Chapter 187 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (81)

The sky at the end of July is like a big stuffy furnace, everything is framed inside, and the wind is gone.

Who is on the road at such a time?Therefore, the scent left by Su Weiqi's passing seems to be frozen in place by the air, guiding Shu Anyang to chase steadily all the way.

When he arrived in the town, Shu Anyang found a place where no one was around, disguised himself, and then continued to ride the bicycle slowly, turning left and right into an inconspicuous alley.

It's just that when she just entered the alley and passed the grocery store, she felt a cold gaze cast over her, and there was someone far behind her.

When passing by a house, Shu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smell was gone!
She continued to drive at the same speed, but her ears were pricked up, and she could clearly hear some children's moaning from underneath...

Shu Anyang didn't stop and rode so far, that's why the tail didn't follow.

She didn't turn back, and she already had guesses in her heart that the plot was returning!
Su Weiqi contacted the traffickers and wanted to sell Xiao Yongxin, even she could boldly guess.

Last time he failed to get the luck of Mo Yongning and Mo Yongming, this time he is very likely to be included in the child abduction list together.

Shu Anyang curled his lips slightly, and went directly to the mine to find Mo Haoran.

Seeing his daughter-in-law wearing a long floral dress pedaling a car from afar, with a fairy air, Mo Haoran was stunned for a moment, then he threw the car repair tools in his hand into the box, and strode towards her.

"Daughter-in-law," the man was tanned two shades, and he smiled showing two rows of white teeth.He was wearing a navy blue vest, whether it was his arms or his chest and abdomen bound by the vest, his smooth muscle lines revealed his charming body.

Shu Anyang swallowed quietly.She remembered how he tormented herself with all his brute force.

The man grabbed her car, ignored the big guy's gaze, and pinched her down with his arms, "Why are you here now? The weather is so hot, look at our little face is red..."

Shu Anyang glared at him, obviously she couldn't stand being stared at by the big guys.

"Still talking about me, don't you take a break at noon?"

Recently, the coal industry is recovering, and the mining and transportation tasks in the unit are relatively heavy, so Mo Haoran has to stay in the unit at noon.

He took Shu Anyang to his single dormitory, and when he passed the water pipe, he stopped to wash his hands and face.

"The car mechanic has something to do at home, I'll help out on shift... I just finished overhauling that car, and my wife came..."

He lathered the soap carefully several times, and only after the oil stains on his hands were completely removed did he continue walking with Shu Anyang.

After entering the dormitory, he directly pushed her to the door and kissed her.

His daughter-in-law amazed and fascinated him all the time. Originally, he was so hot that he felt bored inside, but when he saw a woman, he felt cool and comfortable all over his body.

When the two of them are alone, he likes to kiss and hug her.

Shu Anyang also had no resistance to him, so he could only cooperate obediently, let him make trouble, and even transform the interest he aroused into fiery enthusiasm...

After the two quarreled for a while, Shu Anyang explained the purpose of his visit.

"Brother Haoran... the children are quite sensible, they usually don't run around, they just play on the ground... After all, it's next to the provincial road, people come and go, I'm afraid some strangers will trick the children... We take turns to watch kids some..."

"The Su family's land is not far from ours... I just watched Su Weiqi look up at the children gloomyly from time to time, especially his eyes stayed on Yongming and Yongxin for a while, and then he dropped his hoe and came to the town It's..."

"I felt something was wrong, so I rode my bike and lied that I had an appointment with my friend, and chased him all the way..."

When he heard this, Mo Haoran's heart almost jumped out, and he stared at the little woman viciously, "Keep talking!"

Shu Anyang tugged at the corners of his lips, "I, I was very careful, and even disguised myself so that you wouldn't recognize me... I have good facial features, and I can hear someone following me in the alley shop... It is also certain that Su Weiqi entered one of the houses, and there are many children's voices in the basement of that house..."

Mo Haoran didn't care about her conclusions, the more he listened, the more frightened he became, he directly lifted the man to his knees, raised his hand high and slapped Shu Anyang.

In fact, the place where she was beaten had a lot of flesh, and Mo Haoran controlled his strength. Shu Anyang didn't feel the pain was unbearable, it's just that she was so old, and she was taught like this.

Both of them froze in place.

Mo Haoran avoided her gaze unnaturally, "Daughter-in-law, I know you are worried about the safety of the children, so you want to find out. But have you ever thought that maybe one of Su Weiqi's targets is you!"

"You think you are smart to follow, if you let them notice in advance, do you think you can still stand in front of me and be proud?"

"Shu Anyang, you are no longer alone. You have your own family and your own man. Why don't you tell me first when you encounter something?"

"The premise of saving people is that you have to protect yourself. It makes no sense to say that other people's lives are more valuable than yours! Even if that person is a family member or me..."

Shu Anyang's slight anger was extinguished with a puff.

She whispered: "My kung fu is not bad, and my ability to disguise is also good... The matter is too urgent, I, I didn't think of it for a while... I promise I will tell you next time..."

Mo Haoran rubbed her head, "I'll take you home first, and go to the city to do some errands... Don't worry, I will definitely take someone to check it out, and I will never let go of any possibility..."

Shu Anyang hummed.

Mo Haoran sent her back first, and then went to the city non-stop to find comrades in arms. After summing up the matter, the two bypassed the comrades in the local bureau and directly contacted the green camp.

In the afternoon, they broke into the yard to search on the grounds of looking for spies.

This matter quickly alarmed the comrades in the nearby institutes, and they hurried over one after another.

"Comrade, hello, do you know if there is anything we need to cooperate with?"

Mo Haoran didn't show up. After all, he is still a celebrity in the small town. What if someone slips through the net and recognizes him, what should we do with the Mo family?
However, his comrade-in-arms sneered: "We received reports from the masses that we heard the cries of two children... But the nearby residents know that this child is very sensible and obedient, and will not cry easily... Something abnormal will happen. There are demons, so we made a surprise inspection..."

The comrades in the institute immediately understood and said, "Comrade, has someone reported that this family is a human trafficker?"

"Actually, we have received such reports once or twice before... Missing persons are always a major case. We dare not be negligent. We specifically asked for an order to search the house, but we searched twice and found nothing..."

(End of this chapter)

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