Zong Shaoyi broke her fingers and continued: "Although I said that I hope to marry into an ordinary family, he must have the ability to support his wife and children, otherwise I am afraid that he will be unbalanced and cause some irreconcilable family conflicts..."

"Be a good character, share housework with me at home... I really don't know how to cook, I belong to the kind that can burn through the kettle, and we can't go to restaurants or eat in cafeterias every day, so... "

She also felt that she was asking too much, so she said weakly: "He has to be able to cook, and he has to cook delicious food..."

"By the way, he needs to be more flexible in his thinking, not too stubborn, and not patriarchal...is it difficult?"

Shu Anyang laughed lowly, "It's a bit difficult."

She looked sideways at the man: "Brother Haoran, do you know any unmarried young people with similar qualifications?"

Mo Haoran raised his eyebrows: "There is really a young man who is very close to Comrade Zong's requirements in terms of stature, appearance, education, work, flexibility and ability to do housework."

"Our colleague Li Minglang from the logistics department of the mine is a graduate of the Management Department of the Provincial University. He just went to work last year and is a reserve cadre. There is a younger brother and two younger sisters in the family. His father is a teacher, his mother is a librarian, and his uncle is a deputy. mine manager."

Zong Shaoyi's face turned red when she heard these conditions, "Then he, his conditions are not bad, is there no partner?"

Mo Haoran replied with a light smile: "His reputation is not particularly good."

Shu Anyang also heard him talk about Li Minglang, so he explained to Zong Shaoyi: "Li Minglang is more interested in stocks, and from time to time he asks for leave and goes to Shanghai to buy and sell stocks with the car..."

"Everyone lacks a correct understanding of stocks, thinking that it is gambling and that they will go bankrupt... There are also some people who see that he usually wears well-dressed clothes, so they think that stocks are making a lot of money, and they invest a few times with the money... As a result, they are too Too greedy, not only did not make money, but also lost a lot..."

Zong Shaoyi's family is in business, and many of her college classmates are from the second generation of the rich and from aristocratic families, and they usually talk about things in the circle when they get together.

Some of them play stocks, but they have a lot of capital in their hands, so they can play whatever they want, and they don't care about profit and loss, it's just a pastime.

So she understands that the mentality of playing stocks is similar to that of a gambler, but it is a little different.

She hesitated and said, "Then, can I meet him and understand him a little bit?"

Her situation is very urgent, and she has to marry herself before the second sister-in-law finds out, otherwise she is very likely to be made more difficult!

It's just that she knows a lot of opposite sexes, and almost none meet her requirements. If Shu Anyang and his wife can pick one out for her, then she must understand it.

As long as the conditions are similar, she grits her teeth and closes her eyes to get married!
Shu Anyang understood what Zong Shaoyi meant, and since Mo Haoran spoke, it meant that Li Minglang was indeed a good marriage partner.

Why not meet unmarried men and women?She looked at Mo Haoran with a smile.

The latter chuckled: "OK, I'll tell him tomorrow."

Zong Shaoyi looked at Shu Anyang eagerly.She is too afraid of long nights and dreams...

Shu Anyang smiled and said: "Then let Brother Haoran go and tell others first, after we pack up, we will go there in my grandfather's truck."

Zong Shaoyi nodded again and again, and said embarrassedly: "Anyang, the situation in my family is a bit complicated. Only by getting married can I be dragged out of that quagmire, otherwise, I may be used by my brothers and sisters-in-law to strengthen my company and use it to A tool for marriage!"

"No matter how much Dad loves me, he has to take care of them, right? At most, Dad will get me more dowry."

Shu Anyang held her shoulders: "I understand, I understand. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Now that your bad luck is gone, you won't sprain your feet or snakes crawling over your feet when you walk on the road, right?"

"Your new life is coming, being positive is being responsible to yourself."

Zong Shaoyi hummed.

At night, Mo Haoran took the initiative to ask to go to the new house to watch the night, leaving the room for the two women.

After washing, they talked about many things, as if they had returned to the intimacy and joy they talked about in high school.

The next day, Chaoyang had already begun to release heat, and the two of them lazily opened their eyes one after another, looked at each other and smiled embarrassedly.

In such an age, sleeping late is a shameful thing.

Zong Shaoyi said enviously, "Anyang, won't your mother-in-law be angry if you sleep up to this point?"

She heard that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was more tense than the other. Either the mother-in-law was treating the daughter-in-law harshly, or the daughter-in-law was torturing the mother-in-law.

Shu Anyang smiled and shook his head: "No, everyone thinks that I have suffered too much in the Su family before, so they let me recuperate and gain weight at home."

"Sometimes I wake up early, and my grandma complains that the big guy moves too much and wakes me up..."

Zong Shaoyi was happy for her, "I hope I can live in peace with my future in-laws and relatives."

After the two washed up, they went to the kitchen to look for food.

There are still two sliced ​​salted duck eggs, a stack of scallion pancakes, two boiled eggs, and shredded pork soup in the large pot of Yu Wen.

Zong Shaoyi was not picky at all, and praised while eating, "Why do I think even your home's boiled eggs are better than other places?"

"Where did you buy the eggs, why are they still double yolk?"

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Our chickens all eat the feed we made ourselves. They eat good food, are rich in nutrition and balanced, and the eggs they produce are naturally different from those raised by others. Most of them are double-yolk!"

Zong Shaoyi was very surprised when she heard it, and couldn't help running to Grandma Mo to see the jar where the old lady hid in the house and collected eggs at home.

Half of the eggs inside are really big.

She picked out three, and with Shu Anyang's encouragement, she knocked them open one by one and poured them into the bowl.

"It's really full of double yellows!" Zong Shaoyi was stunned for a moment, and praised the Mo family for being too powerful.

Usually, she may not have eaten a double-yolk egg for a year or two, which shows that the probability of this kind of egg forming naturally is very small.

Unexpectedly, the Mo family could interfere with the chicken laying double yolk eggs!

"Anyang, I want to buy some double-yolk eggs from you and show them to my dad. If he agrees, we will definitely ask you to order more double-yolk eggs when our company holds an event." Zong Shaoyi is also quite flexible. Everyone thought that the Zongjia Furniture City was created by Boss Zong, but only the father and daughter understood that behind all these successes was Zong Shaoyi's tricks.

While Boss Zong wanted to cover up his reputation as a successful person, he tacitly assumed that he was the one who came up with those ideas.

On the one hand, he didn't want to let Zong Shaoyi go easily. If it wasn't for her bad luck that affected him and the company this time, Boss Zong wouldn't be in a hurry to marry his daughter.

Even so, his highest requirement for a future son-in-law is that both parents have died, and he can join the family!

In this way, his daughter can not only continue to work for the Zongjia Furniture City, but also get rid of the bad luck on her body.

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