From then on, the tragic life of Ju An and Ju Jin began.

Ju An's face was pale, and he clenched his fists tightly.

She was supposed to be in the second year of high school this year, but the second aunt never gave her tuition fees on the grounds that the family had no money, and even hinted to her that only one of her brother and she could go to school in the city's No. [-] Middle School.

Ju An had no choice but to transfer to No. [-] Middle School where tuition and accommodation fees were waived for her.

In No. [-] Middle School, she was good-looking, well-educated and beautiful, so she was easily hated and excluded by others.

Moreover, Ju Haiyan and Ju Haige, sisters and brothers, did not perform well in their studies. They were a second-bedroom couple who lived in a family. They spent 3000 yuan each on the pension and savings of their father and mother.

Under the guidance of the siblings, all kinds of rumors and rumors about Ju'an's badness spread, which did not shake Ju'an's determination to study and get into a good university.

Seeing her getting better grades time after time, Ju Haiyan "kindly" helped her to pour water.

The freshly boiled water splashed down from the lid of the pot, aiming at Ju An's slender legs and feet.

Even though she escaped in time, her skin was sore and unbearable, and she sat on the ground directly, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

She was afraid of pain since she was a child, and the burn was more unbearable than the cut, making her whimper like a small animal and her teeth chatter.

Ju Haiyan just yelled in a panic, without the slightest intention of calling her to the hospital.

Second Aunt Ju was reluctant to spend money, so she got some ointment from somewhere and applied it on her. Except for the coolness at first, Ju An was so painful that she couldn't sleep for the next few days, and the burnt area repeatedly became inflamed.

In order not to delay her studies, she gritted her teeth and took the final exam. However, she was in a daze and wrote the wrong English answer sheet. Half of the subjects with almost 70 points were gone.

Because she had signed an agreement with No. 710 Middle School, she had to score more than [-] points in the test paper with a full score of [-] points in order to enjoy the exemption of tuition, miscellaneous and accommodation fees.

Uncle Ju and Aunt Ju cried poor, not only could the family not afford her tuition, but also stopped her younger brother!
Ju An can only drop out of the garment factory during the summer vacation of her third year of high school, and work as an ordinary female worker to earn money for her younger brother to study...

Later, because of her good looks and her ability to draw, she was quickly promoted to the group leader and got a good bonus.

In the second month of her promotion, one day she was extremely sleepy. She actually put her palm into the sewing machine and drove it several times. Because the needle was not clean, her hand was infected repeatedly, and eventually she injured her nerve and became an "ape" palm".

Ju An has a disability, but she also attracts the attention of the factory manager... Then, she was disfigured, and her younger brother was falsely accused of molesting a female classmate just before the college entrance examination...

Ju An is not stupid, he knows that all the misfortunes of himself and his younger brother are the plan of his family of four, his uncle and aunt, for fear that they will grow up and take everything back.

It's a pity that she is too weak, so she can only leave the city with her younger brother and start life again.

The siblings, who have neither academic qualifications nor much social experience, endured a lot of hardships, and their lives finally improved.

Ju An received a call saying that Ju Haiyan was mentally ill and often had suicidal tendencies, but her parents didn't care about her, and the charity organization found Ju An by following the vine.

There is no way, Ju An is always going to take a look, and when she goes, she happens to meet Ju Haiyan sitting stupidly on a tall building with her legs dangling in the air as if she is about to jump off the next moment.

Ju An climbed to the top of the building, talked to her little by little to divert her attention, and let the firefighters outflank her from other places.

But Ju Haiyan was very vigilant and yelled for Ju An to come over... Later, Ju An fell and died, while Ju Haiyan lived well.

She still remembers what Ju Haiyan said when she let go of her hand at the end: "Sister, what virtue and ability do you think you have, to be liked by that person... Isn't it just a beautiful skin? His inheritance of tens of billions, not a single cent is left." for you……"

"You and your brother are dead, the money belongs to our family... I am mentally ill, even if I accidentally push you down, no one will hold me accountable... What's more, I held you back, but I didn't hold you back... ..."

"And it was you, a normal person, who took the initiative to come here, so you can't rely on me..."

Without her protection, my younger brother would probably have been killed by this family who was insane for his own interests!
Ju An took a deep breath, falling from such a high building, there was no possibility of surviving.

So, she was really reborn?

Ju An couldn't help crying silently covering her face, it's good that she had another chance.

Life is not long, but she has endured too much malice in the world, every step is like stepping on the edge of a knife, and she sees blood every step of the way.

This time, she will never let Ju Chengsheng, Zheng Xiuying and their sons and daughters ruin her and her younger brother's life again!

Yesterday was the parents' [-]th day. She and her younger brother went to their hometown to pay homage. When they came back, the second uncle and the second aunt had already brought their children and entered the house with big and small bags.

Thinking of this, Ju An's tense nerves eased slightly, and the tiredness of illness swarmed over.

She fell asleep.

When Ju An opened his eyes again, it was already the second day!
"Sister, are you awake?" The boy lying beside the bed got up immediately, "Are you hungry? I'll bring you rice porridge!"

Saying that he was about to leave, Ju An pulled him and opened his mouth.

Ju Jin quickly asked, "What does sister want to say?"

Ju An froze for a moment, touched his throat, but couldn't say a word.She didn't have this problem in her last life, did she?

"My sister has a burn and hurt her throat, can't she speak?"

Ju An nodded, feeling a little depressed. If she used her voice to change her life, then she would have earned it.

She then smiled and gestured.

Ju Jin got up and went to get a pen and paper, "Sister write it down."

Ju An bowed his head and wrote: "I'm fine, don't worry. What about them?"

Ju Jin's expression was not very good: "Ju Haiyan and Ju Haige are here. Second Uncle and Second Aunt took them to the mall to go shopping, and they just walked for about ten minutes."

Hearing this, Ju An sat up with her lips pursed, "Bring me the porridge, and come out with me after dinner!"

Ju Jin hummed, and quickly brought the millet porridge with brown sugar, and there were two hard-boiled eggs in it.

He smiled triumphantly and said, "I asked my neighbor Auntie Zhang for it, and I asked my second aunt to return it later..."

Ju An sighed slightly and patted his head.

They were occupied by doves and magpies, but they were complacent because they asked for some benefits and let the family suffer.

After all, she is a child, so she was just like her younger brother in the past, she couldn't distinguish people's hearts, and she foolishly lost the opportunity.

Ju An ignored his younger brother's greedy and wandering eyes.She is too weak, and she has to do some things later, she can't do without physical strength.

After eating, she changed her clothes, and regardless of the smell of sickness and sweat, she walked to the clothes tripod in the master bedroom, pulled out the stopper, and pulled out a plastic bag from the empty pipe.

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