Chapter 247 The 90s hero, his aunt (44)

A person like Lu Xingxian, who is sought after by his family, no longer knows his correct position.

He only likes to listen to good words and be affirmed. He is relatively fragile psychologically, and his ability to resist pressure and face difficulties is very weak, and he is easy to go to extremes!
Ji Ling then used reality to pierce his Pu Xin's psychology.

Everyone is born equal, but society is complex, and various criteria for judgment are derived, so that people are divided into high and low.

These are all added to oneself by the outside world, or become a boost, or become a resistance!
If a person wants to move forward in the chaos, he must know his own position, and he must not belittle himself, but he must not be too conceited and think highly of himself.

Lu Xingxian couldn't stand being denied the most, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I don't know, comrade, which university did you get into?"

College students are still rare in this era. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of college students every year, I can't bear Xia Hua's large population base!
Anyway, among his relatives and friends, very few of them were admitted to university.And that's the real source of his confidence.

Ji Ling smiled: "No, I just graduated from the Imperial University with a doctor's degree. I can choose whatever job I want in the mining area."

"You said that if I want the position of director of the material department, will the unit feel inferior?"

Lu Xingxian was stunned for a moment, and looked at Ji Ling in disbelief: "You, you are lying, you can at most graduate from university, and even graduate from a doctorate! Four years of university, and five years of master's and doctoral studies, right?"

"You are nine years older than Anyang?"

Ji Ling said flatly: "I skipped all the way from elementary school to junior high school and high school, and I'm not a few years older than Anyang."

"It's you, tsk tsk. You took one grade in the fourth grade of elementary school, one grade in the third grade of junior high school, repeated two years in high school, and took the college entrance examination twice..."

"As far as I know, our family in Anyang is also jumping and jumping. It only took six years to directly take the college entrance examination... I think you should be able to feel the gap between them?"

Lu Xingxian felt his clothes being lifted layer by layer, and growled in shame and indignation: "Shut up!"

Ji Ling grabbed his door and exerted a little force, "Lu Xingxian, block out the sound from the outside world, and take a good look at how much you weigh!"

The anger and coldness that burst out from Ji Ling at that moment nailed Lu Xingxian in place.

After Ji Ling left, Lu Xingxian dared to take a big breath, but he stared blankly at the crumbling door, his legs were a little weak.

This is an anti-theft iron gate, but half of it was squeezed out by Ji Ling!
When Qiu Anyang entered the house, he was very curious about what Ji Ling had given him, and he needed to fax it over.

When she took advantage of the time to go to the toilet, she opened the few sheets of paper, froze for a moment, quickly flipped through the information two or three times, and then raised the corners of her lips.

This information is really a timely rain for her!
Since Qiu Anyang came to Qiu's house, the refrigerator and cabinets at home were full of ingredients.

In the early morning, after Qiu Anyang washed, he tied a loose ball head, put on an apron, and baked mushroom and pork pies, carrot vermicelli pies and pepper beef pies for his family. Eggs and pickles.

The big guy ate very satisfyingly, and praised Qiu Anyang a lot.

After eating, Qiu Liangxiang and Qiu Liangli took Qiu Gaoshan to the city to see his legs.

Ji Ling went to handle the company registration and office lease.

Only Qiu Anyang and Qiu Annuan were at home.

The two of them had just finished tidying up the house when they heard a knock on the door. Qiu Annuan jumped up and went out, "Who is it? Aunt Six, you must have forgotten your keys..."

After she came to open the door, Mother Liu aggressively pushed her away and walked in, stood in the yard with her hips on her hips and shouted, "Anyang, where are you losers?"

"Do you think that if you hide and recognize the Qiu family as your parents, I can't do anything to you?"

She figured it out, the Qiu family just thought that the Liu family was a farmer, and they didn't want to part with their son's hard-won college students.

What is there to be afraid of in the Liu family?Are they barefoot afraid of the Qiu family wearing leather shoes?
Kidnapping her daughter who is going to be admitted to SH City University, and wanting to pay nothing, ah bah, there is no such good thing!

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Anyang is pretty, has a bad personality but is extremely defensive and unaggressive, and is extremely intelligent. Who doesn't like her?

The Qiu family, a childless couple, had finally found a daughter who they were interested in, and they would never let go easily.

This is her confidence!
Qiu Anyang walked in, ignored her, and instead said to Qiu Annuan: "Annuan, go call the security guard, and tell me that someone broke into a private house, and it is very likely that they will hurt people on purpose..."

Qiu Annuan murmured, and rushed out like a loach.

Mother Liu and Liu Anlian looked at each other, anxiously: "You, don't scare people, I just came to my daughter's house, is there something wrong?"

"I'll let the big guy take a look at you, a white-eyed wolf who clings to the powerful and doesn't even want your own parents... so that the big guy won't show his heart and soul to you, and you will turn around and sell him instead!"

Qiu Anyang sighed slightly: "Sister, if we start a fight, do you think your man will not be implicated?"

"Conflicts among family members can easily affect the mood of employees going to work, and even affect the production progress. As the wife of the team leader, why do you want to gather people to make troubles, not to mention taking the lead as an example?"

"And you, Aunt Liu..."

Qiu Anyang said coldly: "Don't think that because you are an elder, you can do whatever you want and mess around."

"You said I was your daughter, do you have any evidence?"

"Am I on your Liu family's household registration book, or are you and I biologically related?"

Mother Liu frowned, "You crawled out of my stomach, if it's not my daughter, who is it?"

Qiu Anyang stared at Mother Liu closely: "Are you sure I'm your daughter?"

Mother Liu's heart skipped a beat, "You, of course you are my daughter."

"Everyone in our village saw that I was pregnant, and my belly was getting bigger... And, at that time, I gave birth to you in the hospital, and every child was wearing a badge, so it was impossible to make a mistake... ..."

Qiu Anyang smiled: "As far as I know, any daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law in the village who wants to give birth will call the midwife to come to the house to deliver the baby. Unless the mother's condition is critical, she will be sent to the hospital."

"If I understand correctly, the Liu family had already made a good call to the midwife at that time. Just when your due date was approaching, a female educated youth from another village who went to the countryside gave birth, and the village arranged for a tractor to take her to the hospital."

"You fell down on purpose, and we followed the tractor to the hospital... The female educated youth gave birth to her first child, and she spent a whole day and night at the hospital, but you took advantage of this time to ask the nurse for leeks, and went to the hospital. Running and jumping around, and deliberately robbing the cleaner's job, and finally tossing himself into the delivery room with the female educated youth..."

(End of this chapter)

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