Su family. Back off."

"I didn't think much about it. I thought the Su family would accept my mother's entrustment, so I didn't pay attention to anything. I chose a day to put on red clothes, rented a car and went to the village."

"There are also children in the village who are studying in the town, and they know how the Su family got rich. I just happened to meet Su Xiangdi and Zong Feilan's wedding. The Su family has a good face, and they are afraid that I will make trouble and others will criticize me, so they push me to Su Xiangdi's uncle, Su Weiqi, is the one who opened Su's clothing store in the city last month."

"They never asked my opinion during the whole process. I saw that Su Xiangdi was married, and my heart was so cold. If I was a little confused, I would already become Su Weiqi's wife."

"I don't know him well, so I can do whatever I can... He was very angry, thinking that I still missed Su Xiangdi, and left with my money in a fit of anger... I became the target of the Su family's accusations, and I was a cow for their family. To be a horse..."

"Actually, my mother is gone. After three years of suffering, I finally managed to get my mood together. I wanted to live a serious life, and I was hit by this kind of blow again... I was thinking, I might as well be tortured to death by the Su family!"

The original owner did exhaust himself to ailments for the sake of the Su family, and finally died without money for treatment.

Zong Shaoyi touched her forehead with hatred, "Although we have been classmates for half a year, we are good friends at the same table. We talk about everything and have no secrets."

"After you dropped out of school, I visited you several times, but you didn't want to see outsiders. I also asked someone to send you a message, and nothing happened..."

"If it weren't for the way I saw you just now, you can see how I am so angry with you!"

Shu Anyang asked suspiciously: "Have you ever looked for me? Have you written me a letter?"

"Can't you? Anyway, after I finished dealing with my mother's affairs, I felt very depressed. The neighbors around me are not easy to save fuel. The Su family asked me to go to the old house in the country to guard my mother's grave."

"I'm not at home, and I haven't received a letter... After my mother's hundred days have passed, I still want to talk to you. I didn't expect you to transfer to another school..."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other, and suddenly realized that it must be the Su family who caused trouble!

Shu Anyang rolled up his sleeves and said angrily: "Okay, they are afraid that I will communicate with outsiders, so they deliberately tricked me into letting me stay in front of my mother's grave for three years."

"I am willing to guard, but their intentions are too evil. By the time I adjust myself, the house and work have already fallen to Su Xiang's mouthpiece!"

Zong Shaoyi was also so angry that she patted the table, but the table collapsed, and the bowl on it fell to the ground. Fortunately, it was dirt, and it was fine if the bowl rolled around.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the bowl hit the stone bench, and with a crisp impact, it shattered into two halves!
Mo's mother heard the voice and said with a smile: "It's okay, Sui Sui is safe, you continue to talk."

She picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and went to the kitchen to toss the lo-mei again.

Zong Shaoyi and Shu Anyang looked at each other and stuck out their tongues with a smile, "Your mother-in-law treats you very well... I heard about your situation from Sister Ye from the noodle shop... Can you jump out of the fire pit of the Su family?" , can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.”

"For us women, getting married is a second reincarnation. Not only does it depend on whether the man you choose can take care of things, but also depends on how your husband's family is."

"The relationship between Xia Hua's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most important thing. My father told me that when we go on a blind date, we should first see if the parents in the husband's family are reasonable. If there are no parents, it would be better, and marry our family..."

Shu Anyang tilted his head and asked with a light smile: "That's right. When I was in the Su family, I often received help from the Mo family. Now that I'm married, don't I just repay the favor."

"However, my affairs with the Su family are endless!"

"How about sister, let's beat the Su family with sacks?"

Zong Shaoyi waved her fists, "Hit, you must! I was sad for a long time because you suddenly disappeared and ignored me. It turned out that the Su family deliberately misunderstood us."

"As long as the sisters are here, they won't let you be spoiled by the Su family!"

Since Shu Anyang knew that Su Weiqi had found a new host for luck, he had been following his developments.

Recently, because the Su family is building a house, this is the top priority of the Su family, so Su Weiqi runs back and forth more frequently.

Just this morning she saw him gesturing to the workers.

Shu Anyang chuckled and approached Zong Shaoyi.

Zong Shaoyi subconsciously leaned back, but the little sister He was not shy at all, and still leaned forward.

"Su Weiqi still misses me. He opened a clothing company in the city. He heard that the business is very good. He buys clothes that are very fashionable in big cities."

"And he is my ex-husband. His current achievements were born out of stealing my money back then."

"So, I will go to their new house later... I will cover him with a sack at night!"

Zong Shaoyi moved her fists and feet: "Heh, if it was me before, it would be like tickling someone with a hammer, but now I am different. Touching it may help people gain luck."

"Let's take him away tonight, so that I can entertain him more...and not bankrupt his shop, I'm not your sister!"

Shu Anyang poured some water for her, and when they finished drinking, she went out with a smile.

She first went to talk to Mo Haoran who was off duty busy in the new house, then went home and changed her clothes, carrying a basket.

The Mo family and the Su family were not too close in the village, one in front of the other, and at noon, Zong Shaoyi and the others got lost and drove here from behind, few people saw them.

So Su Weiqi and the others don't know yet.

Shu Anyang found the little girl next door, and together they went to the mountain to pick some wild vegetables to eat.

People in the village are relatively frugal, relying on the mountains to eat and relying on the water to drink water. The vegetables they grow in the fields are sold in the city, and they themselves eat the wild vegetables on the mountains.

The girls and young daughter-in-laws in the family are all picking wild vegetables, and they still take advantage of the time when they are not busy.

Shu Anyang yelled through the door, and the little girl immediately went out with a basket.

Shu Anyang deliberately changed into a relatively simple outfit, so she also has a white shirt, blue pants, and two braids. She is still too beautiful, more beautiful than the flowers on the roadside.

The two were talking and laughing, and when they passed by the Su family, Shu Anyang deliberately pretended not to notice the sight of the man of the Su family, and bit his ear with the little girl.

"Lanzi, I heard people say which side of the mountain can take a bath?" Her voice was very small, but it could be clearly heard by Su Weiqi standing at the base of the wall.

The little girl named Lanzi was a little shy, and whispered back: "On the other side of the mountain in the east of the village, there is a small pool. We often go there..."

 Dear friends, I've been a little busy recently, so I've got less work, try to update it stably.

(End of this chapter)

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