Chapter 194 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (88)

"Actually, families with children have a lot of burdens. The family members are busy doing odd jobs. I, I also have the cheek to entrust the children to one family for a few days, and another family for a few days... Big sister, I know I shouldn't be in your care." I just sent the child here, I really can't do anything..."

The woman wiped her tears, and the children also looked pitiful.

The older girl said: "Auntie, we are very good, just stand at home, don't mess with the things in the house, don't eat randomly... I watch my brother, don't need Auntie to worry..."

The two younger ones also nodded, "Auntie, we have enough to eat in the morning, and we won't beg for things randomly...We, we just squat in the corner of your house..."

A family of four can be as sincere as they want, and it is difficult for even the worst people to refuse to take such a low profile.

But Shu Anyang shrugged his shoulders and refused without hesitation, "Sorry, I'm a delicate person, and I can't smell strangers for a long time, especially in terms of your children's hygiene... I'm sorry, my sister-in-law, Brother Haoran It's good for me, I don't do any work, I can't take care of myself, let alone help you look after your children..."

"My mother-in-law also said that she will watch it for me when I give birth..."

"I'm also doing it for your own good. I'm afraid that my lazy temper will come up, and I will treat your children as my targets, ordering them to wander around the room, making people think that I have abused them..."

"For my reputation, I dare not let you in!"

The woman was so angry that her eyes protruded a little, "Big sister, my child is really obedient..."

Before she finished speaking, the little girl waved her hand: "Mom, it's almost time, you go to work quickly... Can Aunt Mo really ignore me?"

The woman nodded repeatedly and said, "Please trouble me, sister." She turned around and was about to leave.

Shu Anyang said loudly: "The old sister-in-law just leaves. I will tell people later that the child took things from my house and asked the comrades in the office to take care of them all morning... When you get off work, you don't have to come back, go to the office first." Turn around..."

The woman was very angry, "Big sister, I think you are brother Haoran's daughter-in-law, so I trust you more."

"I didn't expect you to be such a person! How old are the children, do you have the heart to pour dirty water on them?"

Shu Anyang shrugged: "Then you really have the heart to send them to my house... My partner was afraid of tiring me, so he brought me here from home, and didn't say that I would be a free nanny for your family to look after the children!"

"It's only the first day. I know you are a human or a ghost, so I will help you look after the child. If you don't look at it, you are vicious and not kind?"

"There are fewer and fewer kind people now. Is it because they are not kind? No, but they are afraid that they will be like me, and they will not be able to shake off when they meet you."

"I'm afraid of trouble. Before I moved here, your family didn't starve to death. Now my refusal shouldn't make your family unable to eat, right?"

"Since the old sister-in-law is about to go to work, I won't bother you!"

Saying that she bluntly slammed the door shut.

When she learned psychology and micro-expressions for nothing?
Their family of four couldn't cultivate well, and they wanted to use the same team, the new wife's thin skin, selling miserably, and other superimposed elements to forcefully settle in.

What's more, the daughter-in-law of Vice Captain Zheng thought she had a bad memory.

When Hao Zhiyang was being bullied, one of the little girls was the "well-behaved and sensible" lady in front of him.

Besides, on the first day she moved here, the four members of the Zheng family came looking for her, which was not right for reason or reason!
Children are innocent, but if adults paint bad colors on them, children will become extremely lethal "weapons".

Children on the battlefield cannot be ignored, let alone in reality.

Outside the door, the four members of the Zheng family stared at the door for a long time before stamping their feet and leaving angrily, but they immediately changed their expressions and publicized the matter when they met someone.

Why is the new daughter-in-law of Mo's family only enjoying herself, and let Mo Haoran do all the housework... She has sharp teeth, vicious heart, lazy selfishness and so on.

The big guys have lived in the family home for many years, who doesn't know whose character?Especially some exceptionally top-notch people.

Most people just laughed and didn't take it to heart, but some of them were open-mouthed and didn't think the excitement was big enough, so they added fuel and vinegar to talk about it.

Seeing the mother and son going downstairs from the opposite door, they knocked on Shu Anyang's door, "Daughter-in-law Haoran, you're right to do this!"

Shu Anyang looked at her in a daze.

The delicate woman stretched out her hand with a smile, and said proudly: "Come on, let me introduce myself. My name is Shan Xiumei. My husband is the deputy director of the material warehouse, and I live across from you."

"I'm a freelance writer and I'd love to be your neighbor."

Shu Anyang nodded with a chuckle, reached out and shook her lightly: "Hello, my name is Shu Anyang."

Shan Xiumei didn't ask to enter the house, she just gossiped with her in a very low voice: "Actually, it's the same as what your partner said, city people and rural people, it depends on the eye and the three views. Only those who get along can get along in the long run. ..."

"Before, I was a weird person in this corridor. I didn't like to play with others, and others thought I was high-minded. Usually, I stayed in the house, or wandered around, and occasionally listened to something interesting from those people downstairs."

"So, I know most of the things in the mining area... The so-called male vice-captain's partner just now is especially... Well, he is a sweet-hearted and bitter-hearted person, but he will take advantage of others..."

"I'm thinking about it, it's probably because you moved too high-profile yesterday, and during this period of time, your man made some big things at home from time to time, which caused some people's red eyes... Those children, look cute outside, But when they get home, they will stare at your food, watch TV, blow fans, and even steal something while you are not paying attention..."

"If a child is discovered, at most they will return the things, and then they will be scolded twice..."

Shu Anyang nodded in agreement, "As long as she has some insight, she shouldn't entrust the child to me who hasn't met and doesn't know my character unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I can only say that either she is brave, or these children have problems and are not afraid of these things. I don't want to cause trouble!"

After talking for a while, Shan Xiumei asked Shu Anyang to take a bus to the city tomorrow.

Even though Mo Haoran tried his best to arrange all the things in the house, Shu Anyang still had a lot of things to buy.She nodded in response.

As soon as the door was closed, Zong Shaoyi also knocked on the door not long after.

Shu Anyang warmly invited her in for watermelon and snacks.

(End of this chapter)

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