Zong Shaoyi is very clear about the plan from her own father, so when her luck is low, she can see her true value through the gauze mist.

Yes, as the daughter of the clan, she can be favored only because she is valuable to the company's development.

But her father's acting skills were so good that he fooled everyone, only thinking that he was a daughter slave with outstanding business ability.

So Zong Shaoyi needed this batch of double yolk eggs very much to knock down her marriage.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Of course, we planned to wait for the provincial road to be repaired before proceeding with the sale, so as to spread the reputation of Double Yolk Eggs."

"Now our family is raising chickens on a large scale in the mountains and forests, and it will take three or four months to mass produce them."

"Nowadays only our chickens lay double-yolk eggs, and because of the amazing effect of double-yolk eggs, we are holding on to the news."

Zong Shaoyi hurriedly asked: "Then I bought double-yolk eggs for the company's activities, will it affect your future business?"

Shu Anyang shook his head, said with a light smile, "Not only will it not be affected, but it will also help us to spread the reputation of Double Yolk Eggs."

"I just went to town today to see if there is a whole sign that says Mo's double-yolk eggs in Yandian Village. When the big guys want double-yolk eggs, they can find us accurately."

Only then did Zong Shaoyi feel relieved.

Shu Anyang carried a basket of eggs and headed to town with Zong Shaoyi in Grandpa Mo's bullock cart.

The old man knew that he was going to be a coachman again today. After dinner last night, he had already instructed Boss Mo to wipe the cart clean, spread a thick layer of clean straw, and add a mattress.

He himself chose a strong cow from among the few cows on the mountain and brought it down.

It was the first time for Zong Shaoyi to ride an ox cart, it was very strange, and she even wanted to learn how to drive a cow like Grandpa Mo.

Now she is not plagued by bad luck, but a blessing in disguise. Not to mention all the luck, she has gained a lot more.

Arriving at the mining area, Shu Anyang and Zong Shaoyi bid farewell to the old man and went to the Happy Noodle Restaurant.

"Sister Juan, here are the native eggs raised at home," Shu Anyang handed over the basket.

Ye Fangjuan hurriedly waved her hands, "Sister, what are you doing?"

"You and Brother Haoran have helped our mother and son too much. I didn't take the time to bring the child to the door to thank you. How can I have the nerve to ask for your things?"

Eggs are a good thing, even people in the city are reluctant to eat eggs every day.Only children in the family, women who are pregnant or in confinement are treated like this.

Not to mention the countryside!
Shu Anyang smiled and said: "Sister Juan, these are not ordinary eggs, they are double-yolk eggs, which are more nutritious and specially made to nourish my nephew's brain. Don't be too sentimental!"

Ye Fangjuan couldn't say no to her, and said with a smile: "I accept that job, but you must come to my place for lunch at noon, and I will cook a table of delicious dishes for you."

Shu Anyang hummed, "What I want is sister Juan's words. I'll ask my partner later how many people come to eat at noon."

After speaking, she introduced Sister Juan and Zong Shaoyi to each other.

The two had met before, and both had a good relationship with Shu Anyang, so they quickly became acquainted, and they talked about each other in a few words.

While they were talking, Mo Haoran came over on a motorcycle.

Shu Anyang chuckled and ran forward.

"I told Li Minglang about Comrade Zong, and he agreed to come over and meet for a little while, so we can get to know each other a little bit."

Mo Haoran looked at his wife seriously.

They've been married for a month, but he still thinks it's a dream he doesn't want to wake up from.

How could Shu Anyang not understand the ferocious meaning in his eyes.

"Okay, I see." She pursed her lips and nodded, a little unable to bear his scorching gaze, she gave him a shameful look, "You, what do you see me doing?"

Mo Haoran laughed lowly: "I just miss you."

But he didn't sleep with his wife in his arms all night, and he almost opened his eyes until dawn.

For his own happiness, why don't he just contribute his brother and send away his daughter-in-law, a classmate who stays at home as soon as possible!

A few words blew into her ears along the summer wind, with a hint of itching.

Shu Anyang's cheeks were flushed, "I'm just standing by your side? Don't you usually go to work for a day before coming home?"

Mo Haoran raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Ah, my daughter-in-law is blaming me for letting you stay alone all day?"

"Then I have to go home at noon, at least give my little wife a hug..."

Subconsciously, Shu Anyang turned his head to look at the people in the noodle restaurant, and saw that the big guys were doing their own things, and didn't pay attention to them.

She was slightly relieved, and patted him funny, "Brother Haoran, don't tease me."

Mo Haoran looked at her with regret and retracted her hand, "I didn't tease you, I really missed you. Otherwise, I will apply for a welfare house at work, and we will live in the mine?"

"This way it's just the two of us, we can get as tired as we want..."

He talked more and more vigorously, and even began to think about the size of the house to apply for.

Shu Anyang has now destroyed Su Weiqi's luck jade pendant, but she still remembers what happened to the Mo family in the plot.

She didn't dare to take it for granted that if the jade pendant of luck was gone, the misery of the Mo family in the original book would be avoided.

However, the time interval between those few events was very short, she blinked her eyes, and said with a light smile: "It would be the best to be able to get a welfare house in the mine, so that brother Haoran won't have to work hard back and forth to catch up with work."

The distance from the mine to Yandian Village is not far, but the road is full of potholes and dirt roads. He rides a motorcycle buzzing to and fro, not to mention it, and when commuting to get off work, it is easy to meet villagers who want to take a ride. hitch ride.

Some people even figured out the regularity of his commute to and from get off work. Every time, there were two or three people waiting beside his motorcycle with big bags and small bags.

They are all from the village, Mo Haoran really can't refuse, after all, as long as he says no, the Mo family will become the target of public criticism tomorrow!

People will say that he clearly has the sidecar and the back seat of the car empty, so why can't he make full use of the resources and take the villagers who are on the way?

Or they will say that he is stingy and wants to charge the fare of the big guy, anyway, how to say it is ugly.

He may not care, but his family still lives in Yandian Village, so he can't tear himself apart and continue to put up with the villagers taking advantage of them.

Shu Anyang knew about this, but Shu Anyang sighed slightly, "We move to the mine, I'm afraid they will not only ride your motorcycle in the future, but also come to eat directly!"

The original owner had seen this kind of posture before.But those who are thin-skinned, relatives or old family members who are not good at refusing to eat, basically have to live on borrowed money before the end of the month...

Mo Haoran touched his chest, this really seemed like something that people in his village could do!

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