Ju An looked up, pursed his lips and smiled, the person who asked the question was also from the family courtyard of the Railway Construction Bureau, but it was on the west side of the street.

She took out the notebook from her pocket: I am Ju'an!
Seeing her name, several people were stunned, but they immediately smiled and asked her to sit down, but they didn't dare to ask her what was wrong with her throat and why she couldn't speak.

Everyone knows what happened to her. The chubby and sweet girl suddenly lost so much weight. Thinking about it, she also understands how difficult it was for her when her relatives passed away in the past few months.

Ju An nodded with a smile and sat in the third row by the aisle.

Because it is a sophomore, new books were distributed in the first quarter, the class schedule was arranged, and the self-introduction link was omitted, and they started the class directly in the second quarter.

Juan is used to previewing new content before learning, so that she can familiarize herself with it when the teacher is teaching, and when reviewing, she likes to make mind maps to incorporate new content into the knowledge system.

So while she has a good memory, she also has an appropriate learning method, plus she is studying the second year of high school, so she can get twice the result with half the effort than others!
During the big break, the big guys went downstairs to do exercises.

A short-haired girl took Ju An's arm from behind and asked cautiously, "Ju An, are you okay?"

The more sassy girl in front also stood up and turned her head and said, "Ju An, you still have us!"

Ju An nodded vigorously with a smile. The two little girls were her good friends in high school. Unfortunately, after she transferred to another school, they hardly had much contact with each other due to the heavy workload.

Occasionally, they also mailed her test questions, notes and materials from No. [-] Middle School.

She bowed her head and wrote a few lines: I'm fine, thank you Hu Xiaoyi and Zhang Jiamei.My throat was burned out due to a cold, and I can't speak for a while.Everyone has their own destiny, and my parents also hope that I can study hard, get into a good university, realize my ideals, and be able to support myself in the future.I have to turn grief and anger into motivation and study hard.

The two little girls hummed: "Let's go together!"

There were a lot of people going downstairs, and everyone walked very slowly. This is a good time for all kinds of gossip.

"Have you heard that Huang Qianqian, the belle of our third music class, is in a relationship with Chang Zai from the sixth middle school... During the summer vacation, I saw them playing on the roller skating rink..."

"Really? Chang Zai is the boss of No. [-] Middle School. Changing girlfriends is like changing clothes. Huang Qianqian is really brave... No matter how handsome a boy is, he shouldn't want anyone who cares about him..."

"What do you know, youth, you're crazy and you don't want to get married..."

Ju An pursed her lips slightly, Chang Zai was so famous that she could hear it everywhere she went.

Without the influence of mobile phones and the Internet, the power of gossip among students is quite powerful.

In her first year of high school in her previous life, she heard that Chang Zai had changed a few girlfriends, so it was strange to have a good impression of him. When she transferred to No. [-] Middle School, she saw that female students were jealous because of him.

She just wants to learn and doesn't want to get involved in such boring disputes.

Ju An is a little skeptical about the authenticity of these gossips. If she is always talking to other people with such carelessness, why would she read it for so many years for her face?

Once reborn, she can change the fate of herself and her younger brother through hard work, so what about Chang Zai?
He is also a living life...

Ten years later, Ju An was able to sit in the classroom again. With a serious attitude towards the future, she wished she could immerse herself in study 24 hours a day.

During lunch and dinner, Ju Jin went upstairs to wait for Ju An after class, and they went to the cafeteria together.

After evening self-study, Ju An went back to the dormitory to wash up, then went to bed and prepared to sleep.

For a day, everyone knew that the skinny little girl's parents were gone, and she had a cold and hurt her throat. They took good care of her and spoke very softly. They almost avoided her family background, for fear of talking about her parents touching the little girl's sad place. .

The nerves that had been tense for a day suddenly relaxed, but he was not used to it, so that after Ju An fell asleep, he was actually dreaming.

She dreamed that in a luxurious and low-luxury but extremely cold villa, the young man leaned back on the sofa and sat on the carpet with legs bent, surrounded by wine bottles and cigarette butts.

He flipped through the Vx chat history with trembling hands, watching slowly from the very beginning.Almost always he took the initiative to find a message and sent a little bit of his life. It took a long time for him to reply, but it was only a few days, and occasionally he took the initiative to chat, also to hint at the lack of money.

The red envelopes one by one are far higher than the hard work of office workers for a month.

It has been like this for more than a year, and there is always an ambiguous relationship there. He can't help but want to watch her on the video, or want to see her.

The other party can have ten thousand reasons to decline, and after a long time, he also knows her thoughts.

But liking has become a habit, and people will become more and more greedy. He even threatened her with his life:
An An, don't like others, see me, okay, I'll just look at you from a distance... I miss you so much, I can't stand it...

An An, don't ignore me...

An'an, I can give you anything, can't you try to like me and see me?

Ann, I seem to be sick...

An'an, if I'm going to die, will you meet me?

But the people over there were frightened by his madness, and directly blocked his account after transferring 500 million in his bank!

The young man lost the ostentatious edges and corners of his youth, and there was no light in his silent eyes. He touched his empty chest, saw Ju An's position without focus, and said with a half cry and a smile:

"An'an, why can't it be me?"

"If I knew I would meet you, I would have become a good student sooner..."

"An'an, you can laugh at me for being worthless, or at my superficial love... I just love you, no one else can... Without you, what is my hard work for so many years?"

The young man cut ten holes on him. This is the ten years they have known each other.

Blood flowed all over the floor, soaking the gorgeous carpet.

Ju An wanted to open her mouth in a hurry to say that she was there, that the person in the WeChat was not her, and told him not to do stupid things, but she couldn't move her feet, and couldn't open her mouth, and watched him close his eyes...

Waking up again, Ju An's pillow towel was wet with tears.

She clearly remembered her dream, staring blankly at the mosquito net, and she still has lingering fears.

On the one hand, she felt that it must be a dream, on the other hand, she felt that this happened in her previous life.

Ju An suddenly remembered that before she left with her younger brother, she hadn't completely broken with the family of four in the second bedroom.

Instead, I accompanied Ju Haiyan to apply for a phone card, because Ju Haiyan forgot to bring her ID card, so I took her to apply for one first.

This matter was so small that she forgot it not long after...

So, she was short of breath.After leaving the city, she also contacted the elders who used to have a good relationship with the family home. Occasionally, she knew that the life of the second room at home was getting better and better, and the real estate was bought everywhere.

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