Chapter 195 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (89)

Zong Shaoyi was not polite, picked up a piece and gnawed on it, said with a smile: "I was looking forward to the stars and the moon at home, and I finally got you here."

"This time you move here, will you live in the family courtyard for a long time?"

Shu Anyang murmured, "Of course, although the mining area is not far from our village, Brother Haoran sometimes goes to and from get off work too late, which makes people feel uneasy."

"What's more, it's our young couple who live here."

The Mo family's bustle is bustling, and it's because it's too busy. The young couple can only have their own lives behind closed doors.

Zong Shaoyi pursed her lips and smiled, "I understand, I understand, the sofa, the kitchen, the dining table, the's all written in novels..."

Shu Anyang squinted at her, "Why do I hear that someone has already practiced it?"

Zong Shaoyi was choked by the watermelon water and coughed again and again, "Wow, where is it! I'm a serious person, the kind who doesn't turn off the lights and don't take off my clothes!"

Shu Anyang propped his chin, and asked with a smile: "So, Zong Shaoyi, how does it feel to have a flash marriage?"

Zong Shaoyi's face was almost as red as a watermelon, "What else can I do, just be like your family!"

"It's all the days of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Is it possible to have nothing to do to find excitement?"

After saying this, Zong Shaoyi asked Shu Anyang what plans he had in the future. "I haven't lived in the family courtyard for long, but I still have some understanding of the virtues of the big guys in the family courtyard."

"Most of them are brought from the countryside by their partners, and they basically have no jobs, unless the men have some skills... Men go to the mines to make money, and women take care of their children at home... Those who are careful about living will find a small shop to help , no matter how bad it is to pick up some odd jobs and go home to do..."

"Those who just stay at home and live a good life, such as you and your opposite door, will become everyone's public enemy."

"As for me, I drive my own car and have my own gallery when I go out. They don't dare to provoke me..."

She said this to Shu Anyang because she wanted her friend to shock those gossiping women from the very beginning.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Brother Haoran found me a job as an announcer in the mine. I usually read manuscripts in the morning, afternoon and evening, play music, and issue a few notices. The work is easy and not tiring, and the salary is good."

Zong Shaoyi nodded, "That's good, that's good, you have a formal job, so keep your distance from them, and stay away from a lot of disturbance!"

Hearing that Shu Anyang was going to the city tomorrow, Zong Shaoyi proposed to let the two of them go in her car, and when she came back in the afternoon, she would bring them back with her.

Shu Anyang has strong adaptability. The original owner was the school announcer when he was in junior high school and high school.

She quickly got used to the job and lived a nine-to-five life.

Originally, the Mo family would come here every now and then to deliver something to the young couple. Basically, there was no need to buy fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk, chicken, duck, and goose.After they came a few times, some family members asked about the price, because the things Mo's sent were relatively complete, and the price was quite affordable and fair.

Everyone placed orders to the Mo family one after another, so that the Mo family went back and forth every day!
Even Mo's own vegetable garden couldn't supply them, so they had to buy vegetables, fruits and eggs from the villagers, which was another way for the villagers to make money.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, Shu Anyang is lazy, except for going to work, she hardly wants to move, and at home she has become Mo Haoran's humanoid pendant.

"Why do I feel that you sleep a lot lately? Every night before eight o'clock, you fall asleep when I go out to wash up..." Mo Haoran, who had been hungry for several days, said quietly.

Shu Anyang blinked his eyes.He didn't say, she hasn't felt her recent changes yet.

With some guesses in her heart, she chuckled and hummed: "Maybe my relatives are visiting, and the heat is relatively strong, so I don't want to move."

Mo Haoran touched her forehead, and seriously discussed with her: "Daughter-in-law, I want to take you to the capital to see a doctor when the weather is cooler...Let's do a physical examination to see if there is anything that needs to be rectified. ?”

"In those years, you suffered too much, who knows if there is any root cause of disease... No matter what, let's go there and feel at ease..."

Shu Anyang pursed his lips and slipped into his arms, "No, let's go in two years... Don't you still have to go to Shanghai to buy stocks at the end of the year? In May of the next year, we will sell them all and buy a house in Kyoto go!"

"Let's buy it one by one, and I want to be a renter!"

Mo Haoran frowned slightly, "Then, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me in time, and you are not allowed to show off."

Shu Anyang nodded repeatedly.

On weekends, they still rode their motorcycles home.

Today's Yandian Village is extremely lively, and the sound of hawking can be heard from a distance in the early morning.

"Hao Ran, take your daughter-in-law home? Come on, this is the loach my boy caught. I vomited up the mud. Take it back and let your mother burn it to eat..." As soon as their car drove slowly, the villagers enthusiastically I kept stuffing things into the carriage, and no one could refuse.

Looking at the things he was full of, Shu Anyang was helpless and moved. There are still many good people in the world, and people are simple, kind and grateful.

People who really give thanks don't care if you know it's from them or not.

Shu Anyang's eyes turned slightly, it is actually quite easy for farmers to make money, there are many ways!

Now the food production is much better than before, and it will continue to improve, enough for the big guys to eat well.There is a lot of land in the village, and they can use some to do business like the Mo family.

Thinking in this way, Shu Anyang said a few words to Mo Haoran.

"Land is a very precious resource. Our village can develop some special projects, such as farmhouse entertainment, that is, opening restaurants, cooking some delicious farm meals, and opening large-scale barbecue cities... We are next to the provincial road, and we can drive in trucks. There is an advertisement on the outside... Well, we can buy a second-hand bus to pick up and drop off diners..."

"You can also set up a greenhouse and grow some herbs, flowers or fruits... Like herbs, we cook them ourselves and sell them to pharmacies. The price is much more expensive than picking them and selling them to manufacturers... Flowers have ornamental value, and many people love I like to buy something to please myself...and the fruit, we can sell it out, and we can also invite people from the city to bring their children to pick it, so as to gain more knowledge and add interest to life..."

Not only Mo Haoran heard it, but also Mr. Mo and the village head who came over.

"I think it will work," the old man said cheerfully, "My Anyang family has a flexible head, so how can there be a bad idea?"

"People in the city don't have land, especially the children in the city, but they rarely come to our country to play... There is no place to play in the town, so we provide them with a field..."

(End of this chapter)

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