Chapter 245 The 90s hero, his aunt (42)

Qiu Anyang comforted Qiu Annuan with a smile, "Brother Shan is a good person, and good people are rewarded with rewards. His legs will definitely get better."

"I heard that a person's leg is broken, and steel nails can be placed in it, which is conducive to the rapid recovery of the bone... Small towns can't see the injury, and Kyoto and provincial capitals are okay..."

"Isn't there a famous orthopedic specialist in Yanqiu City? It must be fine!"

Qiu Annuan nodded, holding his chin and said feebly: "I hope so, the main reason is that my brother is too young, just at the age of youth..."

"Although my brother studied hard before, his physical fitness is good. He is on the school's basketball team and has won prizes in games against middle schools in the city..."

"I can see how much he likes to exercise, and he also helps the family from the bottom of his heart. Now he can only sit in a wheelchair, can't do what he likes, can't help his parents, and needs someone all the time. Waiting by the side... My brother has a strong self-esteem, he doesn't want to be a drag..."

Qiu Anyang smiled and kowtowed to her head, "I said Brother Shan's legs will recover, and he will definitely return to a normal appearance."

"Brother Shan can report to the university and apply for a suspension of study. He can also wait for his body to recover and continue to complete his studies. What a big deal..."

"However, according to my idea, why don't you two study together for a year so that you can get into a good university next year!"

Qiu Annuan pointed to her nose, "Sister, don't make fun of us. My brother was able to pass the college entrance examination because he put in [-]-[-]% more effort than others."

"He's not as smart as me. You let him suffer for another year? Besides, me, my goal is to get a high school diploma!"

Qiu Anyang chuckled and said, "That means you didn't meet me before."

"From now until I go to Haishi to report, there is still a month or so. I will help you consolidate the knowledge of elementary school and junior high school... From now on, I will mail you study plans and materials every week, as long as you can guarantee the quality Complete the task I assigned as much as possible, not to mention letting you take the entrance exams for SH City University like me, but let’s take the ordinary first and second exams, it’s still like playing!"

"Do you want to exchange a year's hard work for the opportunity to take off on the shoulders of giants?"

Thinking, why don't you want to, Qiu Annuan will still settle the account of catching up with other people's hard work for many years.

She nodded seriously: "Sister, you are smart, you are right, I will listen to you!"

"Isn't it just a year of hanging on the head and stabbing the buttocks? When I entered college, my life was so wonderful. Oh, I thought I could be like those people in big cities, holding tea and reading newspapers, sitting comfortably in the office, I'm so happy..."

Qiu Anyang raised her forehead, this girl's pattern has not been opened, and her life is very long, did she just choose a path that is easy to see and boring?
Qiu Annuan still saw very little, without a goal and ideal tempered by reality.This is not urgent, a lifetime is very long, let's talk about it after she is admitted to university first!
Sure enough, in the living room, after several people in the living room Qiu Liang wanted to finish their work, they talked for a while, and then mentioned Qiu Gaoshan's leg injury.

"Fifth brother, let's take Xiaoshan to the hospital tomorrow and listen to what the doctor has to say. The Yanqiu City Hospital is not good, so let's go to the provincial capital, Kyoto or Shanghai."

"He's still young, and he hasn't been injured for a long time now. We have to actively treat him..."

Qiu Liangli nodded, "Sixth brother, you have the right idea, we will listen to you!"

Qiu Anyang couldn't help laughing, and looked at Qiu Annuan beside him.

Although the people in the fifth room of the Qiu family are honest and friendly, compared to other brothers who are doing well, their family is not enough.

People are not smart and have no ability, but they admit death, and whoever is good will listen to whoever says it.

Qiu Annuan didn't understand why, and smiled at her too.However, she is not very smart in her studies, but she has a good hand, and she quickly understood Qiu Anyang's work, and she picked it up and sewed it obediently.

Qiu Anyang looked at it and nodded: "Yes, these few days, apart from studying, you are helping me with work."

"When you are admitted to university, you can make some trinkets and set up a stall to earn pocket money... But you have to exercise your body well, don't be envied by others just because you make more money..."

"You can't underestimate these small things. The money you earn in half a month may be higher than the salary of someone who works seriously."

Qiu Annuan gasped in fright, and looked at the things in her hand in disbelief, "Sister, the monthly salary of someone who works in an office is not more than 300 yuan?"

"My little sister and I usually go to the mountains to pick medicinal materials. After working for half a day, we can earn [-] yuan. Moreover, medicinal materials are more difficult to find. This time, we will have to wait a month before we can continue picking..."

"Anyway, during the holidays, I was looking for ways to make money with the ladies. I found out about monkeys, selling medicinal materials, selling wild vegetables, etc. It would be good to earn more than ten yuan a month..."

How dare she think about two or three hundred?

Qiu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Because I drew and designed these hair accessories. If you study fashion design in college, you can make money with your brilliant designs."

She handed Qiu Annuan a cardboard box, "Put the finished ones here, and go to set up a stall with me at night... The small items in this cardboard box are sold for money, you and I get fifty-five cents, basically small Business is half and half profit and cost...including my design fee, cost, booth fee and a small profit...we are a win-win..."

Hearing what Qiu Anyang said, Qiu Annuan responded unceremoniously, and worked harder.

It's just that she still has no idea about the profit of the gadget in her hand.

Qiu Annuan's work is relatively quick, and the speed is not much slower than that of a sewing machine.

The two sisters did not dare to be distracted, and focused on the work in hand without saying a word.

Ji Ling waited for the big guy to finish speaking, then got up and left to go to the guest house.

He looked at Qiu Anyang reluctantly, and said goodbye to the big guy with a polite smile.

Qiu Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "Mom, I'll go see him off."

Qiao Leyu patted her hand, "Go, remember to be safe."

Knowing that the little girl is smart and knows how to measure, and Ji Ling is not a messy person, Qiao Leyu didn't explain too much.

After leaving the door, Ji Ling laughed softly, "Shall we go out for a walk? There are quite a few people strolling around after dinner in the mine right now, and I'll take you back later."

Qiu Anyang hummed.The two talked, and she felt close and happy to him.

The summer insects were chirping for a long time, the children were chasing and laughing not far away, the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, and the two of them were walking side by side slowly, with joy in their hearts.

The street lights are dim and covered by lush tree crowns, people walking in the shadows, only a blur.

Ji Ling hesitated, and stretched out his hand to grab her domineeringly, just like that!

The heartbeats of both of them are out of rhythm...

(End of this chapter)

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