There are many snack bars around the school. Ju An likes to eat Xiaolongbao with shiitake mushrooms and diced meat. A bun costs [-] cents, and there are six in a basket.

She can eat two cages with her stomach open... She used to eat a lot, so the baby fat that has been with her for a long time can't be reduced.

Ju Jin could eat three or four baskets, but he asked for one basket and a bowl of noodles.

As soon as they sat down, a group of lazily dressed teenagers with colorful hair walked over lazily, the one at the head was yellow, with blue earrings shining brightly...

Ju An took a look, controlled his emotions, lowered his eyes slightly to try to maintain emotional stability, and ate the steamed buns as usual.

The last time they met was an unavoidable accident, so let this accident stop.

Chang Zai paused slightly, and at a glance, he saw five or six breakfast tables with female classmates who were as cowardly as quails.

He stood carelessly in front of the next table without saying a word, and a few friends behind him also came up side by side, staring at the people at the table eating without saying a word.

How can ordinary people stand this?
The three male students stuffed the buns abruptly, and moved away with the bowls.

A row of people seemed to cancel the pause button again, and it was extremely lively, ordering food loudly with the boss, while looking for seats to sit down.

There was even a student who patted the seat twice with a glove in a playful way: "Brother Zai, come, sit here!"

Chang Zai kicked him mockingly, but sat down too, just in time to see that "quail" who didn't know how outstanding he was out of the corner of his eye!
Ordinary clothes, I don’t know why, but the little girl has a sense of beauty when she wears them. The cute sitting posture, the way she eats seriously with her cheeks puffed out slowly, is like a mouse in the dog market, which makes people look strange Always look away inadvertently.

Not to mention that her skin is so fair that it can reflect light, and her hair is black, shiny and smooth, and she fits everywhere.

Thick bangs and black-rimmed glasses covered most of her color, but she was still more beautiful than others.

He remembered that day her bangs were parted, her eyebrows were picturesque, her forehead was full, and she looked like a little beauty.

It's a pity that she hid too quickly, otherwise he would have to take off her mask to see if her nose and mouth are as cute and beautiful.

Sure enough, the pink and moist lips are full of beauty!

He frowned, looked sideways at Lan Mao, and kicked it rudely: "Xiu Cai, go, move the fan here. It's so hot."

The morning in September was still a little stuffy, and I don't know why this group of people who are not active in school get up so early to eat.

Ju An used to think that she could eat two baskets of steamed stuffed buns, but she seemed to never be able to finish this one. The more anxious she was, the more she was afraid of being noticed by him, and the slower she ate with her mouth dry.

The blue-haired boy laughed and stood up, took the industrial fan and put it where Chang Zai was pointing.

The industrial fan was very strong, and it was blowing out. Although it was two tables away from Ju An, the wind still lifted her bangs.

Now, apart from those wide black-rimmed glasses, her delicate and small appearance completely catches Chang Zai's eyes, and also fascinates him at a glance...

Ju An trembled all over, and lowered his head even lower.She just wants to live an ordinary high school life, and she doesn't want to have any contact with No. [-] Middle School and Chang Zai.

Often when he turned his head sideways, the earrings shone in the sunlight, which also showed Ju An that he looked this way frequently.

Speaking of which, one time when she came home from self-study in the evening, it rained and the sky became darker, causing most of the light from the street lamps to fade.

She doesn't have a bicycle, so she walks home.At that time, in order to write an extra question, she missed it with her friends who often went home together, so she had to walk away in fear alone in the rain.

As a result, he often held an umbrella and followed him silently.

Although she was usually a little afraid of him, she felt at ease at that moment.

After walking halfway, Chang Zai couldn't bear it and began to ask her: "An An, don't you think that I am a bad student like everyone else, so you look down on me and don't want to be friends with me?"

Ju An shook her head, and said what was in her heart: "No, I just want to do my best to prepare for the college entrance examination, and I don't have so much time and energy to focus on other things."

Chang Zai said with a smile: "Then when you go to college, let's fall in love, okay? Don't worry, although my grades are not good, I can go to a commercial university and study business management... My family has a company. Anyway, I Those who can support you and our brother..."

Ju An stopped, looked up at him, and fell into the joy and hope that was too late to take back, her heart trembled a little.

It's a pity that at that time, she didn't understand how precious a sincere heart was, and she was still stubbornly studying.

"What do you like about me? Is this a good skin? I only know how to study. If I agree, you will think I am boring... This is a game played by your son, I can't afford it..."

Every word she said was a judgment on the boy's love, one knife after another.

The flamboyant young man turned pale, "No, that's not the case..."

"Love at first sight?" Ju An asked in a calm voice.

Chang Zai nodded at a loss, then shook his head again: "An'an, you are very beautiful, but I have seen a lot of beautiful girls, and no one is like you, let me miss you just by looking at it..."

At that time, she thought that the love of teenagers was superficial, but people are born with lust.

"Sister, let's go!" Ju An was so dazed that he finished his buns, ate half of Ju Jin's cage, and drank the soup. It seemed that just now Ju Jin thought she was not full and gave her another Chopstick noodles...

Sure enough, when she turned to leave, Chang Zai burst out laughing.

"Brother Zai, why are you having fun with the buns?" the blue-haired scholar asked suspiciously.

Chang Zai lazily said: "I feel that the buns are squeezed like a little pink pig, and they are soft and springy after one bite..."

Embarrassment flashed across Ju An's face as she pushed the car, don't think she didn't hear what he said, saying she ate too much!
She also knew that since she was here all the time, she might be on his red list again.She pursed her lips slightly, wondering if she had gone through so much, could she still resist the boy's all-out love?
Ju An came early, looked at the class placement form on the bulletin board downstairs, and found that the second year of high school was divided into arts and sciences, and the first year of high school was broken up and rescheduled.

However, Ju'an's grades are good, and the science class he chose is still placed in Class [-] of the second year of high school.

Because Classes [-] and [-] are top classes, most of the students have not changed, but there is a ten-year gap between her and them.

She has blurred the appearance of many classmates.

Ju An carefully read the names on the form for class [-] and [-] twice, and walked into the classroom after memorizing them.

When she arrived, several classmates had already arrived.

"Wow, beauty, are you a transfer student?"

Although Ju An wears black-rimmed glasses and cuts her bangs neatly, but she has beautiful eyebrows and eyes, a small and beautiful nose, and a tall and slender figure, she still dominates others.

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