Qiu Anyang took off his apron, faced Ji Ling's raised eyebrows, he had some guesses in his heart, and stepped forward with a light smile: "Mom, who made you angry?"

Qiu Liangxiang is the deputy mine manager of the mine, and Qiao Leyu is the head of the art troupe. The two of them can be regarded as more than one person and more than ten thousand people in the mine.

Only the big guys fawn on them, how can they be angry with them?

Therefore, it can only be her, the newly recognized girl who has not been made public!
Qiao Leyu looked at her smiling face, and sighed slightly, "Who knows who you are in the mine you came to the day before yesterday, but when I came home with your father and brother Xiao Ling, I was in the family At the gate of the district, I heard people say that your behavior is...disorderly..."

Qiu Anyang smiled and asked curiously: "Mom, what did they say?"

Qiao Leyu put on his shoes, and said angrily, "Our West District and South District Family Court are connected together, and there is a mine central road in the middle."

"When you came that day, you caused a lot of commotion. You are beautiful and soft-spoken. People who have met you have matched their identities... Knowing that you are the captain of the fifth team of the second excavation squadron Auntie..."

"Before you came, your older sister had already advertised you. You are beautiful, you study well, and you are proficient in housework...Many people have already regarded you as their daughter-in-law..."

"Especially seeing your real appearance, one by one immediately went home to prepare the bride price, for fear that you would be snatched away."

"It turned out to be just one night. What kind of positive image your sister set up for you before, now the sewage splashed on you will become blacker and more smelly..."

"Why are you angry with the child? You don't look like an adult at all. You don't live at home at night and go to the hostel in a fit of anger. You even hook up with strange gay men... Then you just run... run to the gay man's house!"

She felt foul-mouthed when she said it, but she was afraid that Qiu Anyang hadn't been vaccinated, which would be hard for the child to hear.

Qiu Anyang looked at Ji Ling with a light smile, "What do you say, gay stranger?"

Ji Ling stepped forward solemnly, bowed to Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu and said, "Uncle Qiu, Aunt Qiu, didn't you say before that if you have a daughter in your family, you must marry me?"

"Since Miss Anyang's reputation has been damaged because of me, then I have to be responsible. Besides," he curled his lips and looked at Qiu Anyang deeply, "I fell in love with Miss Anyang at first sight. I have one chance."

Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu were shocked.They are just talking.

What is the identity of the Ji family in Kyoto, and what are their identities?
Although Ji Ling's father and Qiu Liang wanted to be comrades-in-arms, Qiao Leyu got along well with Ji Ling's mother. The relationship of nearly ten years can last a lifetime, but there is no room for interest.

They are well aware of this!
The two looked at each other, and Qiao Leyu said hesitantly: "Xiao Ling, our Anyang family looks pretty good, but our Qiu family is from an ordinary farmer."

"If Anyang really becomes your wife, can she adapt to being the daughter-in-law of the Ji family?"

It's not easy to be a daughter-in-law of a big family!
Ji Ling smiled and held Qiu Anyang's hand, "Uncle, Auntie, we are only dating for the purpose of marriage now."

"Now is a new society where men, women and children are all equal. Ji's family has some family background and status in Kyoto, but with me here, Anyang girl will not be harmed!"

Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu had mixed feelings.

This newly recognized daughter of theirs was outstanding in appearance, she was so beautiful and delicate that they had never seen before. It was no wonder that Ji Ling, who had never been interested in women, fell in love at first sight.

This pair of young people is a perfect match in appearance, and it is best that they can come together.

After all, Qiu Liang wants to look very powerful, he is the second in command of the mining area, but, again, there are people out there, and their small family may not be able to protect Qiu Anyang!
If the girl and Ji Ling become a couple, then they don't have to worry about Qiu Anyang's safety, let alone being threatened by others.

But if the two of them don't make it to the end...

Qiu Liang wanted to look at Qiu Anyang, "Son, what do you think? Parents support you!"

Qiu Anyang looked down at the hands they were holding. The man's hand was slender and strong, and the warmth in his palm seemed to flow along with her blood and flow in the apex of her heart. It made her feel solid and safe for the first time after she came to this world. .

She chuckled and said, "Mom and Dad, isn't it just a relationship? Does it need to be so serious?"

"Let's just go with the flow. After all, you have to get to know each other slowly when you're talking about someone. You can't say that as long as you fall in love, you will definitely hold hands for a lifetime... This is a gradual process. If it suits you, you can continue. If it doesn't suit you, it's a rich experience..."

The man exerted a little force, making her hands sore.Why does this little heartless person have the air of a dandy in Kyoto?

Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu nodded with a smile after hearing this, "It's because we reacted a bit too much, that's fine, you young people can decide for themselves."

"But one thing, you are all adults, you have to know what will happen every time you do something."

They believed that Ji Ling was not a random person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to delay the marriage until now.

Although they didn't know much about Qiu Anyang, she was also a smart little girl.

They mentioned it, and the rest is up to the kids themselves.

Ji Ling and Qiu Anyang responded with a smile.

After eating, Qiu Liang wanted to take on the job of washing the dishes.

Qiao Leyu went into the room to rest, leaving the young couple in the living room to talk.

Qiu Anyang pretended that Ji Ling wasn't there, counted his achievements in the morning, walked around the room to digest food, and thought about what to do in the afternoon.

Ji Ling was fiddling with walnuts in his hand, and said flatly, "Sister Anyang, I'll check out at the guest house later, and I'll take the train back to Kyoto at around [-] o'clock in the evening."

"When I come again, it will be almost the middle of next month, and I will directly take the recruitment exam..."

He seemed to be reporting the itinerary to his daughter-in-law.

Qiu Anyang paused his hands, and hummed with a smile.

Ji Ling glanced at her, and for some reason felt a faint sense of powerlessness and frustration in her heart, "You just... have nothing to tell me?"

Qiu Anyang smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoling, have a smooth journey!"

She might as well not say it!

Ji Ling stood up, "The next time I come, I'll bring you special products from Kyoto."

Qiu Anyang murmured, "Thank you Brother Xiao Ling."

Ji Ling glared at her, feeling that the previous scene had been turned upside down. In the past, he was the one who was courteous to others, but he didn't expect that one day he would be courteous.

Sure enough, if you come out to mess around, do you have to pay it back?
It's just a pretty girl with a bit of wit. He looked a little strange. He probably forgot who she was before he got to the capital, right?
After Ji Ling wanted to say goodbye to Qiu Liang, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Qiu Anyang's head, leaned over her ear, and said with a wicked smile on the corner of his lips, "Sister Anyang, wait for me to come back!"

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