Chapter 198 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (92)

In fact, some farm dishes are quite delicious, which is the taste of nostalgia for many people, and they will never tire of eating them.

Even after many people flew all over the world and ate all the delicacies, they still miss this bite.

Mo's mother is very good at cooking fish. First, marinate it with home-made grain wine and salt for two hours in advance, and then put it in a firewood pot and fry it with oil to stew the soup. Simple ingredients and simple cooking, but the boiled fish soup is a little bit There is no fishy smell, and the soup is thick, white and delicious!

Shu Anyang likes to dip fish in sauce to drink soup, but when she just put it in her mouth today, she felt a strong fishy smell and a bit of bitterness.

Her brow furrowed involuntarily.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?" Mo Haoran's peripheral vision was always on her body, and he immediately noticed something was wrong, and asked softly, "Did you get a thorn?"

Shu Anyang also asked him in a low voice: "Brother Haoran, how does the fish our mother cook today taste?"

She chewed and swallowed the fish with difficulty, picked up the soup bowl next to her and took a sip.However, the taste of the soup is still fishy...

Mo Haoran nodded, "It's delicious, it's the same as before, why, don't you like it?"

Shu Anyang endured and endured, but still couldn't bear it, he stood up, turned and ran out of the house, hugged the tree trunk and vomited.

It was already noon, and the food in her stomach had been digested, and there was nothing to spit out, only some yellow water.

Mother Mo was stunned for a moment, smiled and hurriedly called Mo Haoran to bring boiled water for Shu Anyang to rinse his mouth.And she stood up and switched the positions of the fish and the chicken.

"Shu Tingniang, what are you doing? Anyang likes to eat your stewed fish the most, why did you switch places?" Father Mo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but say something.

Mo's mother glared at him, "I see Haoran's daughter-in-law is here!"

Mo Haoran just helped Shu Anyang come in, and when he heard this, he froze in place, and looked at his wife's flat stomach in disbelief.

Shu Anyang also stared at him, and deliberately puffed out his stomach, "Why, don't you recognize it?"

Mo Haoran hurriedly shook his head, but he was a little worried, "Daughter-in-law, was it the time when we just moved into the new house and I got drunk?"

He was a little annoyed. Originally, his daughter-in-law was in poor health, and he drank alcohol, which was particularly unfriendly to the child's physical development.

He has never been able to resist his wife, and he made such a big mistake when he indulged himself after drinking!
Let him talk about giving up the crystallization of love between himself and Shu Anyang, he can't say it!
Seeing him struggling, Shu Anyang dragged him into the yard, stroked his eyebrows on tiptoe, and said with a smile: "Brother Haoran, I know what you are worried about."

"I'm fine with the baby, as long as I eat well enough, the baby will be healthy!"

"Brother Haoran, I've told you many times. In fact, I'm not as miserable as you imagined in the Su family... They really treated me very badly, but I'm not stupid. What I should eat, I Trying to make up for it, when I was working, I was from the city and my body was weak... I was bluffing the Su family and the villagers, do you really think that my body has reached the point where my body is exhausted?"

"I just used a little trick to make the doctor misdiagnose. In fact, I can keep up with my nutrition now, and I am as strong as a cow. How can I not give birth to a healthy baby for you?"

Mo Haoran thought of what the doctor said, that with a body like Shu Anyang, it is basically impossible to conceive. After all, nature is very wonderful. If a body is not healthy enough to undertake the mission of conceiving, then she cannot conceive.

Since the daughter-in-law can get pregnant, it means that she is really healthy!

Mo Haoran then continued to look at her stomach, "Do we have a child?"

This is a very novel thing, he had never thought that he would get married and have children before.Now that he can live the life of his wife and children, that kind of happiness is about to overflow!

A rare silly smile appeared on Qingjun's face, he hugged Shu Anyang and walked around in circles, "Daughter-in-law, you are going to give birth to me...I'm going to be a father?"

Mo's mother also burst into laughter, "Not only do you have a baby, but it is very likely that you will have three children!"

Shu Anyang blinked his eyes, touched his stomach, and thought that maybe when she crushed the jade of luck, luck also penetrated into her body, so at the moment when every family can only have one child, she can give birth to three in one birth. .

After Mo Haoran bought the pregnancy test stick for verification, the family's heart fell to the ground, and Shu Anyang was directly upgraded from the treatment of the empress to the treatment of the Lafayette.

Mother Mo was afraid that the young couple would be young and ignorant, so she dictated and asked Mo Haoran to write a bunch of precautions.

The women of the Mo family began to prepare clothes for the arrival of the newborn.

The busy days are like installing a motor for time, and it is the last month of 1990 in a flash.

After Shu Anyang saw the news about the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the newspaper, he asked Mo Haoran to buy all his family's money into stocks!
Mo Haoran didn't hesitate, sent her back to her hometown first, then asked Li Minglang to ask for leave with money, and quietly went to Shanghai to queue up to buy stocks.

The two went early and alternated in line, so the stocks followed them to buy.

Mo Haoran and Li Minglang bought Yuyuan and Feile first, and bought electric vacuum with the rest of the money. They bought nearly [-] shares of each stock in total!

They didn't stop after buying, and returned directly by plane. Except for their immediate leaders, no one noticed their brief disappearance.

Their lives have returned to the normality of the past.

Mo Haoran and Shu Anyang have a house in the countryside, Mo Fumo's mother runs a shop, and the shop of the young couple is rented to Mo Haoran's sister Mo Shuting to take care of it.

Both Mo Shuting and her partner were honest people, and they didn't want to take advantage of it. After discussion, the two families decided to split the profit of the shop in half.After all, without Shu Anyang's idea, the shop would not be able to open, let alone prosper.

The weather is cold and it has started to snow. The village has directly built a large ski resort, and there are various snow sports. There are snacks from all over the world. Basically, the villagers who know how to be grateful, have good conduct, and endure hardships and stand hard work have skills.And the fame of Yandian Food and Entertainment Street has been completely followed by the big trucks.

Especially during the Chinese New Year, Yandian Village even hosted the New Year's Shopping Festival, so that people from nearby villages and towns, and even the residents of the city, came here to visit.

What sells couplets, New Year pictures, window grilles, scarves and hats, cotton-padded jackets and trousers, all kinds of delicacies, everything!

The more prosperous the business in the village, the brighter the smiles on the faces of the big guys.The number of customers who come to Yandian Food and Entertainment Street every day ranges from hundreds to nearly [-].

The hot spring hall is built with blue bricks, like an ancient courtyard, it integrates eating, drinking and entertainment, and also provides accommodation.The reputation of the hot springs is already well-known among the people in the provincial capital!
All of these profits belong to Anyang.And there are several buses that transport customers for free, which are also part of the fee paid by the village to the young couple.

(End of this chapter)

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