Chapter 196 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (90)

Mo Haoran also added with a smile: "Yes, we have a lot of people and little land in the town, and the places where we can play are limited. It's better to develop the countryside..."

"Such as roller skating rinks, basketball courts, football fields, and billiards that require a large space... There are also mines, but the venues have been built for more than ten years, and they are already dilapidated... Our village is not far from the town, and it takes only a long time to ride a bicycle." ah……"

"Some land in the village is relatively barren and full of sand and gravel, which can be used for transformation..."

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "I will also make some special tea drinks. Let's develop the village into a cultural scenic spot that combines entertainment and food."

"By the way, we can also refine some farm yards and rent them out, as long as they are clean and hygienic, with an idyllic style... People who pay attention to fun or want to relax, should like it..."

"After all, there is a saying that goes southeast after picking chrysanthemums, and you can see Nanshan leisurely. This is the scenery of Taoyuan described by the ancients..."

The village chief was heartbroken when he heard this, "Daughter-in-law Haoran, please tell me in detail."

"That's all right, Comrade Shu Anyang, I'll hire you as a consultant for our village's economic development, and I'll apply for a share for you later, how about it?"

Shu Anyang did not shirk.

It's not that she has taken a fancy to these profits, but if she shows that she can help unconditionally and do charity, she will make the whole village rich in the future, and people will only miss your kindness for two or three days.

She just doesn't want to see some people being supercilious.It is also justifiable to share with the organization for the idea I came up with, and no one can say a word!
After all, she will also be in charge of the direction of the economic development of the entire Yandian Village in the future, and will need to make fine adjustments from time to time to ensure that the overall economy of the village is in a state of huge profits.

"Okay, then half of the profit will be handed over to the organization, [-]% will go to the village, [-]% will be given to me, and the remaining [-]% ​​will be distributed to the villagers according to their work!"

"As for the money in the village, some basic construction needs to be carried out, and every item spent must be clearly listed... I am sincerely working hard for the development of our village, and I don't want some people to fill their pockets and harm the interests of the collective and the organization. , just to satisfy my own selfish desires..."

The village head nodded again and again: "That's for sure. Since we want to do big things, we have to do things seriously and settle accounts clearly..."

"Uncle Chang Zhu, you don't have much culture and knowledge, but we read newspapers every day to make progress."

"I know that in any unit, the financial department is the most important thing. No matter how good the unit's benefits are, if the calculation is not good, people will take advantage of the loopholes, and it will be nothing to fetch water from a bamboo basket..."

"Don't worry, our ledger is transparent and open, and we will never let a penny go missing!"

Mr. Mo also nodded: "Girl, you can tell people to do things, and Grandpa and Grandma usually look at the store when they have nothing to do, and they will help you to keep an eye on this item..."

The old lady listened with gusto, and when she was called by name, she also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Anyang, grandpa and grandma are very leisurely at home now, and all the work is taken care of by Haoran's brothers and sisters-in-law. Monthly cents."

"Your father and I can't do heavy work. It's okay to help the supervisor and do some light work..."

The old couple have seniority in the village, basically the power of the old man's words can catch up with the village head.

Shu Anyang said with a smile: "Then I will trouble Grandpa and Grandma to be supervisors. You are elders with rich experience in life, and you will know many things at a glance..."

"But there is one thing, you must pay attention to safety..."

These projects are not difficult. The main reason is that the village is short of funds and there is no way to spread them out at the same time.

However, after a month of setting up stalls, the wallets of the villagers have already seen their thickness.

Shu Anyang gave the village chief an idea to redistribute the profits.In the village, the village can use the land as a stake in the project, and let the villagers pay for the stake, and she is a technology stake.Villagers work for wages.

So many birds with one stone, to meet the needs of each party!With more funds distributed by the organization, the village can carry out the construction and renovation of various basic projects, and the villagers have another income.

Even the Mo family can make money from the money they earn!
The village head was very concerned about this matter, and Shu Anyang happened to be fine, so he laid out a detailed plan.

The village chief was afraid that he might not express himself clearly, so he called Shu Anyang to go to the city to report to the leaders.

Shu Anyang's projects really aroused the leaders' strong interest.The economic development of each place is the top priority at the current stage. Whoever has this performance will have a smooth and fast road ahead!
Therefore, all these plans have been approved, and the leaders have to convene the bosses in the city to invest in order to reduce the financial pressure on the project.

After receiving the approval letter, the village head returned to the village with the plan and held a meeting for the whole village. He briefly talked about the great leap forward of the village in the future. The labor force is greatly liberated...the crops in the field are getting more and more productive, and the development of the city is bound to compress the surrounding suburbs..."

"Several comrades in our village held a meeting to discuss the future development of our village. We can't really let the big guys plant the land for a lifetime?"

"It was our Comrade Shu Anyang who drew the blueprint for the development of our village for the big guys... Our villagers unite together, those who have money contribute money, and those who are powerful contribute, so that every villager who pays can get a corresponding return ..."

The village head talked about Shu Anyang's plans, "These plans have all been approved by the leaders above...the leaders are very concerned about our village and want to use us as a test site. If we make every project successful and profitable Quite a few, then our projects will be promoted..."

"The organization also allocated a batch of activity funds for us! For the revitalization and development of our village, we all have to work together to win this tough economic battle!"

The big guys were very excited when they heard it, mainly because they trusted Shu Anyang a lot.The little daughter-in-law of the Mo family is not only prosperous, but also prosperous in the village!

The market in Yandian Village is already well-known in all towns and villages, and it is open on the provincial road. Many villagers like to come here for leisure.

What's more, the truck drivers are used to taking provincial roads, and seeing such a lively and affordable place unexpectedly, won't it spread quickly in the circle?

All truck drivers passing by like to stop here, have a meal, do some shopping, and enjoy free hot tea.

There are also old men who tell stories to relieve fatigue!

All these benefits were won by Shu Anyang for the big guys.

Although they don't particularly know and understand the projects mentioned by the village chief, they also know that they must be worth implementing if they can get the approval, funding and attention of Mo Haoran, Shu Anyang and even the city leaders!
(End of this chapter)

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