Liu Anlian loves saving face the most, "Anyang, our Zhaoyang Coal Mine is very large and ranks first in the entire provincial capital. There are nearly [-] employees in the factory area, and there is a lot of competition for every position. How many high school graduates and college graduates are Can't get in... Your brother-in-law seems to be the team leader, but there are quite a few powerful people who have left his team..."

"The deputy mine manager who was transferred to Zouzhou was once your brother-in-law's team member... a director of the mining bureau in the provincial capital is also a brother in need with your brother-in-law..."

"Anyang, people can't be judged by their appearance, and the sea can't be measured. Your brother-in-law is just an ordinary worker. It is not easy to achieve what he is today."

"Don't worry, if this young man tries to trick you with sweet words because of his good looks, then we won't let him go!"

Qiu Anyang laughed softly: "Sister, I call you sister just because you are older than me."

"I'm an adult, I have my own freedom to make friends, and I have my own standards. You don't need to worry about it."

"After all, your life is a mess. Don't try to influence me and let me be your free live-in nanny, no, a nanny who pays you money!"

After finishing speaking, she intentionally angered Liu Anlian, and put her arm on Ji Ling, "I can't help it, I'm good-looking, and the friends I attract are excellent in all aspects."

Ji Ling looked down at her hands with thin calluses and slightly knuckles from working, and patted her with a light smile, "Don't worry, with your little brother Ling here, no one dares to bully you."

"Come on, let's go home!"

The two people's appearance and temperament are not ordinary people, and they stand together very harmoniously, and anyone who sees them can't help but send blessings.

Liu Anlian wanted to destroy this beauty.

She understood that Qiu Anyang knew the truth of the whole matter, and hated her so much that the other party couldn't listen to what she said right now.

She could only helplessly exhort: "Anyang, you must protect yourself. If you are wronged, come to your sister..."

Out of Liu Anlian's sight, Qiu Anyang breathed out slightly, and wanted to withdraw his hand from Ji Ling's arms.

Where did you think that the man tightened his arms, and said calmly: "Why, you are trying to tear down the bridge for me to cross the river and throw it away after you use it?"

"Anyone who knows me knows that it's hard to take advantage of me!"

Qiu Anyang couldn't take his hand away, and said with a light smile: "Brother Xiaoling, I'm fine, but just after dinner, everyone likes to come out for a walk. Look at the people coming and going, we two look It's outstanding, it's easy to be remembered, and some unpleasant words come out... I'm used to it, but Brother Xiaoling..."

Ji Ling raised her eyebrows: "I heard from Uncle Qiu that you go to night school while working?"

Qiu Anyang nodded. This topic is a bit too wide-ranging, right? "Yes, I'm not too obsessed with academic qualifications, otherwise I could take the Haida exam again with my current status."

"However, a person's life is very long, and a high school degree is really not enough. As long as I don't delay my work and earn money, it is also very good to get a degree by going to night school."

Ji Ling nodded: "I hear you plan to go to work during the day and go to class at night. Is there no one to talk to during the whole day?"

"In that case, why don't you pretend to be the object of your relationship with me first. In this way, I can give you good looks in your previous family, and you can also save me from the distress of being forced to go on a blind date, how about it?"

Qiu Anyang froze for a moment, then looked sideways.

The man's expression was cold, as if he didn't say this sentence, but he was really doing business with her.

It can be seen that he really doesn't like being urged to marry.

Qiu Anyang laughed softly: "Brother Xiaoling, have you ever thought about how important fame is to women?"

Ji Ling looked sideways at her, "Do you think your reputation will improve after tonight?"

They have just come to the mine, who will know them?How can you gossip about them, except...

Qiu Anyang understood, "Are you worried that my sister will talk to people randomly and say some specious things after she goes back?"

Ji Ling nodded: "Yes, after all, your reputation is gone since you used me to anger her, so what about my proposal just now?"

"Nowadays, young people are trendy in their thinking, and if they are not suitable, they will break up, and they will not delay each other's life. Parents will not force us too much."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not be the first to mention the termination of cooperation between us."

Qiu Anyang glanced at him and nodded indifferently: "Okay, I agree! So, Brother Xiaoling, can you let go of your arms?"

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that Ji Ling was not very happy.

She rubbed her sore wrist, thinking that the original owner wanted to completely get rid of the Liu family's control, and live a happy and ordinary life for herself.This is the only way for her to live in this world, and she doesn't need to do it deliberately.

Today, she recognized Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu as parents, but she was already old, so she couldn't brazenly ask for money.

So before her work and study are implemented, she will set up a stall to make money first, starting from tomorrow night!
Ji Ling usually talked very little, but she didn't expect the little girl behind her to talk even less. She was completely immersed in her own world, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the two of them walking one after the other in silence.

"There are many jobs on the ground in the mining area. Which one do you prefer?" He slowed down and walked side by side with her.

Qiu Anyang said with a smile: "I'm good at painting, let's see if I can enter the propaganda department, or work as a prop artist or makeup artist in the art troupe."

Ji Ling nodded, "The work of the Propaganda Department is good, but this is a special position. There are many children of workers in the mining area who study art. When recruiting, you are under a lot of competition pressure."

"If you don't apply for this position, it is easy to miss other suitable positions... This time, there are more than ten college graduates who will follow me to pass the exam and enter the mining area. I will go back and write an application jointly with them to see if I can do it. Let the unit conduct a unified recruitment of applicants and then divide the positions... This will not cause the loss of outstanding talents..."

There are many jobs in the mining area, but the number of vacancies is limited. Basically, there are only one carrot and one pit.

What's more, some old employees retire and let their children take over!

The mining area held job recruitment exams twice a year, and the candidates all filled in the specific positions. This led to some people who clearly scored well in the exams, but even better people took the jobs into their pockets.Some people are lucky, even if they fail in grades, they are kept because there are not many people competing.

Zhaoyang Coal Mine has a large scale, and the unit doesn't care about the passing of talents at all.

But Ji Ling and the others are talented students, and they are the key to bringing the economic benefits of the mining area to a higher level.The suggestions they put forward are more likely to be adopted by the people above!

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