Qiu Anyang's eyes flickered, but he happily looked out through Qiao Leyu's shoulder on his toes, "Mom, who is it?"

Her eyes were facing a strange but familiar lady.

The lady was wearing a white collared shirt, black bootcut trousers, and black low-heeled sandals. Her hair was meticulously fixed with pearl barrettes.

She has exquisite makeup, an imperial green bracelet on her wrist, and gold and jade ornaments on her ears and neck.

The hand with red nails is holding the finished cowhide bag. She has a cold expression, and her arrogant attitude seems to be born with her.

And next to her is a young man in his early 1.7 meters, wearing a floral shirt, jeans, black leather shoes, and sunglasses on his chest.

His hair was curled, he was still biting a cigar in his mouth, he put one foot up, and his whole body was trembling as if it had been overdone!

Qiu Anyang worriedly said: "Mom, did this little brother have a stroke? Why is he shaking all over? Could it be that the place under his feet is leaking electricity?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the wooden stick in Ji Ling's hand went towards her calf.

The wooden stick hit the place accurately, and the force was not strong, but it caused the extremely arrogant Qiu Gaohai to fall into the mud!

What is this called? She can't beat Mother Liu, but she can punish this impostor.

Qiu Anyang covered his mouth with a smile: "Mom, look at this little brother, who is not in season, why do you still give me such a big meeting ceremony?"

"But it's thanks to Brother Xiaoling's help, otherwise this little brother's nerves might be damaged by electric shock..."

Qi Hongyu's face darkened, "Qiu Anyang, right? I see that you are not too young, and this is your upbringing?"

Qiu Anyang shrugged, "Auntie, I only recently recognized my parents. Before that, I was indeed a loser who was born but not raised by a mother. What kind of education do I have?"

Qi Hongyu squeezed her bag tightly, her eyes were [-]% or [-]% similar to Qiu Anyang, with coldness, disbelief and deep disgust.

Qiu Anyang carefully restrained all her expressions and emotions into his eyes.

Even if it is a blood relationship in this world, if it has not been sculpted by time, it is just an old life-saving rope, which can be broken in minutes!
Qi Hongyu probably disliked the original owner who grew up in the countryside, so she wasn't worthy of being her daughter, right?

Qiao Leyu was a little puzzled, why did her good daughter suddenly stretch out her claws?

She said before that she thought Qiu Anyang was somewhat familiar. It turned out that this girl was [-] to [-]% similar to the third sister-in-law.

There are six sons in the Qiu family. Except for the fifth son, Qiu Liangli, who stayed in the countryside as the village head, the rest of them came out.They got married and had children, and they never saw each other once a year.

So Qiao Leyu didn't know much about the third sister-in-law, only that she was beautiful, knowledgeable, coquettish and aloof.

Unlike this girl, although she is beautiful, she is not qualified to be coquettish, she is smart and strong enough to make people feel painful.

Qi Hongyu glanced at Qiao Leyu, looked at Qiu Liangxiang, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Sixth brother, although you said that you have no children and adopted a girl casually, you can't spoil her too much. Why doesn't she even know the basics of respecting the old and loving the young?"

"Speaking out, she not only disgraced you and your husband, but also caused our Qiu family to be pointed at..."

Qiu Liang wanted to smile: "Sister-in-law San, Le Yu and I also saw our fate with this girl. After more than ten years of picking and choosing, we only recognized such a girl. Of course we have to love and pamper her."

"My Anyang is a very sensible and caring child, I don't know where your Xiaohai provoked her, right?"

"Besides, Xiaohai is bigger than our Anyang, right? How did you become Xiaohai?"

Qiu Anyang hummed, "Auntie, how old is your precious son, and when was he born?"

How could Qi Hongyu dare to say that these two children were born in the same ward of the same hospital in the same year, the same month, the same day, and the difference was only a few minutes.

It's just that the big guys all looked over.

Before Qi Hongyu could say anything, Qiu Gaohai, who had a broken nose and dripping blood, got up, stepped forward viciously, and pointed at Qiu Anyang with his hand: "The threshold in Sixth Uncle's house is so high, do you treat guests like this?"

"Also, young master, I was born on May [-], [-]. What's the matter? I just look a little mature... My sister, don't think that you are beautiful, I can take what happened just now as a fart It's..."

Seeing that his hand was about to touch Qiu Anyang, but before Ji Ling could make a move, Qiu Anyang grabbed the man's fingers.

She sneered, looked at the angry Qi Hongyu and Liu Mu who hurried over full of surprises, broke Qiu Gaohai's wrist with a click, and pressed it on again amidst his screaming howl.

"Oh, it hurts so much, my brother, I, my hand is broken..." Qiu Gaohai stamped his feet with his hands in pain.

Seeing this, Mother Liu pushed aside the crowd and wanted to beat Qiu Anyang.

But this time Qiu Anyang didn't hide, just gently pinched her wrist, and said lightly:
"What's the matter, I just put your pain on me, Xiaoxiao paid such a little interest on your own son, you can't bear the pain?"

Qi Hongyu stared at Qiu Anyang with a strong warning, and said in a low voice: "Enough, Qiu Gaohai is my son, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Is there anything that you can't go home to talk about? Why, don't you welcome us in the sixth room as guests?"

"Also, what did you do to my Xiaohai's hand?"

Qiu Anyang backed off with Qiao Leyu on his arm, and let people in, "It's nothing, maybe I used a lot of force, after all, I grew up doing farm work since I was a child."

"And this little brother, who was born on the same day and the same year as me, is so delicate and weak that he can't stand my strength, so he can't even touch him?"

Hearing what she said, Qiu Gaohai moved his wrist, and it was as normal as before, as if the pain that was so sharp that he couldn't stand it just now was an illusion.

He became angry from embarrassment: "Ah, a village girl from the countryside, is her strength worth promoting?"

"If it weren't for my mother coming to see relatives, I wouldn't come to this place where no shit... For the sake of my sixth uncle and sixth aunt finally having a daughter, I, I don't know as much as you..."

Qiu Anyang raised his eyebrows and looked at Qi Hongyu, "Is this the upbringing of your family?"

Qi Hongyu gave her a cold look, twitched the corners of her lips ironically, and pulled Qiu Gaohai into the yard.

Mother Liu also followed up.

Qiu Anyang said to Qiao Leyu: "Mom, I am very likely to be the biological daughter of the woman who hung her eyes just now, but don't worry, she will definitely not want me in order to keep her own son."

"I'm still your sweetheart!"

Qiao Leyu was speechless in astonishment.

But the people eating melons next to me were excited, and an old lady poked her head over and asked for her, "Why? What's going on?"

"How did you become the daughter of the third bedroom of the Qiu family? Aren't you a girl from the Liu family?"

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