Chapter 179 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (73)

Zong Shaoyi's eagerness was beyond everyone's expectation, but everyone felt that she was not reckless, and she must have her reasons for doing so.

Before lunch, Zong Shaoyi and Li Minglang brought out their marriage certificates.

When they looked at each other, they were rather surprised that they had an extra partner, which was recognized by the organization. In the future, they will form a small family together!
"Well, brother Haoran, come with us to the state-run restaurant later, let's have dinner to celebrate my daughter-in-law!" Li Minglang said with a smile.

Zong Shaoyi didn't look forward to the wedding, and the two of them discussed privately that they would have a meal with relatives and friends they knew, and tell everyone the news of their marriage.

The main reason is that she doesn't feel at all that her family has someone who can give her sincere blessings.

The Li family knew that Li Minglang had obtained the marriage certificate, and they all froze in place. Their first reaction was that this was a dream. It must be that they were too concerned about his marriage, so that they were daydreaming.

Li Minglang directly skipped the blind date, negotiation, and wedding, and jumped to getting a marriage certificate!
And his daughter-in-law is so handsome, she is a beauty that the big guys can't put together with all their brains.

"It's a pity that it's a dream, otherwise there would be such a handsome girl in reality, and it would be cheaper for our brat..."

"Hey, it's a dream. Why did you come in?"

Li Minglang couldn't see the foolishness of his parents and younger siblings, Fu E helplessly said to Zong Shaoyi: "I told you, my family is very easy to get along with, but sometimes words and deeds are confusing..."

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and smiled, calling people one by one crisply.

Li's father and Li's mother were overjoyed, and they were even more dizzy and turned around the room looking for money to stuff red envelopes.

They wished they could dump all the money at home, and stuffed it into Zong Shaoyi's hands with some trepidation.

"Well, Xiao Zong, just treat us as your own home... You can talk about happy or unhappy things, and the whole family will find a way for you..."

"That's right, if Minglang bullies you, tell us and we'll beat him for you!"

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and responded with a smile, and could feel the satisfaction and love of the two elders for her from the bottom of their hearts.

They don't even know who she is, what her education background is, what her family background is, they just express their attitude towards her.

There was a wedding at noon today, and there was no room in the state-run restaurant, but Ye Fangjuan said that they could have a lot of meals in her shop, and they could order meals from the cafeteria when the time came.

Hao Xuemin went to buy meat and vegetables, Mo Haoran and Li Minglang went to inform their close friends, Shu Anyang and Li's mother helped Ye Fangjuan organize the wedding banquet together.

Zong Shaoyi also wanted to help.

Mother Li hurriedly stopped her: "Xiao Zong, you are the bride today, just sit and talk with us, you can't do any work, otherwise you will be working hard all your life."

"If you have anything to say, you can talk to Mom and Minglang, or Mingliang, Mingmei and Minglan are all fine..."

Shu Anyang also smiled and winked at her: "Aunt Li has already said so, Shao Yi, you should be respectful rather than obedient!"

"You don't want to perform badly this day... You and your husband will share the affairs of the Xiao family in the future, so you can't really leave all of them to Comrade Li Minglang."

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, I'll watch you work today."

In the end it was the young man who had something to say, Zong Shaoyi and Shu Anyang stood shoulder to shoulder and whispered for a long time.

When Hao Xuemin came back from buying the meat and vegetables, he handed them to Ye Fangjuan and thanked her politely.

Shu Anyang exchanged glances with Zong Shaoyi, "Look, there are so many of us, and he only saw Sister Juan...I said that there must be a development between them..."

Zong Shaoyi also raised her eyebrows at her: "Yes, yes, but there is no warmth between them... But don't worry, I will be a member of the Li family in the future, and I will definitely care about my uncle's marriage with Comrade Li Minglang... "

At noon, the big guys had a lively meal, with Hao Xuemin and Mo Haoran's drinking, Li Minglang was only slightly drunk, and his bookish appearance added some charming colors.

Zong Shaoyi couldn't help but look sideways at him frequently, meeting his fiery gaze every time.

After sending the guests away, Zong Shaoyi asked him in a low voice: "Comrade Li Minglang, are you drunk? Can you go to the city with me?"

Li Minglang frowned slightly: "Call me Minglang, you are not allowed to call me by my first name, let alone add a comrade, it's too unfamiliar!"

"Yiyi, I am your man!"

Zong Shaoyi's feet buckled in embarrassment.

Sure enough, Shu Anyang heard it, and laughed and teased: "Yiyi, I'm going home first, see you later!"

Zong Shaoyi blushed, but Mo Haoran who immediately followed Shu Anyang smiled and said, "Yangyang, I'll go home with you..."

Shu Anyang's face was covered with black lines, what is Yangyang?The original owner was only called Yangyang by his parents when he was a child, and he was called Anyang when he grew up.

The man drank some wine, with a silly smile on his cold face, his eyes couldn't help but follow her, even if he was about to touch the table!
Shu Anyang hurriedly grabbed him helplessly, and the man leaned forward just like that, just in time when Grandpa Mo drove the bullock cart over, the two coaxed him into the cart and went home together.

Mo Haoran's wine is not bad, except for being a bit clingy, he didn't make any jokes.

When he got home, he just hugged her and rested quietly.

However, he slept all afternoon, woke up and had dinner, and he was very energetic. Naturally, he spent half the night in Anyang...

Li Minglang didn't drink too much, except that his face was a little red, his head turned half a beat slower than usual, and his focus was a little strange, but he seemed like a normal person.

Zong Shaoyi couldn't wait until tomorrow, so she confirmed that his condition was not serious, so she took him to the city by bus, and explained to the Li family: "Mom and Dad, I'll take him to see my dad, and I'll come back early tomorrow morning... ..."

The Li family was a little panicked, "Xiaozong, I'm afraid Minglang will not treat you well after drinking, and we didn't buy anything..."

Zong Shaoyi smiled lightly and said: "Mom and Dad, I was actually the one who proposed to get married in a hurry. The situation in my family is complicated. It can be said that I have broken ties with my family when I married Minglang."

"We fought in the past, but don't worry, with me around, no one can hurt Qingming."

The Li family was a little worried, but they didn't know what to say, "Then you guys should go early and come back early... Come to the house for dinner tomorrow at noon... I just go back to clean the house for you at night, and take out the quilts to dry tomorrow morning..."

Zong Shaoyi blushed and nodded in response.

It took half an hour for the bus to travel from the mine to the city, so Li Minglang slept on her shoulder.

Looking at the fair and handsome face of the big boy, Zong Shaoyi felt that the carriage was very hot, and the heat on her cheeks never went down.

She never thought about what her other half was like, but she completed a very important process in her life in one day.

Although the situation was urgent, she didn't regret it at all. On the contrary, she was a little thankful that her luck had really doubled!

(End of this chapter)

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