With a cold face, Chang Zai exudes an aura of do not disturb strangers all over his body, and the younger brothers who are familiar with him dare not provoke him.

He looked left and right, up and down, and his peripheral vision was always locked on Ju An.

It's really pretty, the same clothes, wearing other people's cloth is at most a piece of cloth, which can hide shame, but when it comes to her...

He saw that her arms were slender and white, and her neck was also graceful and long.

The tops of the cheerleading uniforms are relatively small, and a little movement can reveal a beautiful waist.

In his mind, he didn't know why he popped out and couldn't hold it. He even looked at his own slap, really wanting to try...

The more he thought about it, the more his mouth became parched, and he gurgled water for a while.

Ju An is much more sensitive to the perception of the outside world, how could he not notice the wolf-like eyes of the man opposite him.

She has some headaches, but fortunately the game will start soon.

The basketball team of the No. [-] Middle School has good strength, evenly matched with the No. [-] Middle School. The players of the two teams were very tight at the beginning.

Ju An's eyes moved back and forth following the ball, and his emotions also rose and fell with the ball.

The bursts of cheers also provoked a slight smile on her face.

Chang Zai squeezed the mineral water bottle violently, and said calmly to the referee, "Substitutes for the No. [-] Middle School team!"

As he spoke, he stood up, twisted his neck, moved his legs and feet, and jumped a few times on the spot.

Hearing his words, the players of No. [-] Middle School were very excited and said in unison: "Brother, I will go down, you come..."

The same is the school team, each player naturally has to go through repeated selections, coupled with the coach's guidance, the members' diligent practice and tacit cooperation, and countless times of competition, to become a mature team.

Obviously, after the first half of the game, the basketball teams of the two schools were equally strong. What's more, the bullies of No. [-] Middle School played steadily. This is No. [-] Middle School's home court, so the players of No. [-] Middle School felt a little bit bitter.

However, as long as Brother Zai plays, all his strength will be turned into bubbles!
Chang Zai, the younger brothers next to him who had a good time together also stood up and warmed up.

The students in No. [-] Middle School were so angry, "You, you are not reasonable!"

"Where are all the team members replaced?"

What a rascal, they fought for so long, each of them lost more or less strength, and the opponent changed...

The red-haired boy Nong Zhiming snorted, "If you don't accept it, you can change it! No one is stopping you."

Ju An pursed her lips, she knew this Nong Zhiming.He is the second son of the director of Ruyi Garment Factory. He once pursued her enthusiastically after she became a female worker, and he didn't mind her even if her hand was injured.

At that time, Nong Zhiming's hair was dyed back, he looked like a dog, and his behavior was very different from now.

She didn't have any feelings for him, but with the help of the second room at home, everyone thought that something happened between them.

However, she never promised him anything until she left disfigured.

Nong Zhiming, as Chang Zai's younger brother, knows that Chang Zai cares about her, but still pursues her with great fanfare. What kind of thoughts are hidden in this?

The addition of Chang Zai and them directly made the game one-sided. Whenever Chang Zai got the ball and was not snatched away, he alone could throw the ball into the basket.

The careless way of dribbling the ball and the handsome posture of jumping up when throwing the ball caused the boys and girls in the playground to scream excitedly.

The voices became louder and louder each time, everyone seemed to have forgotten that this was a friendly match, and they all cheered for Chang Zai.

The scorekeeper of the No. [-] Middle School next to him didn't dare to sit down next to Ju An, and stood tremblingly at the side of the table, still an arm's length away.

When he flipped the scoreboard just now, he used his fingertips sideways.

Everyone laughed at him for being worthless, and Chang Zai was notorious. The students in No. [-] Middle School didn't really feel how evil Chang Zai was, so how could they scare people out of their wits?

Fortunately, Yizhong was tightly suppressed at this moment, and did not make any progress.

On the contrary, Ju An kept flipping signs...

At this time, she watched the young man in high spirits on the court openly.

It seems that he is dyed yellow, very picky, and there is a kind of boy group handsome in him, brilliant, willful and energetic.

If someone else has an ordinary appearance or has a more shabby skin, it will be self-defeating and become a failure case.

Ju An couldn't imagine how such a bright young man would suffer from severe depression?
During the break, Chang Zai strode over here, smiled and looked at the handkerchief tied on Ju An's wrist, "Student, I didn't think about playing, I forgot to bring a towel, can I borrow your handkerchief? "

As he spoke, he still supported the table with one hand, leaned forward, and slowly leaned his head towards Ju An.

He moved very fast, but here in Ju An, it seemed to be slowed down, she could feel his fiery breath on the side of her ear, and also heard his chuckle of satisfaction seeing her red ears.

He was teasing her, but when he got up, the other hand took out a bottle of mineral water from the cardboard box beside the table, unscrewed it, and drank it without attracting the attention of others.

Chang Zai turned his hands on the table with his palms up, "Student Ju An, the visitor is a guest. You see, I sweat so much. I can't get more points for you. I deliberately refuse to borrow a handkerchief, right?"

"Still, the students want more people to witness..."

Ju An knew that he would not give up until he achieved his goal, so he could only pull the handkerchief off his wrist and stuff it with the scoreboard to cover it.

There was a lot of noise on the playground, and the stadium was surrounded by water. No one noticed this little move of the two of them, except for the scorekeeper of the No. [-] Middle School who was shaking into pieces.

Chang Zai took it and turned around with a smile, put one hand in his pocket, and said directly to the basketball captain, "I'm exhausted, so I'll leave first, and I'll leave the rest to you..."

The score has been opened up a lot, even if he is not there, the No. [-] Middle School can still win.

The basketball captain of No. [-] Middle School wished he could send him to the gate.

The players of the No. [-] Middle School were so angry that when they played again, they went crazy. They didn't allow the players of the No. [-] Middle School to score a goal.

At the end of the game, when she was packing up her things, Huang Shanshan came over, looked at Ju An with her chest in her arms, and gritted her teeth:

"It looks like a man likes you and is pitiful. Let me tell you, brother Zai won't like you, so don't be sentimental!"

"Our Huang family is a well-known figure in N City. Brother Zai is not something that an ordinary person like you can imagine."

"Otherwise, I want your house to look good!"

Ju An took a look at her, and wrote on the paper, "Now is a society ruled by law, your Huang family is powerful, and you can't cover the sky with one hand."My family works in the Railway Construction Bureau, and they are dual-employees. The Railway Construction Bureau does not belong to the local government, so I am not afraid!
Huang Shanshan was furious when she saw that!

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