Even if people in the second room find out about this insurance, they are not afraid of being deprived of their parents' hard-earned savings.

Insurance means that the smaller the policyholder, the richer the profit and the more affordable, the two of them want to be safe, and they will have the tuition and living expenses in the future.

Each of them insures for [-] yuan, and from the beginning, at this time of year, they can receive a sum of money.

Ju'an will start next year and receive more than 4000 for four consecutive years. When she is 23 years old, she will receive more than 1 venture funds. When she is 25 years old, she will withdraw all of it!
Ju Jin was two years younger than him, but received more.

After completing the insurance, the 9 yuan in cash left only more than 600 yuan.

Ju Jin couldn't help but look sideways at her sister, with a heavy heart. Usually, her sister is the most favored in the family. Apart from studying, she doesn't have to worry about other things.

Now, in order to make their lives more secure in the future, my sister tried her best to spend almost [-] yuan in one day.

No one can think of this idea.

"Sister, where are we going now?"

Ju An looked down at his watch, it was past four o'clock.She pursed her lips and thought for a while, then wrote on the paper: "Let's go to the bank to deposit things."

They saved their insurance certificates, passbooks, household registration books and house books, and they still had more than 3000 yuan, leaving only more than 600 yuan.

The siblings both wore an iron necklace around their necks, and underneath it was a special-shaped key for a bank locker.Each of them took 300 yuan.

They ate rice noodles next to them and returned home. It was only after five o'clock. The four members of the second bedroom had already finished their meal, and Zheng Xiuying was cleaning the pots and bowls in the kitchen.

Seeing the siblings coming back, she tugged at the corners of her mouth and smiled against her will: "An'an, Jinjin are back? Where are you going?"

"You are not at home all day, so you are worried about us... I don't know how to leave a note for the family. I don't know if you have eaten, so I didn't make it for you... If you are hungry, order some noodles?"

Her eyes rested on Juan's head.

Recently, Ju An has been crying a lot, her eyes have been red and swollen, her hair is messy and she looks embarrassed.

In addition, the second-bedroom couple was immersed in the ecstasy of becoming urban residents, so they ignored the siblings and didn't pay much attention to her appearance.

Seeing the girl's thick bangs, black frame, already wearing a mask, which almost completely covered her, a flash of contempt flashed in her eyes.

Without the protection of their parents, this is a pair of poor little ones who can be manipulated by others.

Ju Jin clenched his fists tightly, but nothing showed on his face, he hummed, and dragged Ju An into the room.

"Hey, I said An'an, Jinjin, your parents have been dead for more than three months. Do you still think you are Miss Qianjin or the young master?"

"Everyone will die one day. In order to accommodate you, our family has taken over a lot of work. Now that you have adjusted your mood, do you want to help share the housework?"

"Also, we are your second uncle and second aunt, why don't you even call out when you go home? Is this the manner your parents taught you?"

Zheng Xiuying followed from the kitchen, and couldn't help but scold them all.Before the siblings could refute, she changed her tone again: "School is about to start, how can you study hard like this?"

"Your parents also hope that you will study hard, and you will be admitted to a university in the future, right?"

"They are people who want to save face. You really think of them, so you should recognize the reality, and don't be a young lady and young master who are wearing clothes, stretching out your hands and opening your mouth... There are so many people in our family, I can't take care of them alone... "

"By the way, An'an, there are still a few days before school starts. Do you have to pay tuition? Do you know where the passbook is at home? I'll withdraw money for you..."

"Now that my second uncle and my second aunt have jobs, I definitely won't covet your money... But my aunt also knows that you two don't like to owe favors. Since your parents have left money, you should use theirs first. Waiting is not enough. Then use your second uncle and second aunt's...children can't get too much money..."

The man who had been smoking on the sofa in the room sat up straight and coughed softly: "Ju An, Ju Jin, your grandparents are gone, your parents are gone, and there is no one at grandma's house."

"Now it's me, your second aunt, and your younger brothers and sisters who are your relatives. Don't worry, with your second uncle here, no one can bully you..."

"Your younger brothers and sisters just arrived, we were afraid that they would embarrass you, so we took them to the mall to buy clothes...I also bought two for you along the way, and we will see if they fit well..."

It was also the same day in her last life. She was ill for three days, and just when she got better, she was slapped and fooled by these two people.

At that time, she was just a young girl, and her younger brother was only 16 years old.

They don't know about Erfang's ambitions, and they never talk about the filth of their parents and hometown, for fear that the children will be affected.

Every time they go back to their hometown to live for two or three days, they just feel that their old family treats them very well.Therefore, they did not defend themselves, and truly trusted the second room as a family member.

Ju An knew where the passbook was kept at home, but she never knew how much money was in the passbook.

Ju Jin frowned and shook his head, and said in a muffled voice, "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, we don't know where the family passbook is."

Ju Chengsheng and Zheng Xiuying looked at each other, and the latter smiled: "How could you not know? I have inquired, and your high school costs more than 1000 a year."

"It's not that your second uncle and second aunt don't want to take the money. We just started to work. The salary is not as high as your parents. There are four children in the family. Even if we are separated and sold, we can't get so much."

Ju Jin said in a low mood: "I went to school with my sister just now, and if I want to apply for tuition fee reduction, what certificate do I need to issue..."

Ju Chengsheng slapped the table violently: "Nonsense, your parents must have saved money, and their pension has just entered the passbook, not to mention that I have a job with your second aunt, and I will never let you open What proof!"

After issuing a certificate, wouldn't it be telling people that their husband and wife are taking up their jobs, but they don't raise the siblings?

Not only is their face unsightly, but they may also lose their jobs!

Zheng Xiuying hurriedly said: "That's right, what your second uncle said is quite right, we won't issue such a certificate unless it is absolutely necessary."

"You can't do things that take advantage of the public. If you think about it again, our house is so small, where else can we put it?"

Ju An glanced at her, but ignored her, and lowered her eyes slightly, as if she had just fallen ill.

At this time there was a knock on the door, "Are Ju An and Ju Jin at home?"

Aunt Zhang across the door has a loud voice, and she is also a loud speaker, so the news in the compound was not hidden from her.

Hearing her voice, Zheng Xiuying was a little ashamed.

Anyway, she has lived here for more than three months, and she knows that Aunt Zhang not only gossips, but also likes to be enthusiastic!

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