Chapter 188 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (82)

Zhouyan Town has well-developed transportation, and by the way, it is also a relatively good town in the city.

In the same way, under the prosperous surface of Zhou Yan Town, there is also a lot of darkness hidden. Banners are hung up in the provincial capital, and it is a member of the campaign to crack down on gangsters and eliminate evil.

Among them are rampant human traffickers!
Where can people walk by the river without getting wet shoes?When some traffickers committed crimes, they were caught by their family members, or followed to their homes.

It's just that after someone reported the case, the trafficker looked honest and innocent, and let the comrades in the center search him.

The result is the same every time, not a single child is hiding in the yard!
Many times, the traffickers instead yelled that he must have offended the person and was falsely accused, and the people in the camp did not distinguish between right and wrong, wasting time and energy, which also caused him great reputation and mental damage, and in turn demanded compensation!

Are there any criminals who dare to yell at the comrades in the institute so confidently?

No!So his suspicion was basically cleared, and now the comrades in the institute are still stepping forward to testify against him.

Tao Xiuming and Mo Haoran are a group of soldiers, they don't know each other, they are very strong and cherish each other.

Since Mo Haoran is sure that this is a den of human traffickers, he will dig three feet to find them.

"Comrade, someone has found us, so we have to go through a process and search the yard inside and out," Tao Xiuming pulled the corners of his lips, and as a signal, comrades in casual clothes rushed in behind him, looking carefully. probing.

Their team is for special tasks. Everyone has their own skills and cooperate with each other. There is no case that they can't solve.

The man who opened the door looked at the honest man, and said helplessly to the comrades in the institute: "Captain Wang, what are you doing? Are you really forcing me to go to the city to sue you for your limited ability to work and disturb the people many times?"

"My house is such a big place, how can it be possible to hide children? The neighbors can all testify. There are only two children in my house, one is more obedient than the other..."

"Besides, my house is closed, who knows which family the crying child belongs to?"

Wang Dui looked at this and then that, shrugged: "This time it's not our case, they directly found the Green Camp... We also serve the people, but we are not a system, we can cooperate with each other but don't interfere ..."

Without saying a word, Tao Xiuming bypassed the two and joined the search team.

The man said displeasedly: "I don't care what system you are in... how many times have I been censored by you as a human trafficker?"

"I've said it all, I offended someone and was framed... If you don't investigate, who is so capable of teasing me over and over again?"

"If you still can't find anything this time, I will really go to the city to sue you, together with the previous..."

Comrades did not miss any detail, since the sound came from underground, they knocked and knocked one by one to hear where it was empty.

It was just a yard check. Except for the Hanzi family, there were no so-called children.

The man's extremely slightly relieved expression was captured by Tao Xiuming.

"Continue to search for me again. It's justifiable to be reported once, twice or even three or four times, then there is really something wrong with your small courtyard!"

The man's face showed annoyance, "Do you think that pouring dirty water on me is not hard enough? Do you have to find out if there is nothing wrong?"

Tao Xiuming sneered, wondering if the child's voice came from the ground, but the house is covered with concrete floors, and the courtyard is empty, nothing unusual, only...

His eyes looked at the only well in the yard.

Upon seeing this, Wang Dui said in a low voice: "We also suspected that there was someone hiding in the well, and we sent colleagues down to investigate carefully, and there was nothing unusual..."

Tao Xiuming nodded, but he turned his head and asked someone to prepare the rope, and went down by himself...

People get busy in the afternoon. After the adults and children who go to work and school leave, the people who stay at home wash the pots and bowls, sweep the floor, wash clothes, the crying and talking of milk babies, etc., making the alley lively and full of life. It's also not easy to hold your breath to catch suspicious sounds.

Tao Xiuming tied a rope around his waist, put on special shoes and gloves, and tied a flashlight on his shoulder.He tapped on the wall with a tool while exploring slowly.

The well was cold and damp, and the walls were covered with light and slippery moss. It didn't seem like a place where he often went in and out, not to mention that he knocked one by one, and the sound was normal.

Tao Xiuming frowned slightly. With his many years of experience and his trust in Mo Haoran, he had to think, if he was a human trafficker, how would he hide the children perfectly and avoid being searched again and again?
He will definitely hide people where others think it is impossible!
Where is it impossible?Naturally...

He looked down at his feet suddenly. If there is a secret door in the water, then there is water on one side and a thick wall on the other. The sound insulation effect of the children must be good, and this is what the traffickers rely on.

Tao Xiuming guessed like this, without wasting time, he directly asked his teammates to continue to put the rope, and threw down a plastic bag.

After wrapping the flashlight tightly, he took a deep breath and plunged into the water.Through the dim light of the flashlight, he really saw a passage half a meter above the water surface in the well!

He walked about two meters along the passage, and saw the exit above.Tao Xiuming slowly got out of the water and continued to climb up. At a height of about one meter, he entered a room.

When he popped his head out, he jumped out, avoiding the attack of the man lying in ambush by the water.

Tao Xiuming subdued the man in twos and twos, and then he stabilized his mind and looked around.

The dark room was only ten square meters in size, but the walls, including the roof, were all iron cages, and each iron cage contained a child.

The house has a row of vertical vents, and if he guessed correctly, it is connected to the abandoned sewer in the middle of the alley!

Most of the children were lethargic, and three or five woke up humming weakly.

Tao Xiuming looked at the medicine bottle on the table, and he understood that these crazy people were afraid of the children's noise, so they kept feeding them medicine...

He rudely dragged the man into the water and emerged from the surface of the well, "The children have been found!"

As soon as Tao Xiuming's words came out, the companions on the well immediately restrained the man who wanted to escape.

The big guy pulled Tao Xiuming and the people who were tied up. Hearing Tao Xiuming's description, everyone was very angry.

"I just said why there is a big plastic bucket in the house, which was originally used to hold children..."

"There are serious scratches on the edge of the well, I thought it was rubbed with a bucket when fetching water..."

(End of this chapter)

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