As soon as they walked out of the night market, they met Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu who hurried over.

They not only ignored Liu Anlian's mother and son, but also pushed her away, one took the initiative to push the bicycle, the other took Qiu Anyang's arm, and asked gently.

Liu Anlian's face turned green with anger.Since she was a child, she was sensible, down-to-earth, and honest. Even if she got married and had children, the people around her, including her mother-in-law, who always favored the second wife, couldn't say a word about her.

Everyone respects her and will give her a hand in any good deed.

Moreover, in the countryside, Jing Wenshi is considered to be doing well, and she is also very decent in her natal family, and she is the object of envy, jealousy, and praise.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her distorted jealousy, and said with a light smile, "Uncle Qiu, Aunt Qiu, I am Anyang's older sister, named Liu Anlian. My man is mining..."

Before she could finish the introduction, Qiu Liang wanted to nod: "Hello."

Then he turned his head to look at his wife and daughter, and said with a smile: "You two take a walk back slowly, I still have some business to deal with, so I will ride home first."

Qiao Leyu responded, "Go, we mother and daughter are talking, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this about you, Liu Anlian's face became extremely hot.

She smiled, "Aunt Qiu, I'm leaving too, my child is doing homework, I'm worried..."

"Originally, I heard that my sister was setting up a stall here, and I was very worried, so I brought Xiaojun over to have a look... Now that she has Uncle Qiu and Aunt Qiu to take care of her, I finally let go of my high-mindedness. .”

"Auntie, my sister has suffered a lot since childhood. I have always regarded her as my own daughter..."

Qiao Leyu smiled politely before she finished speaking: "Then you go home quickly, the children are young, it is not safe to be alone at home."

Liu Anlian is a person who cares about face, since Qiao Le's words have turned her off, she can't continue talking, so she just nodded her head in agreement, and left in despair.

Qiu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled.

Qiao Leyu nodded her forehead, "Even though your elder sister is from the countryside, she has a lot of thoughts! No wonder you are such a smart and clever girl, you will fall on her, and you will almost be deceived."

Isn't that right, the original owner who was really admitted to Shanghai University was played around by Liu Anlian, sold out and paid for money, and even lost his life.

Qiu Anyang murmured: "No one loved me before, I was very lacking in love, and I had to give my heart and soul to others if someone gave me a date... Now it's good, I have my own parents, it's no longer a longing The poor little one loved by others..."

"Mom, don't worry, with you as my backing, they can't bully me!"

"I'm amazing. They are just relying on being my relatives to make a fool of the few blood relationship between me and them."

Back home, Qiu Anyang took a change of clothes and took a bath.

When she finished washing and drying her hair, the phone rang.

Qiu Liang wanted to take a look here, "Anyang, answer the phone, I might be looking for you."

Qiu Anyang was still a little puzzled, who would call to find him.She picked up the microphone, and a clear voice came from the opposite side.

"Comrade Anyang, I'm Ji Ling. I arrived in Kyoto after four o'clock this afternoon. I'm already at home."

Listening to him report to himself solemnly, what happened from his departure to this moment, Qiu Anyang covered his mouth and twitched his shoulders.

Oh, hey, she looked at him with a smart face, and he is quite seductive, why is he so dull and monotonous?
Ji Ling finished talking, dissatisfied with her reticence, "Comrade Anyang, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Qiu Anyang took a deep breath to adjust his mood, and said with a light smile: "Brother Xiaoling was tired from riding the train all day, he should rest early."

"Brother Xiaoling will come to work in the mine in the future and won't go home for a long time. During this time, he will often gather with relatives and friends, right?"

"Be careful with eating and resting regularly."

The little girl's voice was soft and somewhat waxy, which made Ji Ling's ears itch, wishing he could drag her out of the phone.

"Are you concerned about me?" he asked casually.

Qiu Anyang hummed and did not deny it, but he had nothing else to say.

Ji Ling squeezed the microphone, "I heard from Uncle Qiu, you have made things to set up a stall in the past two days, is everything going well?"

Qiu Anyang said with a smile: "Of course it went smoothly. The things I made are beautiful, exquisite and fashionable, and everyone rushes to buy them."

"Basically I set up a stall for an hour and everything was sold out."

Ji Ling could hear her happiness, and curled the corners of her lips, "I'll call you at this hour in the future, I can't help it, the family is urging me so hard, I have to put on a show, right?"

"I'll bring you some Kyoto specialties later!"

"You are also tired all day, go to bed early..."

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Anyang saw Qiu Liangxiang and Qiao Leyu turning their heads away.

She smiled and walked over to sit down.

Qiu Liang wanted to take out a stack of documents and hand them over, "Anyang, this is the plan I asked the secretary to come up with according to what you said."

"Look, what else needs to be added?"

Qiu Anyang took it and read it carefully from beginning to end, and it was indeed the same as what she said last night, "Dad, there is no problem."

"Like purchasing, I think we can ask people to list textile factories, accessories factories and other related units with good reputation first, call them one by one, and ask people to send a sample... When selling, we can send them to major shopping malls. Send samples..."

She tries to avoid all troublesome steps.

Qiu Liang wanted to take out his notebook and record it, asking a few questions from time to time.

This matter is not difficult at all. After these two exchanges, the father and daughter can basically finalize the matter.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, if my judgment is correct, my biological mother may come to the mine in the past two days. I hope you are mentally prepared." Qiu Anyang suddenly remembered Liu Anlian's fleeting moment when they left just now. calculating.

Qiao Leyu patted her hand, "Your dad and I are always ready!"

"We treat you as a daughter. It's not just a matter of saying a word and closing the household. We called your fifth uncle and found out about your family's general situation."

"Your mother favors sons over daughters, and treats your sisters as goods in exchange for high-value gifts, so that you can marry your brothers."

"You grow up to be a big girl at home, and when she asks for a generous reward, how can you let you go easily?"

Qiu Anyang chuckled, "Anyway, I'm not afraid of her, it just depends on who is more open-minded than the other party!"

"However, Mom, it is very likely that the younger sister of the fifth uncle's family will not be able to go to school this year."

Qiu Liang wanted to say with a cold face: "It's okay, Anyang, you can do whatever you want."

"That girl, she is not expected to go to school. As long as she goes to Haida to report, she will live in fear from now on. She will never be able to bear your identity for the rest of her life."

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