Chapter 244 The 90s hero, his aunt (41)

As soon as Qiu Anyang closed the door, Ji Ling pushed him against the door panel.

Father Qiu was a bit particular about feng shui, so the door was moved to the east, staggered from the door into the bedroom and the corridor of the living room.

There are two small houses built next to the gate, one is used as a utility room, and the other is a greenhouse with large windows. The eaves of the entrance hall are integrated with the left and right sides, and bicycles and rain gear can be placed when it usually rains.

It happened that the people upstairs and in the room couldn't see these two people.

The night was thick, and the man's burning breath made the air scarce.

Qiu Anyang gently pushed his chest, but he didn't push it, but he deliberately showed off his well-developed muscles.

Her face was slightly red, but her eyes were slightly bright, and she squeezed her hands straightforwardly and sincerely, which gave people a different sense of security and temptation.

Ji Ling laughed muffledly: "My little one, are you being impolite?"

Qiu Anyang snorted: "You all come to me and show off your manly charm. If I don't join in, how much will it hurt your self-esteem?"

Ji Ling lowered her head slightly and looked at the little girl seriously. On such a night, her skin was also glowing white, like the moon in the sky, and like a little monster who only came out at night to seduce people. She was so beautiful and dreamy.

His mouth was a little parched, especially the little girl's small mouth, which was upturned and tender.

Ji Ling restrained herself, but kissed her smooth forehead affectionately, and carefully embraced her in her arms, feeling unprecedentedly satisfied in her heart, and did not dare to make too many movements.

"Anyang, thank you for appearing in my life." He never knew that when his feelings were still so strong, his life had a different color.

Probably, they met the right person at the right time, and it was the semicircle that could be destined to form a circle and belong to each other after going around!

Qiu Anyang leaned on him obediently and quietly, and rubbed against him, "Me too."

It is not easy to meet someone who treats you sincerely.

The two of them didn't dare to delay for too long, they got a little tired, and entered the room.

Qiu Anyang told Qiao Leyu about Lu's mother.

Qiao Leyu sneered and said, "The Lu family are just locusts in the mine. They can jump around a few times, and they feel how powerful they are."

"Your father is from the countryside and seems to have no background, but your uncle runs a small business in the capital, and your father also studied in the capital and made many powerful friends. It's not the little fish and shrimp that the Lu family knew. Comparable."

"Anyang, don't go out alone recently, let Xiaoling or me and your dad accompany you."

"I'd like to see what kind of abilities their Lu family has, making your father and I spend half our lives fooling around!"

Qiu Anyang hummed, "Mom, don't worry, I look weak, but in fact I have good physical strength and great strength. Even if I can't beat them, I can still escape."

Qiao Leyu told her, "My child, let's not be aggressive in everything. Some people are used to using dirty tricks, and they don't have a bottom line. Mom is afraid that you will suffer."

Qiu Anyang responded with a smile.

After eating, Ji Ling and Qiu Liangxiang went to the kitchen to wash the pots and dishes, and Qiu Liangli also followed the crowd to clean the table and sweep the floor, letting the women eat watermelon, melon seeds, drink tea and chat.

However, I haven't seen him for five or six days, and Qiu Gaoshan seems to have lost some weight again, and his originally tall and strong body is constantly shrinking.

Less than twenty years old, his face and eyes are already full of vicissitudes!

"An Nuan, when did Brother Shan's leg get hurt? What did the doctor say?" Qiu Anyang pulled Qiu An Nuan back into the room, and asked her while stepping on the sewing machine.

Qiu Annuan sighed slightly, "Only half a month ago, my brother's estimated score was relatively high, and he will definitely be able to go to college."

"He just wanted to do more work for the family. He harvested the wheat and sowed the corn. After a few days of rain, my brother wanted to renovate the roof. How could he think of..."

"My dad blamed himself very much, thinking that if he had repaired the roof earlier, he wouldn't let my brother suffer this crime."

"It is said that the tendons and bones are broken for a hundred days, but at that time, my brother... at that time, his bone was broken directly, and it came out from the flesh. The white part directly made my mother faint..."

"The doctor said that even though my brother is young, his injury is too severe this time. Not only can he not expect to recover as before, but it is hard to say whether he can stand up and walk, and whether he has injured his nerves..."

Mentioning this, Qiu Annuan's face was full of sadness, "The quality of teaching in our countryside is very average, and my brother studies hard for our family. It is very happy and pleasant surprise for our family that he can be admitted to a junior college."

"Now his legs have to be carefully taken care of, and he can't move easily. If it weren't for coming to Yanqiu City for medical treatment this time, his parents would not be willing to take his brother back and forth... What is college compared to his brother's health? "

Qiu Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully sewed the hair flower.

Qiu Liangxiang's actions were quick, but within two or three days, a handicraft workshop had been preliminarily set up.

This handicraft workshop is based on the real situation of Qiu Anyang setting up a stall in the past few days, which has attracted the attention of the leaders above.

No one expected that trinkets could generate such huge profits!
The manual workshop can allow young people to use their intelligence and talents to design beautiful and exquisite trinkets; it allows many family members to join in and ease the economic situation of many families. It is also a beautiful achievement for the leaders of the mine and even the urban area!

Therefore, the procedures for the handicraft workshop were approved very quickly, and no one would deliberately delay for this costless thing that benefits the people.

In the afternoon, the first batch of employees of the workshop was also finalized, and the manuscripts and samples she had drawn before were also sent over.

The sales staff also took the samples and went to the stores in various cities in the province first.

According to Professor Qiu Anyang's method, they made an appointment with the manager of the mall in the name of Zhaoyang Coal Mine.

They didn't need to praise their products, they just asked the manager to negotiate a stall at the door, and with the amazing speed and sales volume, they directly won long-term orders!

With orders from a few big shopping malls, other shopping malls will place orders directly in order to keep up with the pace of the market.

In other words, the success of this workshop is predictable!
Qiu Anyang prayed silently in his heart: "Without the brothers and sisters Qiu Gaoshan and Qiu Annuan, I would not be able to leave the Liu family smoothly, let alone enjoy the warmth of the family and get to know Ji Ling."

"They are my nobles. I would like to pray that Qiu Gaoshan can recover as before with the blessing of the handicraft workshop."

Qiu Anyang thought that the points and star coins she earned from doing tasks were all exchanged with blessing points, so could she also use blessing points in exchange for good luck to give to others?

As long as there are enough lucky points, 30.00% lucky points will become inevitable!

(End of this chapter)

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