The students in this department basically knew about Ju An's situation, and they didn't have any objection to her being the lead dancer and getting a scholarship.

But Huang Shanshan's words are not without reason.

Han Linran looked at her coldly, but Huang Shanshan was not afraid, and sneered, "I'm looking at Han Bu for selfish reasons, right?"

"Otherwise, it's been so long since our school was established, and I haven't heard of a time when a cheerleader or member couldn't speak."

Han Linran froze, his face turned red, "You, don't talk nonsense."

"Unity and friendship with classmates is the most basic virtue..."

Huang Shanshan snorted, stepped forward abruptly, and whispered, "Don't think I've never been in a relationship before, and I don't know what you're thinking. Unity and friendship are your cover, do you want me to confess for you?"

Han Linran took two steps back, "Since Huang Shanshan dances well, you will be the lead dancer later."

"As for Ju An, I'm sorry to let your hard work this week go to waste, but we are still short of a scorekeeper in the Culture and Sports Department. I wonder if Ju An can do it for me?"

High school students are mainly studying, and the tasks are relatively heavy. There are very few members in the student union. Basically, there are only two ministers and deputy ministers in a department. Whenever there is something, they will directly lead the students to complete it.

So he gave up his job.

Ju An nodded with a smile, without the slightest complaint, and compared the two friends with scissors with the hand behind her.

The cheerleaders are busy training, while Ju An is sitting under the shade of a tree, fanning the wind slowly with a notebook, nibbling on a popsicle, as comfortable as it can be!

Huang Shanshan pursed her lips tightly, jumped up and worked harder and more seriously, trying to express her youth freely.

Not long after, a group of people rushed in from the west gate, with colorful hair like moving flowers, rushing towards the basketball court.

Wherever the cheerleaders were thinking about practicing, they all turned their heads to look over there.

Han Linran helplessly shouted to stop, and led the people over there.

The basketball court has been set up, with a table on the outer edge of the middle and two boxes of mineral water next to it.Banners were hung in front of and opposite the table to separate the crowd from the onlookers, and the words on the banners also inspired the big guys.

Ju An put the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose again, and flipped through the scorekeeper's rules.

The scorekeeper of No. [-] Middle School was a tall and thin boy. When he came over and saw Ju An, his face turned red, "Hello, classmate. I'm Wang Huaqing from No. [-] Middle School. I'm here to keep score for No. [-] Middle School..."

Ju An smiled and nodded at him, but didn't speak.

Wang Huaqing was slightly disappointed, but when he thought of her, he smiled and wanted to sit next to her contentedly and excitedly.

As a result, just as he was about to sit down, the chair suddenly shifted, and he fell to the ground with a thud...

Putting his hand on the chair, Chang Zai casually raised his eyebrows: "I have no place to sit, so I have collected benches. Is there a problem?"

Wang Huaqing was sitting very honestly just now, and suddenly he sat empty, and the fall was extremely painful. The big boy's eyes were full of tears, but facing the boss of the sixth middle school, he looked at the slender, fair and beautiful female classmate, Shaking his head humbly.

Chang was waiting for him to leave, then put the chair forward, sat upside down, put his arms on the back of the chair and looked sideways at Ju An.

He smiled and stretched out his hand with a smile that he thought was very handsome: "Hey, Miss Xueba from No. [-] Middle School, my No. [-] player from No. [-] Middle School, named Chang Zai!"

Ju An also looked at him and nodded with a chuckle, without showing any flaws on his face.

The young man was tall and burly, and the two of them were still twenty centimeters away, but the aura on his body seemed to be domineering and powerful.

Even though he was in an open place, Ju An still felt a little short of breath.

In the corner of the eye, the young man has fair skin, deep eyebrows, a high nose, thin lips, and under the sunlight, his yellow hair shone with luster, which is extremely eye-catching!
Ju An tightly squeezed the pen in his hand, his cheeks blushed reddened by his staring eyes.But she still lowered her eyes slightly and continued to read the manual.

Chang Zai moved his gaze down and saw the school badge on Ju An's chest, "Ju An? Class [-], Grade [-]?"

"Sure enough, he is the best of the best..."

"Brother Zai, are you really coming to our school?" Huang Shanshan squeezed out from the crowd, stood between the two of them, and said with a smile, "I'll cheer you on later!"

Chang Zai frowned, and slid the chair sideways vigorously, "Where did you come from? I need you to work hard?"

The corners of Ju An's lips twitched, yes, in his memory, except for her, he never had a good face towards other girls.

Huang Shanshan's smile froze.She could feel the schadenfreude of the students around her, her skin was so hot that it was almost burned, she whispered: "Brother Zai, I'm Huang Shanshan, we played together during the summer vacation..."

Chang Zai stood up abruptly, wanting to kick the chair angrily, but just as he stretched out his legs, he caught a glimpse of Ju An, who was sitting upright and out of his mind, so he held back for fear of scaring anyone.

But he stared at Huang Shanshan fiercely, like a lone wolf in the grassland, cold and cruel: "Why, there are girls among you who can't move their legs when they see boys?"

"What do you think I am always there? Heh..."

Huang Shanshan is used to being sought after by boys. As the saying goes, men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men's gauze. She is confident that with her looks, singing and dancing skills and the brand name of No. [-] Middle School, whoever she likes, Then she can be someone's sweetheart.Who would have thought that she eagerly greeted her, but was despised by others for nothing.

Tears rolled in her eyes.

Chang Zai didn't have the self-consciousness not to bully girls, he didn't even glance at her, instead he felt a little annoyed.

I just had the opportunity to meet people, and I was bumped into such a thing.

In the past, he didn't care about his reputation, but he, he didn't want to have a bad impression when he formally met Ju An.

When I think about it, like everyone else, she likes his skin, but also looks down on him as a bad boy and a scumbag in the sixth middle school, Chang Zai feels bored.

"I have never been in love once, don't think that I have experienced many battles, and I am moving forward with a good self!"

He dropped a sentence in a cold voice, turned around and left.

Huang Shanshan still had lingering fears, but some of her friends stepped forward and whispered excitedly: "Shanshan, you are so amazing! We all heard it, Brother Zai actually told you that he has never been in a relationship..."

"That's right, brother Zai is a big man and it's hard to say anything, I'm hinting to you..."

"I've come to see you at No. [-] Middle School in the capital, Shanshan can work hard when she leads the dance..."

Huang Shanshan looked at the young man who was sitting on the standby seat with a cold expression on the opposite side. It was hard not to be tempted by his handsome appearance.

She looked at Ju An who had never raised her head again, and smiled: "Yeah, who would have thought that Brother Zai is famous, but he hasn't dated yet."

"He's shy..."

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