Chapter 199 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (93)

The daily income of the young couple is quite a lot, one or two hundred is not enough, not to mention that Mo Haoran no longer drives for the unit, but bought a few small trucks by himself, opened a moving company, and hired veterans comrades.

By the way, he also expanded the business of delivering goods to various hotels, restaurants, and canteens. Almost all trucks are running around the clock.

They didn't move the share of the village, but Mo Haoran went to the magic capital every month to buy stocks.

The profits from the business he developed by himself, in addition to salary and living expenses, all continue to buy cars to expand the scale.

Now the big guy’s life is not considered rich, and many times he needs to use a car, so he has to call to rent it.

Mo Haoran seized this opportunity and laid a car in the city.

Because he is busy and spends short time at home, he can't take care of his daughter-in-law in all aspects, so Mo's mother directly moved to the building to take care of Shu Anyang.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, which was Valentine's Day in [-], Shu Anyang gave birth to triplets in the mining area hospital, two sons and a daughter, which made a sensation in the mining area!

The Mo family is very precious, afraid that some people will steal the child with jealousy, so they will stare at it.

Shu Anyang was in relatively good health and was discharged back to the village on the same day.

Mo's mother said that she would have to confine herself to confinement, and giving birth to a child would be a serious blow to a woman's vitality, not to mention she had three births, so she had to make up for it.

The family has enough staff, and three or four daughters-in-law can be drawn out at any time.

Shu Anyang just eats, teases the baby, and listens to the gossip shared by his sister-in-law.

Occasionally, Zong Shaoyi, who had a puffy belly and was asserted by Mo's mother that she was pregnant with twins, teased Li Minglang to come over to play, or Ye Fangjuan, who remarried Hao Xuemin, brought a pair of children to talk to Shu Anyang.

There is a little happiness flowing in the ordinary life, and Shu Anyang can feel the satisfaction in his heart, which is the approval from the original owner!

"Anyang, big news, big news!" Tong Lihua from the third room, Mo Yongchang's mother, came here a little excitedly.

Shu Anyang reminded Mo's mother before, and Mo's mother also relayed the words to the third room.

The adults are very strict with Mo Yongchang.The children are relatively young, not yet at the age of school, and they basically circle around the adult's legs. The children who play together are not very old, and it is easy to not know the seriousness of the play.

One day the adults saw a child playing with a chewing gum wrapper and didn't care, but they still habitually held Mo Yongchang to keep a certain distance from the child.

Who would have thought that the child was playing with other children, waving the wrapping paper in his hand, scratching one of the children's eyes!
The Mo family was shocked, it was only half a month after Anyang's warning...

They had no doubts at all, if Shu Anyang hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't be so nervous about Mo Yongchang, and the child whose eyes were scratched today must belong to their own family.

Who would have imagined that chewing gum wrappers could be so sharp!

After this incident, Sanfang was very grateful to Shu Anyang, especially Tong Lihua who went crazy in the original book.

"It's just Su Xiangdi from the Su family. I heard that he is useless and can't satisfy his wife... His wife was fooling around at home, and was bumped by Su Xiangdi who came home to pick up things during work. ..."

"Hey, it's a coincidence. I was seen by their small speaker on the opposite door. In less than an afternoon, the entire family courtyard knew about it!"

"Su Xiangdi's daughter-in-law doesn't hide it either. She relies on Su Xiangdi to save face and dare not say anything, insisting that she didn't do anything wrong to him, but she wants to divorce Su Xiangdi."

"She said that Su Xiangdi broke her health outside and couldn't give her a normal married life...How could the Su family bear this? Su Xiangdi also divorced in anger, and took the two children to leave the house..."

"They got divorced at the front, and the unit at the back fired Su Xiangdi because of his personal style!"

Shu Anyang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that before she made a move, the Su family was already in trouble.

But after thinking about it for a while, she realized that Su Xiangdi didn't have this experience in the original text.The couple has a pair of children, and they have some money to invest in Su Weiqi's company, and they can get some dividends every month. Their lives are much more nourishing than ordinary dual-career families, and they can be regarded as stepping into the middle class.

But this time the husband and wife parted ways, it was not her who did it, and thinking of Su Weiqi who likes to absorb people's luck, everything made sense again.

Being absorbed too much luck will hurt the body, and this matter also pays attention to one's form... In other words, Su Weiqi wanted to use a twisted mind that day, and absorbed Su Xiangdi's luck in this aspect, so that he was quite good in that aspect The male protagonist in this book was reduced to an incompetent person and was given a green hat.

Shu Anyang thought that maybe he was also affected by this luck because he gave birth to three and Zong Shaoyi had two babies.Otherwise, how could the two of them, who have been in contact with Yupei, be pregnant with multiple babies at the same time?

Where is such a coincidence?
Now Su Xiangdi not only lost his job, but Zong Feilan took over his house and returned to the village with his two children in a state of embarrassment.

How glorious he was before, how despised he is now.

When Shu Anyang heard this, he directly wrote a report letter, and Tong Lihua helped mail it out.

In the letter, she listed the unruly evidence that Mo Haoran helped her investigate in the past half a year about Zong Feilan's father using public affairs for personal gain, etc. It also showed that Su Xiangdi and Zong Feilan illegally embezzled her property.

And the envelope was specially used the one that was distributed by the office when she went to meet the leader last time.

I believe it won't be long before the printing factory will thoroughly investigate this matter and uproot the fat moths one by one, and the house belonging to the original owner will be returned...

"Su Letian, Shu Anyang, come out!" Suddenly, the old lady Su pinched her waist and shouted from outside the door, "What age is this, what are you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law pretending to be doing?"

"I want to report to the organization that you engage in feudal superstition!"

"The two promising sons and grandchildren of my Su family were all pulled down by you... What kind of Anyang Wangfu, I see that you have taken away the good luck of our Su family... Otherwise, why would everyone else One child and two children, only your family gave birth to three?"

"Both of you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not good things... a thing that harms Yin and virtue... and you are not afraid of being struck by lightning... How have our two children been harmed by you..."

"Why do you have the guts to do it or not to admit it?"

"Why did my children and grandchildren go smoothly in the past seven or eight years, and when Shu Anyang entered your Mo family, we went downhill? What kind of husband, ah bah, I don't believe it, she doesn't want to make others prosperous? Be smarter Everyone knows it's impossible!"

"It's because you two are jealous that our Su family is lucky, that's why you're doing tricks behind your back..."

(End of this chapter)

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