Qiu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "I can't stop imitating things, I can only minimize their damage to my profits."

"Besides, Dad, if all the family members have to do their homework and the burden on the family is reduced, is it considered an important performance appraisal for you?"

This time Qiu Liang wanted to stand up directly, and asked her in disbelief: "Anyang, you mean, let me call the big guys to do things in the name of the unit?"

Qiu Anyang murmured, "Back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, so that the procurement and sales can also be outsourced... I am responsible for designing, sampling, checking the quality of materials and finished products, and pricing."

"I want [-]% of the profit within my price. As for how much the unit sells, that's none of my business."

Qiao Leyu's thinking was also opened up: "In this way, the unit can not only provide long-term and stable handicraft work for the skillful and well-behaved family members, but also increase a lot of jobs because of purchasing and sales..."

Qiu Liang wanted to keep walking up and down the living room, with excitement on his face, many tasks in the mine were done step by step.

The big guys just need to be serious and responsible to obey the command. Some things are brewed by practice, and there is an inevitability hidden under the surprise.

Only the subordinates arrange this part, and all the leaders have a headache.

They also want to arrange for family members to exchange surplus labor force into money to reduce the family's life pressure, so that their employees can work without worries.

Too bad it's a huge project, and they're not good at it.

If he can solve it, this performance will also become a particularly important and bright stroke in his career!
"Anyang, then let me thank you on behalf of our family members in the mine!" Qiu Liang wanted to stop and bow to Qiu Anyang solemnly.

Qiu Anyang stepped aside quickly, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"I was just being lazy, I pushed all the work out, and passed the credit to you by the way. Aren't you offending me?"

"Even without the relationship between the two of us, I still want to find a mine leader."

Qiao Leyu also patted Qiu Liang with a smile and thought, "Yes, Anyang is our child, aren't you pushing her away?"

"One family doesn't speak two different languages. Could it be that you have benefited and why don't you share it with our daughter?"

The father and daughter talked about the matter in detail for a while, and broke the whole process to the extent that it could be implemented.

In the early stage, they used to outsource odd jobs. After the market opened up, the unit purchased second-hand machines from garment factories to set up small workshops, and the scale was gradually expanded and formalized.

Qiu Liang wanted to take the notebook to digest, while Qiu Anyang continued to step on the sewing machine for more than an hour.

Now she doesn't have a lot of money, and there are a lot of materials beside her. Before others follow suit, Qiu Anyang decided to earn some hard money.

After a busy day the next day, Qiu Anyang still had an early dinner and went to set up a stall with his things.

"Comrade, help me get ten hairpins, five hairbands, fifteen hairbands, and ten bracelets!"

"I want three bracelets, five hairpins, three hairbands, ten hair ties, and three brooches..."

As soon as she sat down, many little girls surrounded her and started clamoring for what she wanted.

Qiu Anyang swiftly collected the money and rummaged through the sacks, but the stall opened without being erected!

After she had sold the last hairband and the customers had dispersed, she found Liu Anlian with an unsightly complexion.

"Anyang, you, why did you set up a stall?" She led Jing Zhenjun and asked angrily and sadly. "Do you know how messy it is here? You are a beautiful young girl, and you are easily missed by others..."

"No, who was that gay man who was flirting with you the day before yesterday?"

Because of her anger, her voice was louder than usual, attracting the attention of stall owners who were envious and jealous of Qiu Anyang.

Qiu Anyang sneered: "I said sister, can you just ignore me like this?"

"Don't tell me that you are uneducated, you speak straight, and you don't have any twists and turns, but anyone who has a little brain and thinks about others shouldn't just give me a hat on such an occasion, right?"

"Why don't I usually know that you have such a loud voice? And when I came to the mine, I only knew you. Why did you spread my news everywhere in the family courtyard on the second day after you saw that I was kicked out of the house and had to live in a guest house?" Gossip?"

"Do you really understand the situation? Now I have to establish a relationship with Comrade Ji, who I have only known for two days."

"It's a pity that I was admitted to university, but because my sister wanted to give my brother-in-law..."

Liu Anlian hurriedly stepped forward to hold Qiu Anyang's hand, and said in shame, "Anyang, I'm sorry, my sister said something wrong because she was worried about you."

"I didn't expect that I just told the big guys the truth, and they twisted it like this... I will definitely explain to the big guys later, if anyone says something bad about you, it will hurt my heart..."

It's disgraceful to go through the back door, even if it doesn't work out, but if this kind of words are heard by those who are interested, they will think that Jing Wenshi's current position as the team leader is given by someone to give him a gift!
She is too aware of the power of public opinion, the big guys don't care about the truth of the matter at all, they just want to make their mouth feel comfortable, and they simply don't want to see others' good.

Only then did Qiu Anyang pack his things leisurely, "It turns out that my sister also knows the severity. I think my sister understands what kind of person I am. If I go crazy, even I will be afraid."

"After I came here, I saw that your family is small and big guys don't welcome me. In order to let my sister be a good person at home, I moved out very sensible and obediently, and set up a stall to make money by myself."

"Sister, there's no need to make things difficult for me, otherwise, if you offend me, none of us can think about it!"

She leaned into Liu Anlian's ear, chuckled and whispered, "Oh, yes, you may not know that my father is Qiu Liangxiang, the deputy mine manager of our Zhaoyang Coal Mine, and my mother is Qiao Leyu, the head of the art troupe." .”

"When you think carefully about me, you should also consider whether the small captain of your family, Jing Wenshi, can bear it."

Liu Anlian did not expect that Qiu Anyang not only severed ties with the Liu family, but also found such a big backer for herself within two days.

With a mere admission notice, Qiu Anyang can become the daughter of the deputy mine manager?
Who earned this?
Liu Anlian pulled the corners of her lips, trying to pretend to be happy, "Anyang, what happened? Why did the deputy mine manager recognize you as a girl?"

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows, and walked slowly while pushing the car, "Of course I'm beautiful, smart, sensible, and filial. People are rushing to have such a good girl, but my parents don't have children at home, and they don't have children. Okay, and our fate has come, and we become a family, is there any problem?"

Liu Anlian smiled and shook her head: "No, no, it's too late for my sister to be happy for you, isn't it a blessing in disguise for you?"

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