Chapter 308 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (7)

Zheng Xiuying reluctantly opened the door.

Aunt Zhang didn't even look at her, she bumped away from her shoulder, smiled and took two steps with a plate of dumplings, "Ju An, Ju Jin, I saw you just came back?"

"Is your family finished eating? It's only after five o'clock, why do you eat so early?"

Zheng Xiuying twitched the corners of her mouth, "Sister-in-law Zhang, come in and talk?"

Aunt Zhang glared at her, "That's no good, your family has a man, what's the matter if I go in?"

"I'll just say a few words at the door..."

Zheng Xiuying couldn't help it, so she could only explain patiently: "We are used to it in the country, and we eat earlier in the evening...the noodles we ate, I'm afraid the two of them will come back together...I'm planning to make another one for them..."

Aunt Zhang snorted: "Don't bother you, my family eats dumplings, and I just left some for the two children...By the way, are you full, won't you wait to close the door and miss each other greedily?"

Ju Chengsheng gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "Sister-in-law Zhang is joking, although we came from the countryside, we will not be so hopeless."

Aunt Zhang nodded and smiled: "That's good... Everyone knows that I am stingy, that is, Ju An Jujin's parents, who have helped our family a lot... Seeing how pitiful they are, I am willing to take some dumplings. I fed the white-eyed wolf..."

Ju An Jujin looked at her gratefully.

Ju Jin bowed solemnly with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, Aunt Zhang!"

Ju An couldn't open his mouth to speak, so he also bowed.

In fact, every family courtyard is a small society, especially the Railway Construction Bureau. The men are basically classified as workers by the railway soldiers in [-].

They have the friendship of comrades-in-arms, and now they have worked for more than ten years. Many of them are fellow villagers, and almost half of the people in the family courtyard are familiar with each other.

When there are too many people, there will be too many things, and it will be quite a mess. Many things happen in their corridor alone.

Husband and wife quarrel, neighbors fight, this pregnant woman was reported, and that divorced looking for a bride, there are different lively scenes every day.

But they were very defensive, no, just after Aunt Zhang finished speaking, another aunt came downstairs to deliver buns, and there were also candies and fruits upstairs.

The second room and the fourth room were very angry, but they had to grit their teeth and endure it.

The siblings kept bowing and apologizing.

At this time, Ju An suddenly turned around and went to the bedroom.

There were companions guarding the door, and Aunt Zhang, who had always been concerned with gossip, also followed curiously.

Zheng Xiuying didn't know why, but she felt a thump in her heart, and she became a little dizzy when she also followed.

Ju An took out another plastic bag from the empty tube under the clothes rack, which also contained a passbook.

Ju Jin's eyes couldn't help but widen.

Ju An pursed her lips and handed it to Zheng Xiuying timidly, and hurriedly lowered her head and took out a pen and notebook to write on it: "Second Aunt, the tuition and living expenses for me and Ah Jin."

Zheng Xiuying is called a hate, why didn't this girl show it sooner or later, it has to be now?

Sure enough, those two were born, and their minds are as many as a sieve!
With so many people, she definitely couldn't take it out to see, feeling excited and resentful inside.

Aunt Zhang sighed: "Ju An, your parents are good people with good education and ability. They are capable people in our courtyard. They must have saved a lot of money for you. The pension is 2 yuan, which is enough for your siblings. They finished college and bought a house."

Ju An smiled and bowed.

"Why can't you talk?" Aunt Zhang finally realized.

Ju Jin explained: "Auntie, my sister burned her throat and can't speak now."

Everyone looked at her sympathetically.

Losing three close relatives within a few days, the life of the siblings is hard enough. How thin is the blessed little girl?
"It's okay, it should be a hoarse voice, take some cold medicine, drink plenty of water, have a good rest, and try to regain some of the flesh on your body before school starts..."

"That's right, high school has a lot of homework, so don't think about losing weight, you'll lose weight naturally..."

Juan nodded with a smile.

After they left, Zheng Xiuying finally closed the door, and the room was suddenly quiet.

Ju Chengsheng grimaced, biting another cigarette and lighting it up.

Zheng Xiuying took out the plastic bag in her pocket and tore it open to reveal a thin piece of paper with only 200 yuan on it!

She was so angry that she held the passbook and trembled, "Ju An, what do you mean? Why is it only 200 yuan? The pension is already [-] yuan!"

She was a little dazed, and suddenly understood the bad intentions of this girl.

In front of the big guys, Ju An took out the passbook, but there was only 200 yuan on it, and no one else knew about it.

Ju Chengsheng was stunned for a moment, stood up and took it over, and looked at the siblings fiercely: "Where did the money go?"

Ju Jin stands in front of Ju An, her whole body is cold, it turns out that everything is fake. "My parents let it go, and we don't know."

Zheng Xiuying picked up the clothes rack in disbelief and checked all three air traffic controllers, but there was nothing.

She pointed at them and patted her chest without daring to speak loudly, "We are wholeheartedly for your own good... Your second uncle and I have lived in the countryside all our lives, and we have long been used to life like that. With the help of the villagers, there is no need for you , leave your hometown and come here to be looked down upon by others?"

"Life in the city is good, but we are not happy to live in such a small house... Your parents are gone, and you have no money. How do you go to school?"

Ju Chengsheng also said in a cold voice: "If you want to go to school, you have to pay for it. We don't have the money to pay your tuition!"

He works in the fields all year round and goes to the city to do odd jobs. He is not tall but very strong, especially when he is fierce, which makes people a little frightened.

Ju Jin bit the bullet and said, "Then let's apply for tuition fee reduction..."

"What about living expenses? Don't you eat or wear clothes?" Zheng Xiuying really wanted to beat them hard with a broom, but the soundproofing of the house was not good, and they hadn't gained a firm foothold in the courtyard yet, so they couldn't act rashly.

At least, let's talk about it after a year when they get regular jobs.

Ju An scribbled a few words: "The rent is paid!"

The couple in the second bedroom at home are so angry, they lived with the cheek, thinking that if they didn't mention it, these two brats wouldn't know how to say it either.

As a result... I was pissed off.

"Okay, okay, that's great, I think you're just looking for money, okay, from now on we don't care about you, let's take care of eating and going to school by ourselves!" Ju Chengsheng looked at them for a long time, his face livid.

Zheng Xiuying was in a hurry, how could she not pursue it?

The eldest and the eldest couple are rich, and every time they go home, they take a big bag with them, and when they leave, how often do they not stuff the old lady with a few hundred dollars?
Even if their family can't live, where is the pension of 2 yuan?
Ju An dragged Ju Jin to the balcony. When passing by the bedroom, she saw that the white paper under the drawer had fallen off, which meant that when the siblings were going out, someone pried the lock and opened the drawer!
Since his parents passed away, Ju An has hardly left the house, and opening the Iron General made a lot of noise, so the second room of Ju's house has never dared to move.

(End of this chapter)

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