Chapter 186 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (80)

Mr. Mo's words made everyone's heart return to their place.The old man always said what he said.

He said seriously: "Our Mo family is really willing to think of a way for everyone to make money together, but let's be ugly, the stalls are limited. It doesn't mean that our Mo family is reluctant to part with the crops in the field and won't make room for you to make money. But the market is so big, basically there are only three or five shops of the same type..."

"The rest of the people can supply the stall owners, so that they can make money and save time to do other things..."

"So, those who are not selected should not complain, and those who are selected should not be too happy... You have to sign an agreement with us in advance and abide by the rules..."

The old man's words were clear, and everyone nodded, "Grandpa Mo, as long as you give us a chance to make money, we are not greedy. We used to face the loess and turn our backs to the sky, relying on the crops in the field to live... Now we have the opportunity to make money , Earn as much as you earn and earn as little as you earn, we can take it easy..."

"Yes, yes, there are many people who make a lot of money. Can we compare with others? It's useless to be jealous of others, and we won't have more money in our pockets. It's better to work hard by ourselves... Don't worry , there will be no complaints..."

"Old man, if we are elected, we will definitely abide by the rules... There is no rule without rules. This is the situation of your Mo family group. If we want to rent a booth, why don't we abide by it?"

The villagers were extraordinarily reasonable at the moment, and expressed their opinions with smiles.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to worry, we have a lot of land in Mojia, and we can provide a lot of can rent it if you want, but the problem is that our monthly rent is five yuan... let you It is also out of this consideration that there are three or five stalls left..."

"Of course, if you find new business, you are naturally welcome to come and rent a booth... Our Mo family is very welcome. After all, the more booths we rent out, the more we earn, right?"

The big guy laughed even wider now, as expected of the Mo family, they think things through very thoroughly.

They can't be rich in apples in the village, and every household rents a stall to sell apples, right?
It is enough to have three or five stalls to help sell. They save the stalls money and don't need to waste time and energy.

Besides, Shu Anyang also said that as long as they come up with a new business, they can also rent a booth!
Seeing that the Mo family's business is booming, the big guys have started to expand their breeding. The chicken and duck cages in the family have become two or three floors, and they have bought chickens and ducks.

Every day when they came back from working in the field, they went to Mo's house with their bowls in hand to listen to Shu Anyang's lecture on their breeding experience.

They listened to some important points over and over again, and when they heard the feeling of vomiting, they deeply remembered them.

After the wheat was harvested, the big guys didn't dare to stop and planted the corn quickly, and only then began to build a shed behind the row of houses in Mo's house.

It's just a place to shelter from the wind and rain. The big guy couldn't wait any longer, so he directly built a straw shed, and it would be done in two or three days.

The villagers who met the conditions and signed the agreement began to set up stalls to sell things.

After half a month of training, the Mo family has already met many regular customers, and even set up a line with the villagers to wholesale small items that sell well, such as headscarves, belts, socks, headbands, sweaters, pants, shoes and so on.Almost before the Mo family asked the villagers next door, the residents of their own village had already filled up the market.

With the increase of stalls and the variety of goods sold, Yandian Village has become a famous resident market, and people from nearby towns come to the market every day.

Truck drivers passing by also like to buy some agricultural products from here, whether they are second-hand dealers or bringing local specialties to their families, it is especially suitable.

Yandian Village has changed a lot in just three or four months, and the market has changed from a grass shed to a regular wholesale market, with green tiles on the top of the head, concrete floors on the feet, and cement and bricks for the stalls. It was built by laying bricks or stones, and walls were built around it, leaving two gates.Because the pipes are buried under the concrete floor, there is a boiler room next to it, and hot water is injected into the pipes in winter, so that the shed is not cold.

In summer, the doors on both sides are open, and the fans on the roof are whistling around, which makes people who are accustomed to heat feel quite comfortable.

Warm in winter and cool in summer is nothing more than that.

The life of the Mo family is prosperous, and the Su family's unlucky incidents happen one after another!
Since Su Weiqi was tied up by the pond in the back mountain, the luck jade on his chest has disappeared. All the luck he borrowed before, like a strong wind, wiped away his hard-earned money .

Since he was a child, he could only play tricks and was unable to work in a down-to-earth manner. When he grew up, he relied on Shu Anyang's money and the help of the luck stone picked up from the back mountain of Mo's house to achieve his previous achievements.

Not only the ledgers, but also the clothes in the store, and because of the rain, the power went out. The clerk lit a candle for lighting, but accidentally fell asleep and knocked over the candle, which caused a fire and burned everything up!

The store's account book was naturally swallowed by the fire, and there was no proof for other people's credit accounts before.

They don't know who owes them how much, how to go forward to collect the debt?Do they still expect others to take the initiative to pay back the money?
The season has just changed, Su Weiqi is counting on making a fortune, all the money is on the goods!
Now he has no money left on him, and he has to bear the cost of repairing the homeowner, otherwise he will be sent to the bureau.

Helpless, the Su family had to pay the money for Su Weiqi.But Su Weiqi returned to the countryside in despair and became an ordinary farmer again, working in the fields with his family.

The Su family resented him for being a prodigal, and they all watched him work. As long as he stopped to rest, his sister-in-law and nieces and daughters-in-law would start to chant scriptures...

Su Weiqi was very annoyed, and felt that he had been backlashed by luck. Now that more than a month has passed, his bad luck has almost dissipated.

As long as he has some capital, he will definitely be able to make a comeback.

However, the Su family has long been disappointed with him, and no one is willing to lend him money to do business.

Su Weiqi braved the scorching sun to weed. Now that the children are on summer vacation, the sound of children chasing and fighting can be heard everywhere, making him even more annoyed by the noise.

Suddenly he saw several children from the Mo family running over, and the evil thoughts in his heart suddenly rose.

Su Weiqi is not a person who can endure hardships and do farm work, not to mention that he has actually been a boss and opened a shop, and the unwillingness in his heart has never stopped.

Even if this became an obsession, he was short of a start-up capital!
Nowadays, every household can only have one child. The rural areas are good. Farmers need labor to work in the fields. If the first child in the family is a girl, young couples are allowed to have another child.

It's just that some women can only give birth to daughters, so they secretly throw away the child and continue to have one, or take one from relatives and friends, or secretly buy one!
Boy, that's the walking purse.

Su Weiqi threw away the hoe secretly, and ran into the city as a girl, even ignoring the harsh words of the Su family behind him.

Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Weiqi's back, the corners of his lips twitched, and he paused for a while before saying to Mo Mu:

"Mom, I suddenly thought of going out with my friends... I will go to the city by bike and come back with Brother Haoran at night..."

Mother Mo was a little worried: "Why don't you let your grandfather drive you there?"

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and patted his bag: "Mom, I have already prepared chili noodles and chili water, the very spicy ones, whoever dares to take care of me, I will let them howl on the ground in pain !"

"I'm an adult, people and cars are everywhere on the road, who dares to provoke me in broad daylight?"

"I can't stay out of the gate for the rest of my life just because I'm afraid of this and that?"

Mo's mother was helpless, "Then remember, you must take the big road, and you can't take the small road in a hurry... When you encounter something, shout out loudly, don't trust others easily..."

Like a child, she held Shu Anyang's hand and talked for a long time.

Shu Anyang smiled lightly and nodded in response one by one.

Mother Mo prepared a pot of mint honey water for Shu Anyang, and brought her a sun hat and sunglasses. "Haoran gave these sunglasses to your dad. We are in the village all day, so how can we use them?"

"I've been putting it in the drawer to eat ashes, and it just so happens that you brought it this time..."

Shu Anyang was not in a hurry, and when he was ready, he pedaled towards the town.

(End of this chapter)

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