Whenever Mo Haoran thought about it, he tried every means to prepare delicious food for his wife, but as soon as the food was placed on the table, the door was knocked, and several fellow villagers who passed by without eating came pouring in!

Can they eat alone as the host family?
Yes, their family does not lack this little money, but this matter is too uncomfortable.

One or two feel that they come once a month or two or even half a year. The problem is that if you come today, he will come tomorrow. If everyone comes to the house once, they can open a restaurant.

Mo Haoran was shocked instantly, "It's too scary."

As long as he thought about his two-person world, and was interrupted by a group of people, he immediately shook his head and didn't think about the welfare housing.

Shu Anyang laughed lowly: "Actually, it's not that serious. You can apply first, and it will take two or three months after the decoration is finished."

"It just so happens that we've got things done at home, and I'll live with you in the mine again."

"At that time, whoever dares to take advantage of our family, then I have to let them take advantage! Hmph, I suffered a loss once, how can I let others bully me again?"

"When I need help, they stand by one by one, and when it's their turn, it becomes a matter of course? It's not such a good thing!"

The Su family is a tyrant in the village, not to mention walking sideways, it is also an existence that is not easy to mess with. Except for the Mo family and the village chief's family, not many people are willing to offend the Su family because of her as an orphan.

Anyway, she will talk about it when the time comes, and besides, when the Mo's market is opened, people with a little brain must know what to do and what not to do.

Mo Haoran looked at her lovingly, his eyes were filled with distress. "Even if I took off my green skin at that time, I still had to snatch you over."

For this matter, he brooded.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Perhaps, when we got married at that time, it would not be the case now."

Mo Haoran also understands that the fate between people is very subtle, if the fate is not there, the two of them will not be able to go together.

Just as he was talking, Li Minglang arrived on a bicycle.

He was wearing a white shirt, army green trousers, black leather shoes, and silver-rimmed glasses on his nose. His refined and refined temperament was somewhat incompatible with the rough and unrestrained nature of the entire mining area.

It was obvious that he had dressed up carefully before he came, there was no wrinkle in his clothes, and his hair was combed meticulously, even if the wind made it a little messy, it could be seen that he was a fastidious person.

Mo Haoran smiled and nodded at him, indicating that his blind date is in the shop.

The latter entered nervously carrying a basket of fruit, and saw Zong Shaoyi in a light blue dress at a glance.

The two looked at each other, and immediately turned their heads to avoid it, but their faces were all red.

Shu Anyang and the three of them exchanged glances, there was a lot of fun!
"Brother Haoran, I haven't visited your mining area much yet, why don't you take us to find a shady place for a stroll?" Shu Anyang smiled lightly and winked at Mo Haoran.

Mo Haoran smiled: "Mingming, let's take the two ladies to the corridor of the artificial lake?"

Li Minglang hurriedly responded, took a deep breath, and said with a trembling voice: "Comrade, shall we take a stroll and talk?"

Originally, Zong Shaoyi was quite nervous. After all, she was going on a blind date behind her family's back. The mood was different. Besides, anyone who saw a stranger was nervous and a little scared.

Besides, he is quite tall, and his body is not as thin as that of a literati. In terms of external conditions, he is indeed the same as Mo Haoran said. The conditions are not only good, but quite good.

Even in Kyoto, it takes a lot of effort to find such a young man, let alone in such a small county.

Satisfaction has grown in her heart, and she is thinking about understanding his character. As long as he nods, they can go to get married today!

Now when she sees a man who is shyer than herself, she finds it funny and becomes more courageous.

"Okay," Zong Shaoyi stood up, nodded with a smile, and walked out first.

However, today she changed into a pair of shoes for the convenience of walking, and accidentally stepped on the shoelace, and she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

impossible!A thought flashed through her mind very quickly, hasn't her bad luck been eliminated?

Such an unlucky thing, she hadn't shown up all night and morning, why did she do it again now?
However, she didn't fall to the ground, instead, Li Minglang hugged her waist and helped her up.

Zong Shaoyi ran out shamelessly and angrily, and whispered to Shu Anyang: "Anyang, the bad luck on my body is not broken, how can I pay it back, and make such a big scandal?"

Shu Anyang laughed lowly: "Normal people still have to step on their shoelaces, who stipulates that it must be bad luck to fall? Besides, didn't you not fall?"

"Our Xia Hua has an old saying, what is it called? If you lose your horse, you will know it is not a blessing."

In fact, from her point of view, maybe this is the operation of peach blossoms?
Zong Shaoyi also couldn't figure it out, the summer clothes were thin, and at this moment she could still feel the burning heat of the man's palm around her waist.

Let alone her, Li Minglang doesn't know where to put his hands at the moment, his mind is full of the soft touch before: her waist is so thin... It seems that he can fold her arms with a little force ...

The two walked side by side, and after a long time, Li Minglang took a deep breath, "Hello, comrade, my name is Li Minglang, I work in the Logistics and Welfare Department of Zhaoyang Coal Mine. Two years older, just at the legal age to receive a license..."

Speaking of this, Li Minglang really wanted to slap himself, so why did he get straight to the point?
Zong Shaoyi said ah.It seems that when she was explaining to Shu Anyang and Mo Haoran, she didn't ask for age.

She was in the same class as Shu Anyang, but she was smart since she was a child, and the conditions in her family were good. She hired tutors for winter and summer vacations, so she basically skipped and skipped school.

Even so, she was 22 years old, two years older than him!

Zong Shaoyi looked at Li Minglang tangled, this is a little brother, and said with some frustration: "You, you are only twenty? I am already 22. Coincidentally, my dad was afraid that I would be bullied, so he changed it for me. Age, 24 on the certificate, or two years older than you..."

Li Minglang smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously, "A third-year female junior holds a gold brick, this is an unquestionable blessing."

Zong Shaoyi looked sideways at him seriously, "Are you serious? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Li Minglang nodded, "Although I am not very old, I have experienced a lot of things, and I understand that the most important thing for both parties in a marriage is honesty. If I can't even do this, there is no need for us to continue understood."

Zong Shaoyi then introduced herself awkwardly to him: "My name is Zong Shaoyi, my family is from the city, and I went to a university in another city. Actually, I graduated from a postgraduate degree, but I studied fine arts, and my academic qualifications are not as valuable as Your cultural class is high..." She was afraid that he would be frightened by herself.

What about the female graduate students, non-human existences!

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