Chapter 309 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (8)

But this time when Ju An went out with Ju Jin, they gave the second room a chance. Unfortunately, when they opened the drawer, there was no house book, household registration book, and no passbook except for the honorary certificates, photos, and invalidated documents of Ju's father and mother.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, she was reborn, and she had the upper hand at the very beginning.

Instead of getting along hypocritically with the people in the second room and being seized by people for revenge every moment, it is better to tear your face from the beginning.

As soon as they left, Zheng Xiuying asked Ju Chengsheng in a low voice: "My son's father, don't you want 2 yuan? Where did they hide the money?"

The population of the family is not large, and the old lady is not in good health. After having two sons, she gave birth to three more. Due to various reasons, she did not stand still, and her health also collapsed.

Because there are not many children in the family, the old lady was more partial to the frail youngest son when she was alive. She waited for the father-in-law to become a soldier and change jobs, and was admitted to be an engineer by virtue of her ability. She married an equally excellent wife and lived a splendid life.

The old lady took the money from the elder son to subsidize the younger son.

Too spoiled, so that Ju Chengsheng, who is in his 40s, is still domineering and selfish, and he takes it for granted that this house belongs to him!

"Have you searched them? Have you turned around inside and outside the house? How did you miss the clothes hanger?" Ju Cheng smoked heavily.

Zheng Xiuying said bitterly: "Where did I expect that the passbook could be rolled up and stuffed there... Then tomorrow I will take advantage of the general cleaning and carefully check any gaps?"

"I don't have any on Ju An, only those few clothes in summer, it's easy to find...Ju Jin doesn't have any either..."

Ju Chengsheng sneered: "The future is long, I'll see if they can keep the money! Sooner or later they will kneel down and beg us."

"What kind of waves can two children without even hair grow? There is no money in their hands, it's just a reminder. It depends on whether they dare to ask for it or not."

On the balcony, it was like a stuffy cage, Ju Jin gritted his teeth: "Sister, they won't let it go."

Ju An patted his head with a smile, and wrote on the paper: School starts in a few days, we live on campus, don't be afraid of them.However, we have to exercise well.

She knew that her second uncle was not a good person, and would soon be with the local gangsters.

In the previous life, she was obedient to her brother, so they were not safe for the time being, but in this life, she was afraid that he would jump over the wall in a hurry.

Therefore, this house cannot be moved for the time being, and it is used to appease the heart of the second room.

After running around all day, Ju An was exhausted and sweated a lot.

The siblings talked for a while, and when the four of them poured water to play, Ju Jin hurriedly boiled bath water for her sister.

In the next few days, the second room of the house carried out several thorough cleanings of the house, but found nothing, so they had to ask someone to find a relationship.

Because they didn't get the passbook by defrauding them like they did in the previous life, naturally they couldn't spend money to send Ju Haiyan and her brother to the sixth middle school.

The second-bedroom couple at home can only arrange for Ju Haiyan and Ju Haige to study on the third day of the new year, and then see if the siblings can get into high school with their skills. Even if the siblings fail the exam, the second-bedroom couple firmly believe that After a year of relaxation, they also have enough money to send their children to No. [-] Middle School.

And this account, they want to settle it on Ju An and Ju Jin!
Knowing that she couldn't go to high school, Ju Haiyan made a fuss at home, but Ju Chengsheng slapped her to calm down temporarily.

Zheng Xiuying said to Ju An eccentrically: "Are you satisfied now? We are a family, and you will only spend less and less if you cling to the money, but my second uncle and I can earn a small two thousand a month. You can earn [-] yuan in just over a year...will we miss your little money?"

"Now that you take it out, we are still a family. After your parents' money is spent, can your second uncle and I really ignore you?"

Ju An acted as if he could not hear, and slowly reviewed with his textbook.

Although she said that she would look through the textbooks with persistence from time to time, but she didn't know how much she really read.

Fortunately, she was just in the second year of high school, and the content of junior high school and high school was not too deep. As she read it, the knowledge system gradually became clearer.

Ju An found that her memory was much better than before.

She has good grades, but she is not a particularly smart child. She is the kind who works hard and loves to study.

She is very stubborn, but she will hold on to anything she insists on, even if she hits a wall. Similarly, anything she hates or dislikes is directly excluded from her own world.

For example, often in...

Thinking of this person, Ju An's heart seemed to be scalded. Yes, he was like a raging fire that roasted her back then.

It's just that at that time, Ju An only thought about studying, before the college entrance examination, or even before graduating from university, she was not ready to fall in love.

So, he is hot on his, he is crazy on his, and she is like a porcelain doll without emotion, which will not melt no matter what.

It's a pity that she only went to the second year of high school, and she dropped out of school during the summer vacation.

Looking at her youthful appearance in the window, Ju An pursed her lips tightly. This time she was even more persistent than in her previous life. She passed the college entrance examination and took her younger brother to leave this small town completely.

She always believes that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil, and it is not that the time has not yet come.

The second bedroom at home is selfish and greedy by nature, without the intervention of others, he can finish the game by himself!
And what she has to do is to make them lose their jobs within a year.

Whatever they get from their parents, they have to spit it all out.

A week passed quickly, and for the past few days, except for going to the toilet and taking a shower, Ju An basically nestled on the balcony.

Ju Jin was responsible for bringing her meals.He is also smart, and every time he buys food, he looks a little fanfare.

This caused the neighbors to spy on something, and every now and then someone knocked on the door to deliver food.

Hundreds of households, sending them in turn is also a disguised form to frighten the two-bedroom and four-person family.

Sure enough, the week before the start of school, Ju An and Ju Jin lived fairly smoothly.

On the first day of school, Ju Jin got up early, and mysteriously called Ju An to leave.

Ju Haiyan and Ju Haige are still sleeping.

Ju An was wearing a white shirt, blue straight-through jeans, white sneakers, a ponytail, and black-rimmed glasses. She blinked her eyes to hide the look inside.

She has a dull look of only reading and rote books, she is beautiful but not clever, and she doesn't attract much attention.

Ju Jin is also dressed in the same way, but he is handsome and sunny, and he loves to laugh, which is very attractive.

After going downstairs, Ju Jinsai gave Ju An a key, and took the other key to the blue bicycle and easily unlocked it.

Ju An was stunned for a moment, walked to his light purple bicycle, and opened the lock.

"Hey, last night my friends and I carried our bicycles and changed the locks! Even if we live on campus, we can't afford those two things, Ju Haiyan!"

Ju An gave him a thumbs up with a smile, and the siblings rode bicycles to have breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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