Fei Anyang didn't have time to open the big gift bag and continued to do the task.

By the time Xing Zhize and his party left Xinshou Village and sent her a message to meet and add friends in the main city, Fei Anyang's several accounts had already completed several waves of dungeons.

A white-clothed warrior who has just reached level 31, carrying a broadsword, with a golden name on his head [My Heart Sunwards], is riding a bloody BMW, turning around in front of the fountain in the main city.

Behind him are seven or eight players of different professions, such as Chang'an, Qin Hanming Lane, Zhan Yu Tan Hua, etc., and there are more and more people gathering!
At the same time, Xing Zhize's penguin message came over: "Where is it? What's your name?"

Fei Anyang took a screenshot of the picture.

He was silent for a moment, "Are you the one who became immortal in the middle of the night, the one who left the Novice Village first?"

Fei Anyang hummed.

Immediately afterwards, she was pulled into the group of penguins, and the big guys lamented how she, a little girl, became No.1 in the gathering of masters.

Anyang: I followed the instructions and tapped all the time.

Everyone was speechless, isn't the game screen beautiful, not worthy of her appreciation, and no need to invite friends to meet and form a team together?

Entering the long-awaited game for the first time, the big guy can easily lose himself and let a little girl take the lead!
Everyone spent the night killing monsters, spawning dungeons, and leveling up. They formed families and gangs at one o'clock in the morning.

Everyone couldn't bear it anymore and went to bed, but Fei Anyang just ate the few rice bowls he bought in the afternoon, and he immediately recharged his physical and mental strength and continued to work.

The internal testing time of the game is only one month, but the player level can be raised to level 99.

It is said to be an internal test, but it is actually a warm-up activity, plus the programmers check and fill in the gaps, so as to give some krypton gold players some psychological preparation.

Fei Anyang knows that time is money, so she goes out to exercise every morning, after breakfast, goes to the supermarket to buy what she needs for the day, and then stays at home and doesn't go anywhere.

She wears anti-ultraviolet glasses and guarantees two hours of translation in the morning and afternoon. The rest of the time is basically spent on upgrading monsters and improving life skills.

She has a lot of time. After completing daily tasks and dungeons, she constantly manipulates the characters in the game to run business, escort, fish, mine, etc., exhausting the energy of all the characters. Go catch what character mate!
The atmosphere of krypton gold is everywhere in the game, the details are well done, and every link is particularly particular.

They only have a pet baby and a mount in other games, but here we are not talking about pet babies, but talking about character partners. There are constellation beasts hanging on the shoulders that affect the chances of dungeon explosion equipment and opening treasure chests, and there are others who can help Mercenaries for mining and fighting, as well as cute pets that increase character attributes and help in fighting.

Each of them can be captured on the established map section, but the qualifications of the captured character partners are generally low, and it takes several days to wait for one to see it, let alone the above-average, good, excellent, or even rare and best. .

The price of character partners of other qualities is average, and almost no one buys them, but excellent ones sell for 100 yuan, rare ones for [-] yuan, and top-quality ones for [-] yuan!
Especially constellation beasts, which are generally two or three times more expensive than mercenaries and babies, and there are not many restrictions on character levels.

Fei Anyang's seven accounts simultaneously hide their names to capture constellation beasts, plus she has always been lucky. She spent four hours a day and was able to capture one top-quality, three rare, and eight excellent ones. She produced high-quality constellations almost every day. Thirty percent of the beasts were held in her arms by her.For this item alone, she has an income of about [-] a day, but she has been saving and not selling it!

What is not good for sitting for a long time, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, tenosynovitis, blurred vision, none of them exist. She just needs to eat a few nutritious meals and sleep, her body will be like a restart, and she will feel comfortable everywhere!
Young people around the age of 20 are also eager to play, especially college students. When they come into contact with such a game with excellent workmanship, exquisite details, and can be exchanged for game coins and soft sister coins, they can't wait to dive directly into it.

What's more, there are family wars, gang wars, and national wars every week, and the passionate people can't wait to jump up on their seats.

At least, Xing Zhize didn't think of her as a girlfriend for a week, and every time he looked for her, he would ask her to join the dungeon to gather the number of people.

She is a sword fairy, her blood is not as thick as a warrior, her magic power is not as strong as that of a ghost fairy, her damage is not as good as that of a knight, she is not as good as a ghost master, and she does not have the ability of a hermit. It can be said that she is comparable in all aspects. On average, it is difficult to play with a sense of bloody atmosphere, just a nanny who is responsible for adding blood to save people!
And Fei Anyang can clearly drive the game characters alone, go in and out of high-level maps to collect herbs, but her performance in the dungeon is mediocre, and she doesn't show her beauty.

Within a month, most people had reached the full level, and the public beta began.

Except for the [-] undeleted internal beta accounts, all data on the rest of the internal beta accounts was cleared, and many players flooded in.At the same time, the character level of the game opened to level [-] again.

Fei Anyang spent two days without sleep to complete his level.

Hard-working people will always be treated favorably. In one month, each of her accounts has at least two life skills.

When the new and old players are addicted to the game and can't extricate themselves, the gang expands and the members fight fiercely, Fei Anyang unhurriedly opened the anonymous stall mode!

What high-end red and blue large pots of medicine, high-quality equipment in sets or in bulk, high-quality character partners, etc., the prices at this time not only did not decrease with the public beta, but due to the influx of players, the prices skyrocketed, which is even higher than before. More than seven or eight times more expensive.

It's like a can of high-end medicine, which can make players at level [-] full of blood or mana at once. The market price of a bottle is [-] yuan, and it was fired to [-] yuan. A group of [-] cans, Fei Anyang saved [-] groups, and also Increase at a rate of two groups per day.

Not to mention that good equipment and character partners are priceless, which is unimaginably high!
Fei Anyang understands that the prices in the game have been raised, at most a week or two, and although it won't return to the original level, it can be two or three times higher.

Players are eager to win everywhere, and they all want to quickly increase their level, kill the Quartet and experience blood gang battles, national wars, etc.

Therefore, they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to sell medicine to obtain difficult dungeons, equip equipment and partners, and so on.

Xia Hua has no shortage of rich people. As soon as she set up her stall, someone came to buy from overseas, and she silently watched that [My Heart is Sunward] was also among the people who were stupid and had a lot of money.

When the inventory in Fei Anyang's hand was exhausted, the prices in the game dropped sharply. At this time, she had worked hard for a month and a half, and took advantage of this price increase to exchange all of them in one breath!

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