Chapter 302 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (1)

Lang Anyang's mind went blank for a moment.

She could never have imagined that she was so lucky to have an official match.

The so-called official marriage is the strongest mutual marriage attraction in the planes. Whenever one party gets married and has children, the other party will live alone for the rest of his life.

However, the usual situation is that the two are either successful or alone, and there is rarely a third situation.

The emergence of official assignments can greatly comfort the spirit of the taskers, and it is not easy to suffer mental damage.

When she went to the next plane, she had negative emotions because she resisted the official match and restrained the emergence of emotions.

Seeing that the little girl was a little ignorant, Zhuang Zai sighed slightly: "I also did a few dimensional missions before I found out that we are official spouses, otherwise I wouldn't have signed an agreement with you."

"What's more, if you accept the series of tasks I mentioned, the damage to your mental power can be minimized!"

Lang Anyang nodded, there was not much joy or sadness on her pretty face, just like she just finished in the plane, not paying attention to these situations.

Zhuangzai looked at her with restraint, "Entering other planes is to destroy the laws of nature and seal your memory in reality, so when you return, the memory of the mission plane will not be completely erased."

"It's a journey in your relatively infinite life, which will help you strengthen your spiritual power and improve your overall ability...Everything has pros and cons, think about it..."

After finishing the call, Zhuang Zai contacted Bai Jinghui: "Open a series of missions for me."

Bai Jinghui was surprised, and before Zhuang Zai could continue to speak, he asked, "Is the boss going to restore his mental strength?"

The wider the range of people's activities, the more dangers they face.

Zhuang Zai was originally a young star general, guarding the Ziyun galaxy, but in a human melee, in order to complete a task that related to the life and death of hundreds of millions of stars, his mental power was severely injured and he had to retreat.

He became an engineer of the Administration, and he also entered the plane from time to time to fix bugs, and by the way, he was looking for opportunities to mend mental trauma.

Zhuangzai hummed, looking at the excitement of spaceships passing by outside the window, "There is constant friction between galaxies, I don't want to wait passively..."

If you can't protect yourself, how can you protect others?
Bai Jinghui fell silent, "But, boss, this series of missions is too risky. If you fail to complete the missions in one plane, your mental trauma will not be repaired, but will be serious."

Zhuang Zai laughed lowly: "At most, I will become a fool, but now that I have an official match, it is equivalent to an insurance policy."

"If, if the task fails, I'm mentally confused and can't express myself accurately, I'll trouble you to cancel the marriage agreement with Anyang for me, and protect the brothers and sisters of the Lang family..."

Bai Jinghui knew that once he made up his mind, he would not change it easily.

"Okay, boss, you must come back safely!"

Lang Anyang accompanied Lang Anran for three days, watching her brother try hard to keep up with her footsteps, she couldn't let something happen to her no matter what.

Therefore, she decided to accept Zhuang Zai's proposal.

"Sharpen the scissors... cut the kitchen knife..." The shouts in the alley spread from near to far.

All kinds of cooking sounds, the sound of bicycle bells, the sounds of neighbors greeting each other, and the sound of children chasing and fighting, all of a sudden poured into the ears like a tidal wave, with the momentum of a turbulent wave hitting the shore.

The sweltering heat of autumn tigers, the aroma of food, the glaring light outside the eyelids, the burning dryness of the mouth...

The return of the six senses made the blushing girl on the bed frown unbearably.

"Mom, don't we need to give her medicine? I saw her convulsed a little..." The girl obviously didn't know how to do it, and she was obviously gloating, but she still wanted to hug Goodness.

The woman poohed in a low voice: "What kind of medicine do you take? The young lady was burned to death as a maidservant. There are four children raised at home. Where can I get money to see a doctor for her?"

"When I was a child, I had a fever and I had to fight it out. How come she can't do it anymore?"

"Just a small cold and died, that's because she was unlucky, and the medicine may not be effective..."

"Ke killed her parents... If it wasn't for this house and work arrangement for the unit, I would have thrown their siblings to the orphanage... It would be a clean death..."

"Come on, mom will show our swallow to see where you will live in the future..."

The little girl responded happily: "Mom, can I live in Ju'an's room in the future? Her walls are pink...Can I learn piano, dancing and foreign languages?"

"Yes, I can. My parents both work and work as dual workers. You and your brother can learn whatever you want, and your parents can afford it..."

The long and thick eyelashes of the girl on the bed trembled and opened slowly.

She looked at the summer clothes of adults and children hanging above her head. The clothes had just been washed and hadn't been wrung out. The dripping water fell on her hands, legs, clothes and the bed under her body.

Ju An struggled to prop himself up and leaned against the balcony wall, his throat was dry and itchy.

She suppressed the desire to cough, and stared blankly at the calendar torn out of the iron dustpan, August 1998, 8.

She, is she dreaming, or is she reborn after ten years?

Or is what happened after today just a dream?
Ju An looked down at her white and slender hands, which did not enter the garment factory, because she was too sleepy, the palm of her hand was pierced five or six times by a thick iron needle, infected and inflamed, and ugly scars were left after cutting off the rotting flesh .

The injury this time also severely damaged the median nerve in her right hand, which became the ugly "ape palm" that was ridiculed by others.

She went to look at her legs and feet again, but instead of Ju Haiyan "scrambling" to pour water, she poured scalding hot water onto her left leg, leaving a large area of ​​burns.

She touched her smooth face and eyes, and there were no scars from my aunt's nephew who came to play with a toy gun.Her eyes are also intact...

Ju An's face was smiling and crying, still staring at the calendar paper, and the little brother Ju Jin was still alive!
Sure enough, God heard her prayer and gave her a rebirth.

Ju An took a deep breath, and stroked his short and miserable life.

It turned out that she and her younger brother lived happily. Her parents were employees of the Railway Construction Bureau, and the benefits were good. There was no pressure to raise a pair of children. In 50, she was allocated a welfare house of more than [-] square meters with two bedrooms and one living room.

However, the grandmother at home was seriously ill, and she and her younger brother were in school, and the parents hurriedly left a word for the neighbors, and then took the car back to their hometown.

It was raining heavily and the ground was slippery. When the bus crossed the bridge, its steering wheel failed and it knocked off the railing and fell into the river. No one in the bus survived.

Uncle Ju and Aunt Ju, who got the news, immediately took their children with them, pretending to take care of Ju An's siblings, and took over the jobs of the Ju family couple, occupying the magpie's nest, and living in this welfare house.

(End of this chapter)

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