At this time, Liu Anlian, who was tidying up the house, also heard the movement in the building, and hurried to open the door, just in time to hear Qiu Anyang's words, embarrassment and jealousy flashed across her face, and then she smiled and said: "Look at you when you get to the door of the house. I don't know how to come in, I know that the three of you mothers have a good relationship, but you can't kiss at the door, can you?"

Qiu Anyang shrugged, "Sister, why do I feel that no one in your family really welcomes me?"

"Otherwise, I'd better rent a house to live in, so as not to be an eyesore."

Liu Anlian hurriedly said: "Anyang, you have already arrived at the door of my sister's house. There is a place to live at home. Wasting that money to rent a house?"

"Come in quickly, it just so happens that I want Xiaotong to buy meat... My sister will make shredded pork soup and hand-rolled noodles for you..."

Only then did Qiu Anyang enter the house.

The Jing family's house is not too big, about [-] square meters, only two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, and a balcony. The two bedrooms are equipped with wooden two-meter-wide double beds.

Liu Anlian and his wife live in one room with their youngest son, and the two girls live in one room.

The house is not big, and it is full of various daily necessities.

Qiu Anyang frowned slightly involuntarily, instead of seeing the envious expressions of the Jing family, he turned his back on it instead!
Their chests were suffocated, Jing Jingxin couldn't hold back her words at a young age, and said directly: "Why, does my aunt think that our house is not as good as your dirty, dilapidated house with bugs in the countryside?"

But Qiu Anyang really nodded along with her words, "That's true, no matter how small my house is, it's bigger than the house where you two sisters are separated by a wooden wall."

"The people in the city are so pitiful. They can't turn away at home, and they don't know how they generate pity and contempt every time they see rural people."

"I don't know that the rural people also feel that the city people are pitiful. Apart from saving face, what's the point of not doing heavy work with some money? Everything in the city costs money, and the place to live is small..."

Being pitied by a village girl, the four people in the house, including the three-year-old Jing Zhenjun, were a little stunned.

Qiu Anyang sighed slightly: "It seems that I have to go out and find a house quickly, otherwise I will stay here every day, and I will get sick from boredom."

At this moment, Jing Jingtong smiled: "The rental house suitable for my aunt should be a bungalow in the village next to our mining area."

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "A bungalow is also fine, but it's different for your family of five to live in such a small place, and me to live in such a big place."

"I found out why your children are so good at guessing people? The problem is that they still can't figure out the place, tsk tsk, I don't know whose IQ is up to them, anyway, it's not my extremely smart little aunt..."

How annoying!In other people's homes, despise other people's IQ.

Jing Jingxin gritted her teeth, "Auntie, you have good grades in your studies. I don't know how your results in the college entrance examination are. The quality of teaching in the village is not high, and the exam questions are simple, so it is easy for Auntie to be confused."

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Anlian, "Sister, tell her how is my college entrance examination result?"

"It can be regarded as a role model for her, so that she won't think that the people in the city are so powerful. Heh, I think that if you look at the whole Yanqiu City, there are not many people with the same grades as me, right?"

Liu Anlian hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Little sister, shouldn't we turn the page on the college entrance examination?"

Qiu Anyang said angrily: "My admission letter from Haida University was sold by Aunt Liu, but my grades can still surpass the heroes of Yanqiu City, right?"

"There is no hard truth, do you think these little guys at home can listen to me?"

Liu Anlian sighed slightly, and whispered to the three children: "Your aunt's grades in the college entrance examination are indeed good, but, it's just that your uncle needs to go to college for further studies."

"Mom doesn't ask you to be outstanding, but you should regard my aunt as your goal. In the future, my aunt will often live in our house. I hope you will listen to my aunt's instructions and make continuous progress in your studies and life."

The three children respected their mother and nodded helplessly.

Qiu Anyang handed the meat over and said emphatically: "Sister, just give the children some meat. The main reason is that I don't want you to spend money to replenish my body, so I bought the meat myself to eat."

She took out a few more candies and put two in front of each of them, "Just eat something sweet, otherwise it will be bad for your teeth."

After finishing speaking, she smiled shyly: "Sister, I didn't bring much money, and I didn't know how long it would take to find a job, so I was not polite to my sister."

"I've been away from home for a day. I'm a little tired. I'll lie down and rest for a while. Remember to call me when you're ready..."

Liu Anlian had difficulty breathing while carrying the meat, 5000 yuan is not much money?
The meat is only five yuan. Does she buy a catty or eat it for herself?

Liu Anlian thought that when Qiu Anyang went shopping, she would have to carry big bags and small bags, but she did buy a lot of big bags and small bags, but she didn't even mention it, probably she bought it for herself. What a difference getting started!
Liu Anlian took a deep breath and comforted herself that the future would be long. After all, her sister's admission letter from Haida University was sold by her mother, and she was replaced by her second brother's admission letter from a junior college. Whoever encounters this matter will be irritated?

It will be all right in a few days, and most of her work will be shared by her sister. At that time, she will be able to spare a lot of time to do odd jobs, and she can earn at least 80 yuan a month.

Thinking of this, Liu Anlian asked the children to do their homework, while she went into the kitchen to cook.

Jing Wenshi works in three shifts, changing them once a month. This month he happens to be on the morning shift, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. When he comes back from the meeting, takes a shower and changes clothes, it will be almost [-]:[-]. .

He was resting in the house, and when he heard movement, he came out, only smelling the smell of meat wafting from the kitchen.

He curled his lips, smiled and shook his head. Basically, the family can eat meat two or three times a month. Today is my sister-in-law, so there is no problem with a good meal.

Qiu Anyang did not lie on the bed to rest, but took out the cloth he bought, thinking about what to make.

She checked the prices in the shopping malls, and also saw the normal body shape of the people in the city.The memory of the original owner told her that in the 90s, on the central road of the mining area, there was a particularly bustling night market.

The night market sells everything, including snacks, accessories, clothing, shoes and hats, toys and stationery, etc. Everyone will stroll to eat after eating. This night market is located in the southern and western family homes.
She wanted to sell something that was generally in demand.

Qiu Anyang fiddled with the fabric.Basically, there are tailors stationed wherever fabrics are sold. There are two rows of twenty tailors in the People's Market, and each of them fills up orders throughout the day.

The rags produced in a week can be packed in sacks.Basically, such cloth heads will be sold to waste collectors or mop factories.

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