Chapter 306 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (5)

"There are two classes a week, and there will be some activities and competitions from time to time, and the exams will give extra points... What others teach is all about putting on airs, such as grading and participating in competitions, but our coaches prefer actual combat... Just this summer, there are a group of The trainees went to the barracks for training, and their performance against soldiers was pretty good..."

"The big leaders praised our coach's high level, and asked him to hang around in the barracks if he has nothing to do..."

Ju Jin said shyly, "Sister, my sister and I just want to learn two tricks so that we won't be bullied."

When the receptionist heard that there was a door, he continued to say: "It's okay, we are here to teach real Kung Fu. Isn't it the Kung Fu boy on TV recently?"

"You have been studying in our martial arts school for two or three years, even acting is more than enough to be a martial artist for others..."

"Do you know what a Wu substitute is? It's a stand-in for actors when they fight..."

Ju An walked to the door, wanting to open it to see the environment inside.She also heard someone talking inside, so she could just sit in and see how the coach is.

However, as soon as she raised her hand, the door was pushed open from the inside, and a young man walked out quickly.

She was standing on the other side, and there was no shadow on the door. The two of them bumped into each other without expecting that there was someone on the opposite side.

Ju An staggered back with shame and anger on his face, trying to cover the painful place, but felt that being too deliberate would attract more attention.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and when he saw that she was about to fall, he subconsciously took a step forward to wrap his arms around her waist.

The thick bangs were parted, revealing the girl's fair and full forehead, the corners of the eyes were upturned, and the fox eyes were full of water because of the pain, and the pink halo at the corners of the eyes was like peach blossoms in March and April.

And the soft touch of the woman just now made the young man stiffen, staring at her blankly.

Ju An withdrew from his embrace in the next moment, lowered her head slightly, her bangs covered her beautiful eyebrows and eyes, as well as the panic and regret in her eyes.

She turned around and pulled Ju Jin out.

"Sister?" Ju Jin was still looking down at the leaflet, not paying attention to the matter of the two of them, and went down the stairs in a daze, "What's wrong?"

Without saying a word, Ju An urged Ju Jin to ride the bicycle.

Sitting in the back seat, she looked up and saw the blond-haired boy on the second floor leaning against the pillar with his chest folded. Zhang Yang curled his lips and gestured for her to shoot a gun.

Ju An's complexion is even paler, it's Chang Zai!
Does he mean that she is the prey and he is the hunter?

She was wearing glasses and a mask just now, and she caught his attention just with her eyes?

The appearance of people changes a lot. Some people have beautiful eyebrows and eyes, but their jawbones, mouth and nose are flat, which can also spoil the overall appearance of a person...

"Brother Zai, what are you looking at?" After punching for a while, the two sweaty teenagers came out, and saw that Chang, who was going to buy water, was holding his hands and looking out.

Chang Zai shrugged, "Just a timid wild cat ran past."

The eyes are so beautiful, especially when she was frightened and wanted to cry, they were soft and cute... that waist is thin and soft... and just now...

He touched his chest, could it be that his estrus period has arrived?

It seems that there is such a saying in the animal world, otherwise he has been indifferent to creatures like women for 19 years, why did he suddenly become enlightened and want to bully women?
"Brother Zai, do you want to go to the game hall? There is a new one in the south gate. The leather sofa chairs are very comfortable!"

Chang Zai hummed, and after walking down the stairs, he suddenly said that he forgot to bring something, walked up in two or three steps, and knocked on the table at the front desk, "Sister, those two classmates just now want to learn martial arts?"

The young lady at the front desk gave him a sad look.She has a boyfriend, and admires this handsome guy, but being handsome can't be eaten as food, and he scares away her two students' commissions!
"Yes, and then you were scared away by your classmate."

Chang Zai's smile froze, and when he went downstairs, he touched the earrings, tugged at his hair, looked at the scary Qiongqi on his arm, and tugged at the thick chain around his neck.

"What's the matter? Brother Zai, do you have fleas on your body?" The chestnut-haired boy muffled a laugh.

Chang Zai kicked his motorcycle angrily, "Is I so scary?"

Both of them were stunned for a moment, and Qiqi laughed loudly: "Brother Zai, since when did you care so much about your appearance?"

"Who are you scaring? In our school, those who want to be your slut can line up from the classroom to the school gate... The so-called men are not bad, and women don't love..."

"It's fashion, it's cool..."

Chang Zai sneered, put on his helmet and started the motorcycle first to leave.

A street away, Ju An could still hear the hum of a motorcycle.She sighed slightly, because she was too nervous.

N City is the provincial capital anyway, and there are thousands of students in each of No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School. When going to school, No. [-] Middle School requires all students to wear school uniforms. As long as she is a little careful, there should be no big problems. ?
Besides, she's calmed down now, she didn't have much contact with Chang Zai in her previous life.

Even though everyone knew that he was chasing her, but he looked domineering and fierce on the outside, but in fact he didn't do much to her.

Even if she still thinks about leaving the world and still donates the inheritance to her in the future, she still has the right to refuse or donate!

As long as such a large sum of money does not fall into her hands, there will be no such thing as a crime of being pregnant.

Having figured this out, she patted Ju Jin with a smile and chose another martial arts gym.In fact, people who run remedial classes in this era have some skills. The siblings just learn a little bit, as long as they can defend themselves.

After signing up and paying the money, Ju An instructed Ju Jin to go to Taibao, which has become one of the leaders in the insurance industry for more than 20 years.

Ju An knows that in this era, 9 yuan is no less than 200 million in terms of the ability to buy a house.

For the second wife who only cares about money and has no bottom line, this will only accelerate the misery of the two siblings.

There are many types of insurance, and they are relatively flexible. The products will be updated from time to time, but now there is an insurance that is delivered. From the year of college, the annual rebate is used as a tuition supplement. After graduation, there are two rebates, one for starting a business Fund, and another time it was wedding money.

The form of payment is also more flexible. It can be paid in full at one time, or in part every year, and multiple purchases can be made.

Ju'an looked it over and chose this product.

She bowed her head and wrote to Ju Jin: Ah Jin, just buy this growth insurance, each person buys 4 yuan, and the beneficiary writes to each other.

They are each other's second-in-line heirs. If they are injured, the second-bedroom family is not eligible to inherit, and the inheritance will be returned to the public at that time!
With this rule in place, the people in the second room dare not do anything to them.

However, Ju An is a little puzzled, Ju Haiyan doesn't like to pretend to be crazy and foolish to kill her, and there is no second wife in the tens of billions of inheritance?

Ju Jin is quite smart, and immediately understood that insurance is not the same as a passbook, and cannot be withdrawn before the expiration date.

(End of this chapter)

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