Although the game client of "Chang Xing Road" has not been officially launched, the website has opened a third-party trading platform.

Any transaction related to the game can be conducted here. As long as the buyer and seller are willing, the business can be concluded. The premise is that they are all adults and have been confirmed by the official phone call.

Fei Anyang didn't frown. He shook out an invitation code and posted it on the trading platform. The ordinary invitation code costs 500 yuan, and the closed beta invitation code costs 3000 yuan. The price is quite reasonable.

Basically, as soon as she hung it up, she was swept away by the local tyrants.

After a short while, I received a transfer message on my mobile phone!
After eating a piece of bread and a piece of mung bean cake, Fei Anyang continued to work while drinking milk tea.

She was busy from eleven o'clock in the noon until 05:30, leaving six internal test codes for herself without deleting files, then turned off the computer, bought five rice bowls, and took the last bus home.

As soon as she got out of the car, she was blocked by Xing Zhize!
He didn't know how long he had been waiting, with heavy smoke on his body, gritted his teeth and asked, "Fei Anyang, where have you been all day?"

"I didn't answer your phone call. I went to your school, but the dormitory manager said you don't live in school! Do you know that I'm worried about you?"

"It's so late, you just came back, how many people are there?"

Fei Anyang was stunned for a moment, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and explained softly apologetically: "I went to the library for self-study today, and the phone was muted, so I didn't see your message."

"When I was about to go home at night, I realized that my phone was out of battery."

Xing Zhize was so angry that he clicked on her from the air, cooperating with him to make so many phone calls, people didn't see it, but instead he tossed her phone and ran out of battery?

He snorted coldly, and glanced at the rice in her hand, "Where do you live? I haven't eaten yet, so let's go to the Internet cafe to play games later!"

Fei Anyang pursed his lips and stood still, "I have a notebook, and I don't want to go to the Internet cafe, because the smell of cigarettes is too strong."

Xing Zhize stared at her, put his arms around her shoulders, and walked to the nearby supermarket helplessly, "I really can't help you! I'll go buy a laptop, and go to your house to play all night. We have to seize the opportunity while the game is just starting. ..."

Fei Anyang still shook his head: "No, I live in a student apartment, and I have no plans to change places in the next two or three years. I don't want people to misunderstand that I live with you."

Knowing that she was a traditional girl, Xing Zhize asked depressedly, "Can't I even go to your dormitory for dinner?"

"I'm your boyfriend anyway, I don't even have this right? How can you bear to watch me go home hungry?"

"You've been in a coma for more than a month, and I haven't been alone with you yet...Anyang, I miss you so much..."

Fei Anyang looked at the distance calmly, and she was also in reality, but she didn't have the longing for love at this age.

After all, Xing Zhize dragged Fei Anyang to have a meal, and then he reluctantly watched Fei Anyang enter the apartment, and then he rode his motorcycle and met his friends to go to the Internet cafe.

When he got home, Fei Anyang turned on the computer and downloaded the game, took a shower, took out a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and drank it slowly, and charged the phone to check today's harvest.

In [-], not to mention the popularization of computers in every household, even mobile phones were still a luxury.

Chat software and mailboxes have become tools for people to communicate with each other on the Internet, and the identification of people is not strict.

Mailbox application is simple, and there is no limit on the number, as long as you make up your own mailbox name, set a password, and simply fill in the security information.

She directly with changxing2[email protected]It took six and a half hours to apply for the 129th mailbox number, including 53 general invitation codes and [-] internal test codes without deleting files.

She kept six internal test codes without deleting files, so a total of 500 yuan was deposited into the bank card!
Fei Anyang looked at the balance of his bank card, his eyebrows and eyes curved. Sure enough, new things are easier to make money.

She thought for a while, and kept [-], and bought stocks for the remaining [-].

At this moment, Xing Zhize had already arrived at the Internet cafe, and immediately sent her the internal test code without deleting files, asking her to activate it.

After Fei Anyang replied that the operation was completed, he opened seven dialog boxes at the same time, entered the account number and password, waited for 07:30 to arrive, and clicked to log in at the same time!

Fortunately, this is a new computer, and she needs the best configuration. This student apartment building has just been completed for two years, and the network cables were installed just last year.

In addition, she was already ready, so she directly entered the game interface without queuing up!
There are a total of six professions in this game, the main focus is team warfare, and each profession has an indispensable role.

Therefore, she chose Sword Immortal for her main account, and chose every profession for other accounts.

Except for Xing Zhize's choice of Qin Wai, she randomly ordered the appearance, body shape and even the name, and picked the one that was pleasing to the eye.

After she confirmed it, the game's exquisite 3D effect screen was presented, and the background about the Warring States period was unfolded like a TV series with soundtrack, which made people feel a kind of immersive tension and joy.

Being able to make money in games is an experience Fei Anyang has never had.

Fortunately, she did enough homework, entered the game, and began to follow the task instructions and tapped non-stop. When she led the seven accounts out of the Novice Village, Xing Zhize and his party finally lined up to enter the game with cursing...

It is easier to upgrade in the early stage of the game, mainly to allow players to fully understand the game settings, which is more time-consuming and energy-consuming.

Most players are brainless and close their eyes. Every time they encounter an NPC dialogue reminder, they just click to skip it.

But Fei Anyang's memory is relatively good, ten lines at a glance, as long as it is a word that has appeared, she has firmly memorized it.

This is no nonsense, it is clearly a detailed game guide!

World News sent seven messages in a row, all of which hung up her account, and the screen scrolled with colorful banners...

Ding dong!Congratulations to the player who became a fairy in the middle of the night for completing the series of missions of the village chief, created from Novice Village, and won a luxurious newcomer gift package. (Note: The top ten players who complete the novice village mission will all get a luxurious gift package)
Ding dong!Congratulations to the player code-named 灬zero...code-named [-]...code-named [-]...code-named 三...code-named [-]...code-named wu...won a luxurious newcomer gift package...

The message board was quiet, and there was only a five-second pause, and all kinds of resentment were brushed up in unison.

"Where is this series of code names sacred?"

"As soon as I got up in line, did someone come out of Novice Village?"

"Could it be the trust in the game? How long has it been since the server opened, and someone has already left the Novice Village?"

"I knew that the first ten people who came out of the Novice Village would have luxurious gift packages, so I just closed my eyes and kept clicking. It was a waste of my feelings..."

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