Qiu Anyang's grades in cultural subjects are good, and she also has the blessing of art skills. As long as the recruitment test becomes a unified recruitment, the success rate of her being recruited into the unit will be directly increased!

After all, a person's energy is limited, and candidates who study fine arts have weak scores in cultural subjects.

Ji Ling asked her to use her strengths to match the weaknesses of others, and screened out a large number of competitors.

She then competed with the candidates who passed the exam in professional courses.

If she wins, then she can enter the Propaganda Department as she wishes, even if she loses, she can be transferred to other positions, so she won't be out of work!

Zhaoyang Coal Mine recruits twice a year. The autumn job fair is larger than the spring job fair, and most of the good positions are arranged at this job fair, in order to attract some outstanding young people who have just graduated.

The original owner took the recruitment exam for the first time, and she also went to the art post. As a result, her academic performance was good, but her talent in art was mediocre, and she was still wild.

She was naturally inferior to the competitors in the city who went to the Cultural Palace from a young age and received systematic learning and training.

The original owner did not give up studying, and also improved her painting skills while doing housework. However, she did not have enough funds and worked behind closed doors. With two professional books, she only learned a little.

After two or three blows, the original owner, who hadn't seen his grades in the culture class, thought that there was someone beyond the ordinary, so he followed Jing Wenshi's suggestion and applied for the examination as a small clerk in the branch factory.

Now that Qiu Anyang has a father who is the deputy mine manager, she can at least get a chance to compete fairly, not to mention going through the back door.

She chuckled and nodded: "Okay, then I will thank brother Xiaoling first!"

"I'll cook something delicious for you later on."

Ji Ling hummed, "I was just thinking that when I enter the mining area, the people I will deal with will basically be recruited by the same batch or even several batches in the future."

"Colleagues who are strong and well-trained will be more comfortable to get along with."

The superficial meaning of the words is that he is not all for her, and it can even be equivalent to that his taking care of her is just a matter of convenience.

Qiu Anyang smiled, but did not speak.

Although the elder brother has woken up, and because she has become a tasker of the special performance department of the Ziyun Time and Space Administration, the elder brother and her have moved to the company.

The two brothers and sisters are no longer pitiful little people who allow others to bully them.Her heart was more relaxed than ever, and she began to enjoy life and tasks, without the urgency she had before.

Ji Ling was about to walk to the family courtyard, how many words did the two of them say?

For the first time, he met someone who had less words than himself, and her character was obviously not like this.

So, is she simply unwilling to talk to him?
Ji Ling sent people to the door of the house, and didn't go in again. Instead, she looked at the little girl's delicate face under the dim light, with tenderness and pity hidden in her eyes.

"go in."

Qiu Anyang said goodbye to him with a smile.

Qiu Liangxiang is the deputy mine manager of Zhaoyang Coal Mine. He was also the production director before. The welfare house he got was a three-bedroom and two-living room on the first floor with a courtyard. Small courtyard.

Qiao Leyu tidied up the guest bedroom, covered it with pink floral sheets, and the pillows were all brought out of the car by her just stepping on the sewing machine.

There are only the two of them at home, and occasionally guests come to the house, and they basically arrange people in the guest house, and only close relatives will invite them to live in the guest room at home.

A bed, a set of bedside tables, and a set of desks and chairs are no different from the furnishings of a guest house.

The couple thought it was good before, and didn't spend much thought. Now that they have a daughter, they feel shabby and uncomfortable everywhere.

The two of them took out paper and pens, listed all the large and small items that needed to be purchased, and added to them from time to time.

"Anyang, can you see if there is anything else you need to buy?" Seeing her come back, Qiao Leyu smiled and pulled her to sit down, and first stuffed a piece of watermelon into her hand.

Qiu Anyang looked at the densely packed paper with many things, ranging from dressing tables, wardrobes, bicycles, to needles and threads.

With a warm heart, she smiled and shook her head: "That's enough, parents, you don't have to work so hard. If you need anything, I'll buy it later."

Qiao Leyu looked at the little girl's gentle appearance, and was so satisfied in her heart, "Where is this? Your father and I wish we could give everything and tell everyone that we have such a beautiful, smart and sensible daughter." !"

Qiu Anyang could feel Qiao Leyu's emotions, but why couldn't she?

Since his elder brother became a vegetable, Qiu Anyang has supported the burden of the family on his own.

She couldn't help stretching out her arms to wrap around Qiao Leyu's waist, and slipped into his arms, "Thank you mom... so this is the feeling of being loved by my mother? Am I dreaming?"

Qiao Leyu stroked her soft hair, her eyes were flushed, "It's not a dream, you will be our baby girl from now on!"

After talking for a while, Qiu Anyang took out the clothes he made for the two of them, and also talked about his plans for this period of time.

"Mom and Dad, I'm already old, and it's time to step into the society and hone. I want to make money with my own efforts, live a rich life, and honor you."

"But don't worry, if I encounter difficulties, I will definitely not be polite to you. It's just... If I set up a stall to sell small things, will my parents be gossiped?"

Qiao Leyu and Qiu Liang wanted to look at each other and shook their heads with a smile, "How could it be? Your dad and I have nothing else to do except go to work all day long. After dinner, we go for a walk, go home, watch TV, wash up and sleep. It's the same. ..."

"It's just right, the three of us take turns to look after the booth... We earn money by working with our hands, why are we being gossiped?"

"Girl, you are bold enough to do it. Parents are responsible for everything... So, parents have saved money all their lives and want to spend it on you, so don't refuse... Parents know what money should be spent and what money should be spent on you." Save it for your dowry..."

Qiu Anyang has the ability to make money, but he didn't care too much about it.

Early the next morning, the Qiu family and his wife took Qiu Anyang to go through the formalities. Holding the freshly released household registration booklet, they looked at the names of the three people on the index page with curiosity, feeling even more deeply moved in their hearts.

The couple went to work, while Qiu Anyang went shopping at the vegetable market and bought something, and started making various accessories and decorations with a sewing machine at home.

She almost didn't use a ruler to measure or mark with chalk. She took the scissors and clicked to finish cutting, and went directly to the sewing machine!
Seeing that it was almost noon, Qiu Anyang began to wash his hands and cook, including stewed rice, tomato and egg drop soup, fried meat with bean sprouts, fried green peppers with bean curd, and a pot of pickled fish.

The Qiu family and his wife came back one after the other, with Ji Ling following behind.

Qiao Leyu angrily patted the key on the shoe cabinet as soon as he entered the door: "I see, this group of family members are just spending time at home, and after the housework is done, they start to get together and gossip..."

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