Qiao Leyu was still in a trance.Not only is she a beauty control, but she is also very obsessed with food, but the two of them have no talent for cooking, so they can only struggle to eat every day.

They either cook for themselves or go to the cafeteria to get food, so every weekend they have to have a tooth festival, with such a meal or two, supporting them through the long week ahead...

"It's a coincidence that Anyang is good at cooking. Not only does she cook delicious food, but she also teaches me how to do it," she took out her careful notes from her pocket.

Qiu Liang wanted to laugh lowly: "Daughter-in-law, I didn't hit you. In our study, there are only dozens of books on nutrition and food, right?"

"There are also channels on TV that teach people how to cook..."

"It didn't tell you how to cook? But in the end, our culinary skills haven't changed at all!"

Qiao Leyu also had a headache because of this.Obviously cooking is a very simple thing, why can't the two of them learn it?
The eyes are clear, and when they start to operate, they are in a hurry.

"But this time Anyang's steps are very simple. She also told me the key points, saying that it can be regarded as a textbook-level zero-error recipe. I will try again later!"

Qiu Liang wanted to nod: "Okay, try it, if you don't succeed, I will do it again. If our level has not improved, then let's give up struggling..."

They are almost 40 years old. What skills they did not learn in the past 30 years, may they learn at an increasingly clumsy age?
Ji Ling stood up, washed her hands and helped serve the dishes.

Looking at the woman standing on the stove with her head down stirring the starch water, he felt a little softness in his heart.

It’s not how beautifully dressed women are, how much their skin is exposed, and they don’t need to show their proud figures. Women who dress casually in front of the stove, with slightly messy hair, cook for their families, or women who mend under dim lights are the things that many lust for. A man with a warm family can't resist.

Ji Ling's eyes were deep, but he didn't stop there.

Qiu Anyang's culinary skills were acquired through part-time work. In addition, before she entered the mission plane, she also received professional training and was blessed with a gift package of basic skills. Naturally, she is no worse than a chef in a state-run restaurant.

Each of her meals has a lot of weight, but they are all liquidated in the end.

This time, Qiao Leyu said nothing to let Qiu Anyang intervene. He took the dishes, chopsticks and plates to the kitchen, saying that they would be left for Qiu Liang to wash.

After lunch, Qiao Leyu dragged Qiu Anyang into the room to talk.

Knowing that she left her sister's house and lived in a hotel, Qiao Leyu went directly to tidy up the guest room, "Anyang, if you really accept us as your parents, you can stay at home with peace of mind."

"Work and study, we are here!"

Qiu Anyang nodded with a smile, "Then why don't I just be respectful?"

Qiao Leyu nodded her forehead, "You have graduated from high school now, how many years can you stay at your mother's house?"

"Let us make up for each other's lack of affection..."

The mother and daughter had just met each other, but they had so much to say that they talked until it was getting late.

Qiu Liang wanted to go around the mining area with Ji Ling, and came back from the cafeteria after having dinner.

After eating, Qiu Liang wanted to smile and said, "Let's go out to digest food, and take Anyang's luggage home along the way."

Ji Ling looked at the little girl's black hair and coughed softly: "Uncle Qiu, I happen to live in the guest house too, and I lived diagonally across from Comrade Qiu Anyang... Why don't you clean up at home with Auntie, I'll help Does she carry something?"

Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu glanced at each other suddenly, and the smile on their faces became brighter, "Okay, okay, we are getting older, so we are not as energetic as you are young."

"Anyang, ask Brother Xiaoling to carry your things for you."

The eight-pack abs from last night still appeared in Qiu Anyang's mind...

That scene had a great impact on her, and she responded with a chuckle with slightly lowered eyelids.

This well-behaved appearance made Ji Ling frown slightly, turning around and walking in front with a cold expression.

Qiu Anyang came out of the house, exhaling slowly, now she only needs to wait for Monday to complete the formalities with the Qiu family, and from then on, the Liu family has nothing to do with her!
Identity is like a big mountain, pressing down on her and the original owner. Once this layer of shackles is removed, she will be much more relaxed in whatever she does.

She lowered her head and couldn't help but smile from the corners of her lips. She walked cheerfully and kicked stones mischievously from time to time.

Suddenly a stone bullet hit Ji Ling's leg, and she hurriedly stood up obediently, playing with the leaves in the green belt by the roadside, pretending that she had nothing to do with her.

Ji Ling turned her head suddenly, and saw her standing there looking at the sky, the ground, the flowers and plants, so she didn't dare to look at herself.

With his hands in his pockets, he approached step by step, seeing the person being forced to the wall next to him, he sneered: "Why, Comrade Qiu Anyang saw that I was very active last night?"

"Now that I'm fully dressed, why don't you dare to look at me?"

Qiu Anyang stepped to one side, but Ji Ling followed, keeping her between him and the wall.

She raised her head and stared at him, the two of them were getting close, and Ji Ling leaned forward slightly.

The breaths of the two almost blended together, and they looked at each other so close, their hearts couldn't help trembling violently.

Ji Ling took a step back, "Let's get to know each other again. My name is Ji Ling. My parents, Uncle Qiu and Aunt Qiu are good friends. Although you are the daughter whom Uncle Qiu and Aunt Qiu half-recognized, we will have many opportunities to meet in the future. "

"Whatever happens to you, you can come to me. After all, I am an older brother and have an obligation to take care of my sister!"

Qiu Anyang was taken aback for a moment, Ji Ling?

This is the white moonlight of the original owner who doesn't understand love?

He is worthy of being the ore grass that all the young women in the factory are chasing after. He has handsome features and handsome features. He is about 1.8 meters five, and his muscles are tight and smooth.

This is not a human being, it is clearly a walking hormone.

Qiu Anyang lowered his eyelids slightly, his eyes flashed with confusion, the two of them were too ambiguous just now, right?

She has no love experience in her memory, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know the proper balance between the opposite sex.

Obviously in the memory of the original owner, and in the brief contact with her before she went to Qiu's house, Ji Ling was a very difficult person to get close to!
So, the only explanation Qiu Anyang could think of was that Ji Ling was warning her in this way?

She hasn't included love in her plan yet, just working, studying, making money, and recovering her body have already taken up all her energy and time.

Qiu Anyang smiled and nodded: "Brother Xiaoling, thank you."

Ji Ling's ears itched slightly.He never knew that the word "brother" could be spit out with the feeling of being wrapped in sugar.

He hummed and continued to walk towards the guest house.

It was getting late, and there were not many places where the street lights could shine.Those dim yellow lights are more like guiding the way for passers-by.

When they arrived at the guest house, Liu Anlian suddenly rushed out from the side: "Anyang!"

I misplaced the chapter, I missed a chapter, and I changed it again... Aww

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