Qiu Anyang took a step back, and said indifferently: "Sister."

Liu Anlian wanted to slap her anxiously and angrily, but Qiu Anyang hid her.

She didn't care, and pulled Qiu Anyang's arm in a crying voice, "Anyang, where did you go, girl?"

"I've been looking for you for a day and a night, but I couldn't eat or sleep well! I was thinking that if I couldn't find you again, I would call the police... It's a good thing you registered your information at the guest house, otherwise how would you ask my sister to follow you?" Parents explain?'

"Xiaotong and Xiaoxin are children, why are you angry with them? What did they do wrong? You are their aunt and elder, point it out directly!"

"You said that you are a little girl who is not familiar with the place and is beautiful. If something happens to you, won't you kill your sister?"

Ji Ling pushed Liu Anlian's hand away with a solemn face, and said coldly: "Comrade, just stand up and say what you want to do, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see that Anyang's arm was scratched green by you?"

Liu Anlian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Ling, this man was good-looking and had a strong aura, at first glance he was the son of a well-off family.

Jealousy flashed across her eyes, and in just one day, Anyang has hooked up such a good guy by virtue of his good looks?
Liu Anlian guarded Qiu Anyang behind her guardedly, "Who are you? What does it matter to you if I talk to my sister?"

"Let me tell you, no matter how powerful your family is, this is a mining area, so you can't help but flirt with a beautiful lesbian!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and whispered anxiously to Qiu Anyang: "Anyang, the people in the city are much more complicated than those in our village."

"There are a lot of rich and powerful people in the city. Do you think that you are a girl from the countryside with no education, no job, and no background. Why should people treat you differently? Isn't it because you are good-looking, simple-minded and easy to trust people?" !"

"There are many irresponsible sons like him in the mine who only care about playing with the feelings and bodies of lesbians... and even killed people..."

"After all, my sister has lived in the mine for so long. She has met many people and experienced many things... This man can't live a serious life at first sight..."

"We country women, we should find an honest man... Otherwise, you will be dating him, and the gap between you will be exposed little by little after a long time... How long do you think you can hold on?"

"Anyang, my sister is someone who has been here before. The person I'm in love with is not the same as living a life..."

"Besides, the old people say that the parents ordered the matchmaker's words. Can a marriage without the blessing of the parents be happy? Sister, the mother-in-law in the city is not easy to serve, and people prefer a daughter-in-law who is well-matched..."

Ji Ling listened to Liu Anlian's brainwashing of Qiu Anyang with a cold face, and sneered: "I said, comrade, if I'm not wrong, you are a housewife who takes care of children at home, how much knowledge do you have?"

"Not all young masters are casual about their feelings. Are you making generalizations that hinder your sister's pursuit of happiness?"

Liu Anlian clenched her fists tightly in anger. "What's the matter with housewives, isn't it advocating equality between men and women now?"

"I have many children in my family, and my man is working hard to make money outside, so I'm idle at home? Can this be your reason for attacking?"

Ji Ling laughed and said, "I'm just following your words. It's very easy to belittle someone and make them lose self-confidence."

"So what if you come from the countryside? My girl from Anyang has good academic performance, can be admitted to Shanghai University, is beautiful, proficient in housework, humble and kind-hearted, why are you calling me worthless?"

"Or, you can't see her well, and you want her to follow the same path as you, dedicating herself to the family, and losing the meaning of being yourself?"

Qiu Anyang almost burst out laughing.

He really spoke out what was in her heart.

She tightly covered her mouth and held back her smile, but her shoulders trembled slightly.

Qiu Anyang pretended to be very sad, and sobbed: "Sister, I didn't expect you to have such an idea."

"I don't think I'm any different from the people in the city...they are more reincarnated than me, their parents are more sensible, their family environment and education are good, but they still have to walk their own way..."

"I'm sure I'll make a name for myself, so I don't need my sister to worry about it..."

As she said that, she ran to the guest house, and left a sentence for Ji Ling: "Brother Xiao Ling, wait here for me."

Ji Ling nodded, and blocked the entrance of the guest house with her chest in her arms.

Liu Anlian was angry and anxious, "Comrade, my sister has no knowledge, you, don't think that we are just an ordinary worker's family... As long as you do something excessive to my sister, I, I will definitely make your whole family feel uneasy. !"

Ji Ling just looked at the street lamp next to him indifferently, without giving her a look.

Qiu Anyang didn't have many things, and she also expected that after she succeeded in identifying her relatives, she might be invited to live in Qiu's house. No matter how bad she was, she would be able to find a rental house in a short period of time, so she didn't unpack her luggage.

After tidying up a bit, she checked out with her luggage.

Seeing Qiu Anyang walk out, Liu Anlian held back her anger and coaxed in a low voice: "That's right, Anyang, let's go, go to my sister's house... This morning we knew that you were pissed off by the two girls, and you didn't let them have breakfast ..."

"Up to now, they have been taught by your brother-in-law to think about it, saying that if you don't go back, they won't be allowed to sleep..."

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Then you have to let them continue. This is not just talk, we have to do what we say."

"I will definitely not go back. No one in your family really welcomes me...Why should I wrong myself to face your hypocrisy?"

"Besides, those two girls don't regard me as an aunt, sister, do you think I will feel sorry for them, and I can't bear their punishment and go home with you?"

"I have been stupid for 18 years, and now I am sober. If anyone treats me well in the future, I will pay [-]%. Pay it back a hundred times!"

"Sister, it may not be a good thing for you if I don't live at home..."

The burden in her hand was taken over by Ji Ling.

The two were about to leave side by side.

Liu Anlian hurriedly went to catch Qiu Anyang, this time Ji Ling grabbed Qiu Anyang's shoulders and dodged sideways.

"This lesbian, if you hadn't been emphasizing your identity, I would have thought you were a trafficker of women and children. Are you as rude as your sister?"

Qiu Anyang covered his mouth, "I know my sister hates me. If I hadn't been confused about the situation, my brother-in-law might have been promoted to the squadron leader now, why is he still a small team leader in the mining area?"

Liu Anlian was so angry that her throat was full of words.

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