Qiu Anyang sighed, and said simply: "It's not that my former adoptive mother was greedy and wanted her son to enjoy the blessings, so she replaced me."

"Just change it. As long as she treats me well and doesn't cling to me to suck blood, I won't be able to reveal my own background and completely get rid of their Liu family."

"But obviously, my biological mother also wants a son and doesn't intend to have mine."

Ji Ling said from the side: "It's their loss that they don't want you. My Anyang family is smart and caring, and deserves the best!"

Qiao Leyu stayed for a few seconds before digesting the information.

She grabbed Qiu Anyang's hand and said seriously: "Son, don't worry, as long as you recognize us, then father and mother will never let you be wronged."

"The three of them are more promising in the capital, and the Qi family is also powerful, but so what, we are not afraid of them!"

"The Qiu family is not an obscure family..."

Qiu Anyang blinked his eyes.

Ji Ling said in a low voice, "There is a family ranking in the business world of Kyoto. Both the Qiu family and the Qi family are in the top ten, and the Qiu family happens to be one higher than the Qi family..."

The pressure of competition between the two is quite high, and they are trying their best to maintain the peace on the surface, but secretly they wish they could drag each other into the water.

Qiao Leyu smiled and nodded: "Yes, no matter what they compare with us, we are not afraid of them. Let's go, I will see if the third sister-in-law refuses to recognize her biological daughter for the sake of profit."

The big guys ate half of the melon and were locked out of the door, each scratching their hearts and lungs in anxiety.

"The daughter brought back by the Qiu family really has a rough fate, and I don't know if the lives of Deputy Mine Manager Qiu and the others will be affected..."

"That's right, some people's lives are cheap, they can't afford the rich and powerful, and they will be suppressed instead..."

As if nothing happened just now, Qiu Gaohai began to visit with his hands behind his back, "Uncle Six, I remember I came here when I was young, seven or eight years have passed, right?"

"Why is your house so small and dilapidated? I can't come all the way with my mother, and I have to live in a guest house, right?"

"Let people know how to make fun of us? My sixth uncle is the deputy mine manager. Why is the house and yard so small that people can't get away?"

Qiu Anyang said indifferently: "The land in the countryside is huge. Your biological parents' homestead is more than an acre, which is enough for you to have fun."

Qiu Gaohai turned around, took a deep breath and said to Qiu Liang with a light smile, "Uncle Six, the cousin I just met, doesn't seem to welcome me and mother very much?"

Qiao Leyu smiled and said, "It's because my daughter was a little excited when she saw her biological mother coming."

No one helped Qiu Liang to solve the confusion. He hadn't figured out the situation yet, but his daughter-in-law spoke up, so he naturally understood his position and stood there smiling like a stone pillar.

Qiu Gaohai didn't understand what they said, he just looked at Mother Liu who was smiling at him like a chrysanthemum, and pouted to himself:
"How can I figure it out? She is afraid that she will return to her original family, and deliberately made the relationship between our third and sixth bedrooms so difficult?"

"The gap between the countryside and the city is not a star. I just lamented that the sixth uncle's family has not changed much, and she needs to show her loyalty to the sixth uncle and the sixth aunt?"

Qiu Anyang laughed lowly: "I think you may not have figured out the situation, why don't you ask your current mother, who are you born from October pregnancy!"

"You occupy my position, what is there to show off? Don't you just feel that you are from Kyoto, and you have a kind of arrogance that looks down on the world? Our small place can't accommodate a big Buddha like you?"

Qi Hongyu glared at her and growled, "That's enough, why are you being so weird, little girl? And you, Ji Ling, don't think that because you are from the Ji family, you can really threaten me."

"There are many people who look alike in the world. Don't I know the child I gave birth to myself?"

"Xiaohai was born by me, who can know better than me? Little girl, you should cherish being the daughter of the Qiu family. Don't just listen to other people's babbling and feel suspicious about your own life experience."

"I'm here to let you know, don't have delusional thoughts about some things, be careful that the higher you climb, the worse you will fall!"

I really don't recognize her, Qiu Anyang chuckled, feeling the original owner's faint self-mockery in his heart.

The rest of the Qiu family didn't talk to Ji Ling. They knew that Qiu Anyang was not a disadvantaged person and had his own way of dealing with people, so they let her develop them.

At worst, they will stand up again when she is bullied.

Qiu Anyang curled his lips: "Ms. Qi, I think you made a mistake. You don't recognize me, and I don't intend to recognize you."

Seeing Qi Hongyu heaving a sigh of relief, she continued to smile and said, "It's one thing to recognize it or not, but it's another thing to find out the mystery of my life experience."

"I'm a real person. I just want to make a fuss about who my biological mother is."

"You can deny me, but do you think the Qi family and the Qiu family are willing to let you use a counterfeit as a bargaining chip for your interests?"

"And why do you think that Qiu Gaohai knows that he is a child of their Liu family, so he will treat you wholeheartedly without selfishness?"

Qiu Gaohai was stunned in place.Did he not wake up today? Why is his 18-year identity false?

He looked at Qi Hongyu, then at Mother Liu, he really couldn't accept this fact!

Fake, definitely fake.

Qi Hongyu clenched her fists tightly.The Qi family has a great career. Apart from going to the countryside to suffer a little bit of hardship, most of her life has been smooth and smooth, especially since she gave birth to a grandson for the Qi family!

It was Qiu Gaohai who made her qualified to be in charge of the Qi family's property out of more than a dozen juniors of the Qi family.

If she recognizes Qiu Anyang, it means that she will lose this advantage and have to compete with more than ten other sisters.

She has no shortage of daughters, so she will never let Qiu Anyang ruin her plan!

"I think this is just your wishful thinking," she said flatly.

However, she secretly winked at Mother Liu.

Mother Liu hurriedly agreed:

"That's right, Anyang, I know that you are good-looking and smart. You were born in our Liu family and buried you... You also saw a few children of your age who were found by their parents who were educated youths in the city, so you started to do it." Daydream?"

"Anyang, could it be that you have lost your mind by reading?"

"How come you still don't recognize the truth? I am your biological mother!"

Ji Ling took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Qiu Anyang: "Anyang, this is the first fax I've just rented out of my office this morning."

"This is my request to the Institute to do a paternity test for you and Ms. Qi Hongyu."

Qiu Anyang took it over, looked at Qi Hongyu whose face changed suddenly, and opened the envelope. There were two documents inside, both stamped with the red stamp of the Institute of Kyoto Medical College. DNA identification report"!

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