Chapter 178 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (72)

Hearing that Zong Shaoyi was a graduate student, Li Minglang was a little surprised, and praised with a smile: "Comrade Zong, you are so modest. How can a student who can go to graduate school be an ordinary person?"

"You, you don't mind if my education is lower than yours..."

Zong Shaoyi also smiled and said: "The students in our province are famous for their good studies. Among the students, you can stand out and enter the provincial university to study, and you are quite good..."

The two complimented each other, and then they looked at each other and laughed.

"A hero doesn't mention his bravery back then." Li Minglang coughed lowly, "Actually, no matter how good you study, once you get to society, you basically have to start all over again."

"Have Brother Haoran and his sister-in-law told Comrade Zong about my bad reputation?"

Zong Shaoyi nodded: "Tell me, actually, when I was studying in Kyoto, some students I knew occasionally studied stocks."

"I'm not particularly against stocks, and my perception is more objective. Stocks can be regarded as a way to manage idle money. Anyway, if you make money, you won't get much interest if you deposit it in the bank. It's better to invest in other On the one hand, let the money move..."

"It's just that I appreciate rational buying and selling of stocks... I don't know what Comrade Li thinks?"

Li Minglang looked at her in surprise: "Comrade Zong deserves to have studied in Kyoto. In our small place, most people have never even heard of stocks, let alone studied them in depth."

"Comrade Zong can have such an idea about stocks, it's really amazing... I think the same way, because I'm single now, and the whole family is not hungry... I have some spare money, but not much, so I thought Give it a go...Of course, if I'm married, I won't be so careless...I'll take part of the money to buy stocks, and save the rest for emergencies, absolutely not, let the other half be insecure Feeling..."

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and smiled. The most rare thing for a person is that she can resist the temptation and have a plan for her life.

These words can't be made up now, they should have been pondered by him long ago, there is no sense of erratic in the words.

Zong Shaoyi thought for a while, "You, you are still young, are you in a hurry to get married?"

Li Minglang rubbed the tip of his nose, he couldn't say that he was pulled by Brother Haoran to make up the numbers?
He also felt that he was not even of legal age, and he treated the family worrying about him as a joke, and never agreed to a blind date.

Some bad things about him were deliberately spread by people who failed to get on a blind date.

He feels that he is in a good state now. He has just graduated from university and started working to make money. Except for a little living expenses paid to his family, the rest of the money is at his disposal.

He is now concentrating on stocks, as if he is playing games with others.

Especially when he heard his colleagues talking about the mess after marriage, he was not very keen on it.

However, he believes in fate, and when his fate has arrived, it is naturally time for him to get married, for example, now...

Li Minglang said with a smile: "I'm working now, it's time to think about my personal issues."

"It's not that I and my family are thinking about it. A good girl has to be found early, otherwise when I grow older, girls of my age may all get married and have children..."

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and smiled, then asked him and his family how their temperament was.

Li Minglang said categorically: "Comrade Zong, since I've said it, I'm not afraid of you asking your neighbors."

"I want to marry a daughter-in-law, so naturally I have to treat her well, and I will be my companion for a lifetime!"

Zong Shaoyi told him about her temper, and seeing that he didn't reject it, she gritted her teeth and continued:
"I'm at home. The situation is quite special. Others think that my father loves me and prefers me. In fact, my father only likes himself, and his group of sons..."

"My family has some money, and the big guys are watching. They are afraid that my father will give me the money, so they are eager to find someone for me... I want to marry myself before them, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to decide my own marriage... ..."

Li Minglang looked solemnly and looked at Zong Shaoyi seriously.

She has a standard oval face, with willow-leaf eyebrows and almond eyes, as if she has stepped off a picture of a lady, with an indescribable classic and exquisiteness.

He smiled and said, "Comrade Zong, I understand what you mean. In fact, many young men and women get married through the introduction of acquaintances. The conditions match each other. The parents of both parties met to discuss marriage after getting along several times."

"Marriage is a big gamble. If you are not afraid, then I will accompany you to the end!"

"But I have a request."

Zong Shaoyi didn't expect him to be so transparent, so she took the initiative to answer without waiting for her to say anything.

She nodded nervously: "Comrade Li, what do you want? As long as I can do it, I will definitely comply."

The two happened to walk to the willow-lined road next to the artificial lake.

Li Minglang took a deep breath, held her hand firmly, both of them blushed, "Is your heart beating faster? Are you rejecting me?"

Zong Shaoyi didn't dare to look into his eyes, she pursed her lips tightly, unable to speak a word.

Li Minglang hurriedly let go and explained: "I, I'm afraid that you will force yourself. I think feelings can be cultivated, but the premise is that there is no strong sense of exclusion from each other."

"I can marry you, but I don't want our marriage to be just a child's play... Are you really ready to get a certificate with me, and then hold the determination to live a lifetime?"

Zong Shaoyi was stunned.She only wanted to hurry up and marry herself off, but she didn't have such a firm heart.

It may have something to do with the environment in which she grew up and people with similar conditions around her.

Their family's conditions are good, Boss Zong's family's red flag is not upside down, and colorful flags are fluttering outside, and Boss Zong's business partners also feel honored by whose colorful flags.

Zong Shaoyi didn't have a strong sense of expectation for marriage, and she even thought about divorcing that person when she got rid of the control of the Zong family.

Or she can make a fuss about divorce, and a second-married woman is a waste of chess in the eyes of the Zong family, right?
Unexpectedly, Li Minglang was so serious, Zong Shaoyi suddenly felt that she was not kind.

"I, I want to try to get along after marriage. If we have a good relationship, of course I will spend the rest of my life with you... But if our relationship is not compatible, then I hope we get together and part ways..."

Li Minglang didn't force her, and said with a smile: "Yes, but you have to let me see your efforts."

"I won't force you to stay, at least you have worked hard for this relationship, and that's enough!"

The two slowly lingered behind Shu Anyang and Mo Haoran, and soon finalized their marriage.

Zong Shaoyi looked at the time, and Baba looked at Li Minglang, who said helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you, okay, I'll go get the full information, let's go to the town..."

(End of this chapter)

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