Qiu Anyang was lucky, he happened to cut a big sack!

At that time, she had a preliminary idea in her mind. In addition to fabrics and needlework, she also bought some accessories such as industrial glue, buttons, lace, gauze, beads, pompoms, ribbons and wire.

If she remembers correctly, Liu Anlian has a sewing machine, but after the children go to school and she finishes the housework, she will use the sewing machine to process some toys, gloves, etc. to subsidize the family.

They should be able to take turns.

Qiu Anyang took out his notebook, and used a pencil to briefly outline some hairpins, headbands, hair bands and other styles of head accessories.

The book is no more than the size of a palm, the thickness of two fingers, it can be carried around, and it can write a lot of content.

There are a lot of things in her mind, and she keeps drawing, from simple to complex, and there are dozens of manuscripts in a short time.

Liu Anlian carried the prepared meals over and over again, holding back her anger and calling the big guys to eat.

Only then did Qiu Anyang put away his notebook and wash his hands.

The two little girls usually do their homework on the desk in the room. Now, in order to express their dissatisfaction with their aunt, they both moved to the coffee table in the living room.

Seeing that Liu Anlian had prepared the meal, they packed up their things, hurriedly took their younger brother to wash his hands, and occupied the most comfortable place to eat.

The room at home is not big, they all ate on the coffee table in the living room, the adults sat on the sofa, and the children moved around with benches.

Jing Wenshi has the habit of eating and watching TV.

The children seize the best position, and they can also watch some TV while eating.

After Qiu Anyang washed his hands and came out, he watched quietly.

Liu Anlian asked Jing Jingtong to give up her seat to Qiu Anyang.

Grievance and forbearance flashed across Jing Jingtong's face, and she obediently wanted to stand up, but Jing Jingxin yelled, "Sister, don't move!"

Jing Jingxin turned her head to look at Liu Anlian: "Mom, this is home, why pay so much attention to it? Isn't there a seat next to Xiaojun? It's just opposite you, and you two sisters can also talk to each other, how nice!"

The position she mentioned was facing away from the TV and opposite to the sofa.

Qiu Anyang is indeed not particular about the seat, but the problem is that in the hearts of the Jing family, the seat vaguely represents the status of the family.

The original owner was arranged there, and from then on, Liu Anlian got used to boiling water when eating, and when the water boiled, the original owner poured it out; Jing Zhenjun's great job of feeding meals also fell on the original owner; The original owner was busy with the matter, while the rest of the people seemed to be glued to their seats!

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Wenshi: "Brother-in-law, am I here as a guest, or are you paying me to be a nanny?"

Jing Wenshi was stopped by the question, he always wanted to save face, and when he met this beautiful and pungent sister-in-law, his old face blushed: "Of course I'm here as a guest!"

He glared at the second child, Jing Jingxin: "Why are you talking to your aunt? Hurry up and give up your seat to your aunt..."

Qiu Anyang smiled lightly: "Brother-in-law, I'm not used to sitting in a small chair. You sit next to your son, just facing my sister. You and your wife haven't seen each other for a day, so you want to strengthen your relationship."

"You can't let my sister sit in the past. We are next to each other, right? What does this look like?"

Jing Wenshi is the head of the family.He did not expect his authority to be challenged.He is a big man, and he wants to nest in a small chair the size of a palm?

Seeing his complexion, Liu Anlian hurriedly said: "Anyang, it would be nice to have a chair to sit in when I was back home! Didn't you see everyone squatting in the alley with bowls to eat?"

Qiu Anyang rolled his eyes, "Sister, I'm not a three-year-old kid, so they don't have a chair? It's because they like to join in the fun, and they want to talk together when they eat!"

"Okay, it seems that I have to be self-aware and not treat myself too much as a guest..."

Jing Wenshi took a deep breath and stood up, letting Liu Anlian come over, and he sat on Jing Jingtong's seat, with his wife on one side and his son on the other, and Jing Jingtong sat on Jing Zhenjun's other side.

Jing Jingxin was so angry, why did this aunt come to help, she clearly wanted to make their family restless!
When Qiu Anyang went around her to sit on the sofa, Jing Jingxin couldn't help stretching out her legs to trip her.

But Qiu Anyang looked like his chin had eyes, not only did he not trip over, but he also walked over firmly on Jing Jingxin's feet.

The pain made Jing Jingxin grin her teeth, she almost didn't cry out!
There are three dishes on the table, scrambled eggs with cucumber, stewed tofu with green pepper, and fried meat with bean sprouts.

Qiu Anyang directly picked up the plate of fried pork with bean sprouts, put some in each of the three children's bowls, put it in front of him, and said apologetically, "Sister, brother-in-law, I'm not in good health, so I bought the meat myself." I don't count your adults' share in making up for the body, forgive me! After all, I am a person who has not yet worked, so I can't spend money lavishly."

Jing Wenshi still held the chopsticks in his hands, and stopped in the air where the bean sprouts fried meat had just been placed.

Holding her chopsticks tightly, Liu Anlian leaned close to Jing Wenshi and said in a low voice, "Brother Shi, I'm sorry, my sister got a little irritated at home, don't worry about it."

When Jing Wenshi just returned home, he learned the whole story from Liu Anlian, and waved his hands nonchalantly with a smile, "It's okay, but I'm going to talk about you, your sister will stay at home for a long time. Today is the first day , how come you have to cook a few more dishes, why do you need a little girl to pay for meat by herself?"

Qiu Anyang would also climb up the pole, "Sister, let's have ribs for lunch tomorrow!"

Jing Wenshi choked for breath, ribs cost eight dollars more than meat.He works hard because there is a big family that needs him to support, and he is serious and responsible in his work, otherwise he would not be able to be the team leader.

It's just that he is filial, saves face, and even searches. Hearing his sister-in-law's rude words, he can't help feeling sorry for money.

Liu Anlian hurriedly said: "Anyang, you haven't eaten meat before, and you can't bear to eat meat twice in a row. I'll buy it for you next week after my sister does odd jobs and settles her wages!"

These words point out that the girl should not be too greedy, how can she eat meat for two consecutive meals, and it also shows that she can eat meat if she wants to, and wait for her sister to work hard to earn money to buy it.

Anyone who understands the words has to shut up wisely and stop asking.

Qiu Anyang murmured, "Then I'll wait, but sister, when will you settle your wages next week?"

"Speaking of which, even if I have a close relationship with my sister when I come home, you can't treat me as an outsider, right? I have to pay for the meat myself..."

"So, I can eat this ribs!"

As she spoke, she began to eat quietly.Qiu Anyang lowered the chopsticks very fast, his mouth was like a little hamster, and he chewed at twice the speed.

Invisibly, let the big guys come up to eat quickly, eating a meal is like fighting a war.

The problem is that Jing Jingtong and Jing Jingxin feel that they haven't eaten much!

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